Ministry of Agriculture Department of Agriculture & Cooperation National Food Security Mission - An Evaluation by Committee on Agriculture 18.6.2015 Ministry of Agriculture Department of Agriculture & Cooperation National Food Security Mission
Objective To increase production of rice, wheat, pulses and coarse cereals through area expansion and productivity enhancement Restoring soil fertility and productivity at the individual farm level; and Enhancing farm level economy (farm profit) to restore confidence amongst the farmers. 2 National Food Security Mission
Salient Features Initiated in 2007-08 with allocation of Rs 4880 crore in XI Plan Target of additional foodgrain production of 20 million tonnes (MT) during XI plan. (10 - rice, 8 - wheat & 2- pulses) Targets of additional foodgrain production of 25 MT (10 rice, 8 wheat , 4 pulses and 3 coarse cereals) during XII plan Focus on districts with productivity of rice/wheat below State average & potential for area expansion and productivity Focus on pulses 3 National Food Security Mission
Production Targets and Achievements for XI and Targets for XII Plan NFSM Component XI Plan XII Plan Target of additional production during terminal year of XI Plan 2006-07 ( pre-NFSM year) 2011-12 ( Terminal year of XI Plan) Increase Target of production during terminal year of XII Plan Rice 10 93.36 105.30 11.94 Wheat 8 75.81 94.88 19.07 Pulses 2 14.20 17.09 2.89 4 Coarse Cereals* - 3 Total Foodgrain 20 217.29 259.29 42.00 25 Note : * Coarse Cereals included under NFSM in 12th Plan 4 National Food Security Mission
Eligibility Criteria for Districts NFSM-Rice : Districts having rice crop area exceeding 50,000 hectares and with yield below state average. NFSM-Wheat: Districts with area more than 50,000 ha. and yield below state average NFSM-Pulses : All districts of 27 states (except Kerala) including North Eastern states and hilly states NFSM Coarse Cereals: The districts covering 70% of the total coarse cereals area of the state 5 National Food Security Mission
Coverage XI Plan Crops: rice, wheat and pulses Districts: 482 Districts of 19 States Pending approval of revised NFSM for XII Plan during 2012-13 and 2013-14 NFSM continued as per XI plan guidelines. However, during these years some more states and districts were added From 2014-15 NFSM implemented in 623 districts of all 28 States Coarse cereals and commercial crops have also been included 6 National Food Security Mission
NFSM Coverage Contd.. 7 National Food Security Mission
Special Focus on Pulses Accelerated Pulses Production Programme (A3P) was launched from Kharif 2010 From 2012-13, additional allocation has been made every year for rabi and summer pulses. Involvement of ICRISAT, ICARDA and IIPR Around 50 percent of total allocation under NFSM is earmarked for pulses 8 National Food Security Mission
Actual Expenditure (Release) Allocation of Rs. 12350 crore in XII Plan as compared to Rs. 4480 crore in XI Plan Year Approved by CCEA Allocation Actual Expenditure (Release) BE RE 2012-13 1850.00 1763.57 1725.65 2013-14 2250.00 2044.85 2027.08 2014-15 2700.00 2207.00 1830.00 1872.76 2015-16 2800.00 1300.00 2016-17 2750.00 9 National Food Security Mission
Activities under NFSM Cluster demonstrations Seed distribution Demonstration of improved crop production technologies Subsidy for farm mechanisation & irrigation Training of farmers 10 National Food Security Mission
Evaluation The mid-term evaluation report says: Mid Term Evaluation: The Mid-Term Evaluation of NFSM was done by an independent agency. The mid-term evaluation report says: "The Mission Programme has helped to widen the food basket of the country. The Mission could accomplish the targeted additional production of 20 million tonnes within 4 years of its implementation. 11 National Food Security Mission
Evaluation of NFSM at the end of XIth Plan The evaluation report says The outcome of the report indicated that the Mission has helped in widening the food basket of the country with sizeable contributions coming from the NFSM districts. The focused and target oriented implementation of mission initiatives has resulted in bumper production of rice, wheat and pulses. The various interventions of the mission have been instrumental in bringing about significant yield gain to the farmers resulting into increase in their income level. 12 National Food Security Mission
Approach in XII Plan Inclusion of coarse cereals Cropping system approach – 30% crop demonstrations will be under this approach. Cafeteria of interventions for cluster demonstrations. Inclusion of commercial crops (jute, sugarcane and cotton) -Emphasis on inter-cropping. Emphasis on pulses. Funds to be released to State treasuries, who will release to State implementing agencies. 13 National Food Security Mission
Schemes subsumed with NFSM in XII Plan Name of Scheme/Programme Crops included under NFSM Initiative for Nutritional Security through Intensive Millets Promotion (INSIMP) Millets Integrated Scheme of Oilseeds, Pulses, Oil palm and Maize ( ISOPOM) Maize Accelerated Fodder Development Programme (AFDP) Dual purpose coarse cereals Technology Mission on Cotton (TMC) Cotton Jute Technology Mission (JTM) Jute 14 National Food Security Mission
New Initiatives included in Revised NFSM Strategic Research Project- SAUs, ICAR Institutes & International organizations Support to institutes/ organizations including NGOs for demonstration of improved crop production technologies in remote Areas Value Chain Integration for small farmers through formation of FPO Assistance of Custom Hiring Marketing support for pulses and millets (insurance cover, dal mill, millet processing unit) 15 National Food Security Mission
Areas of concern Massive reduction in allocation from Rs. 2800 crore approved by CCEA to Rs. 1300 crore in BE 2015-16 States may not contribute 50% share Release of funds through State Treasuries may lead to delays in implementation 16 National Food Security Mission
Areas of concern …. contd Lack of new varieties of seeds Inadequate field staff in States Insufficient procurement of rice in eastern India Lack of procurement of pulses and coarse cereals throughout the country. 17 National Food Security Mission
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