Performance and Development Culture Preparing for P&D Culture accreditation April 2008
1. Induction program for teachers new to the school 2. Use of multiple sources of feedback 3. Customised individual teacher development plans 4. Quality professional development 5. Belief by teachers that the school has a performance and development culture Performance and Development Culture Elements
Steps in the Accreditation Process Online teacher survey - PDCQ Written application School decides next steps with region Verification Step One Verification Step Two ACCREDITATION
External Verification: Step One On-line staff survey (PDCQ) Recommended response rate 90% teaching staff PDCQ Data Report forwarded to Principal and Region Data analysis and consultation with SEO to inform decision to proceed with application
External Verification: Step Two Application supported by documentation & evidence: 5 elements Describe current practice Evaluate that practice Provide sample documentation Verifiers phone / visit school Verification report with recommendations
Feedback from Schools “The process was a vehicle for us to formalise our practices, policies and procedures, and for us to celebrate the great work we are doing at the school.” “For our school this has been an excellent process and we believe that our school has improved the organisational health of the school by involving staff in the decision making components of P&D Culture.”
The school: has a comprehensive set of induction materials, which are kept up to date ensures that all new teachers participate in an effective induction program, which includes mentoring provides training for staff involved in mentoring and induction monitors and evaluates the induction program on a regular basis ensures that induction and mentoring programs are aligned with VIT and DEECD guidelines Element 1 Induction
PDCQ Element 1 Who completes this section of the questionnaire? Teachers who have joined the school staff, or rejoined the school staff after a substantial period of absence (e.g. more than one year), during the past two years
Possible Documentation Induction policy Induction program and timeline Orientation day agenda A mentor or mentoree’s evaluation of the support provided Guidelines for mentors
Element 2: Multiple sources of feedback The school: ensures that all teachers participate in a feedback program that uses at least 3 data sources including student outcomes data has institutionalised the use of multiple sources of data for teacher development evaluates its feedback program on a regular basis
student outcomes data – academic, personal attributes, qualities as a learner (mandatory) student feedback student self-assessment parent feedback peer observation data attendance data Examples of feedback sources
Statewide testing and teacher judgements eg. AIM, VELS, VCE, VET, VCAL, GAT, literacy and numeracy assessments Attendance and retention Student surveys Student Attitude to School survey PoLT surveys On Track data Class surveys Student self-assessment Peer assessment Student outcomes data
Classroom observation and follow-up reflection Team teaching and reflection Moderation of student work Professional learning team discussions around student data P&D review discussions Feedback from a critical friend Staff Opinion survey data Video and audio technology Peer feedback – some examples
Parent Opinion Survey Internal parent surveys Parent interviews and conversations Communication books Individual Learning Plans Parent feedback
Possible documentation Discussions and written feedback from Performance and Development meetings Student surveys Parent surveys Records of classroom observations Analysis of student outcomes data Professional Learning Team agenda or minutes Specialist or student teacher feedback
Element 3: Individual development plans The school: has current, individually customised development plans for all teachers, informed by multi source feedback regularly reviews and/or updates individual teacher development plans aligns individual teacher development plans to school priorities and improved student learning
Possible documentation Sample individual performance and development review form Performance and development review process/timeline Guidelines for reviewers/critical friends Protocols for review meetings Evaluation of the planning process
Element 4: Quality professional development The school: ensures that all teachers participate in a structured PD program, which is explicitly linked to both individual needs and to school priorities has high quality PD at both group and individual level can demonstrate skill or knowledge transfer into the classroom and positive impact on students links PD to career and succession planning and teacher’s future aspirations ensures that its PD program reflects the Principles of Highly Effective Professional Learning effectively implements PD policy and guidelines evaluates PD programs annually
Possible documentation for the application PD schedule of activities Completed professional learning evaluation form Professional learning team agenda and/or minutes Whole-school/team/individual professional learning program Evaluation of outcomes of the PD program PD policy
The school has over 75% of teachers who feel that the school supports individual professional growth and development Element 5: Staff belief
Possible documentation Staff survey data, quantitative and qualitative Staff meeting agendas that focus on teamwork, data analysis and improving teacher practice Professional learning team reflections and minutes Role and responsibility statements Feedback on performance and development processes Flowchart of school’s communication / feedback / decision making processes
P&D Culture Resources Website panddc/default.htm Self Assessment Framework and Pack Reference School and other case studies Application guidelines The 7 Principles of Highly Effective Professional Learning rn/teacher/ProfLearningInEffectiveSchools.pdftp:// rn/teacher/ProfLearningInEffectiveSchools.pdf 10 statewide Reference Schools Partner schools and other accredited schools SEOs and other regional contacts