Annamari Ylonen (Evaluation Officer) Evaluation of the project
Aims of evaluation Evaluation will focus on assessing these project aims: Aim to enhance the achievement of pupils identified with MLD at KS3 (academic, cognitive, motivational and well-being aspects) Aim to enhance the professional development of participating teachers Aim to enhance curriculum and pedagogic development and self-development capacity in participating classes and schools A separate, but interlinked aim is to: Evaluate the usefulness of the MLD category Identification of pupils with MLD: - Recorded in annual census last January; using the Government descriptor of MLD - Pupils at School Action Plus or with Statements, where MLD was main area of SEN
Pupil level evaluation All case pupils will be assessed twice during Phase 1 and once after Phase 1 (baseline assessment and assessment after intervention): British Ability Scales – verbal/non-verbal cognitive ability (matrices, word similarities, reading, spelling test) MALS (Myself-as-Learner-Scale) – self-concept as a learner Resiliency scales – coping in adversity. Personal attributes to assess e.g. optimism, adaptability, sense of trust and comfort with others Attitudes to class and school survey In addition: Attainment assessment by teachers Pupil behaviour in class survey filled in by teachers Pupil interviews by the evaluation team
Teacher level evaluation Focus on evaluating the impact of Lesson Study on participating teachers (e.g. opinions of teachers about LS and how it affects teaching & learning; professional development) Focus on the impact of LS on pupils as assessed by teachers How? 1.Continuous assessment by teachers themselves throughout the project (e.g. records, notes, video recordings) 2.Assessment by the evaluation staff by using surveys (e.g. an online survey tool, Survey-Monkey) and interviews 3.Assessment after LS has been introduced – focus on changes
Class/School level evaluation Impact of Lesson Study on participating classes: o Teaching, classroom practices – impact on class cohesion, class dynamics, pupil-pupil relationships, teacher-pupil relationships, inclusion, behaviour... Impact of Lesson Study on participating schools: o Organisation of SEN, general atmosphere, ethos, work ethic, changes, e.g. a shift into a more ‘inclusive school’? How? 1.Assessment by teachers themselves throughout the project (e.g. as part of the Lesson Study method) 2.Assessment by the evaluation staff by using surveys and interviews 3.Observations by the evaluation team of classes and LS teams 4.Assessment after intervention – focus on changes
In conclusion The evaluation of the Lesson Study and MLD project will be ongoing for the duration of the project Evaluation is an important part of the project as it aims to assess whether the overall project aims have been met Outcomes of evaluation will be used to: Raise awareness about MLD and its definition and use (e.g. as a SEN category, needs of pupils, impact on pupils/teachers/schools) Raise awareness of the Lesson Study Methodology both nationally and internationally
School visits The project website: