WHERE ARE WE? « The hexagon » as we call it, is separated from the United Kingdom by the English Channel. We can offer the tourists 3427km of beaches! Area: km2 ;3rd largest european country after Russia and Ukraine, and 48th in the world. We have natural borders with Italy (the Alps), Switzerland (the Jura), Germany (The River Rhine) and Spain (the Pyrénées). Luxemburg and Belgium are also our neighbour countries. Population: inhabitants. France is a country of mixed cultures due to its numerous immigrants from everywhere in the world and to the migration from its colonies overseas. (Corsica, Saint Pierre- et- Miquelon, French Guyana, The French West Indies (Martinique, Guadeloupe, ) Mayotte, La Réunion, in the Indian Ocean, French Polynesia (Tahiti), New Caledonia, Wallis and Futuna).
Regions and « départements » France is divided into 22 administrative regions. Each region is composed of several « départements ». Each « département » provides for local expenses. Our region is « Languedoc-Roussillon and our « département » is « Lozère »; Langogne is north of Mende.
Our flag and symbols (1) On the 14th July 1789 the Parisians assaulted « La Bastille », a state prison, the symbol of despotism of the Ancient Regime. The high taxes imposed on them by Louis XVI triggered off the riot. The French flag has existed since the French Revolution: 14 July Our National Day, 14 July, commemorates the storming of « La Bastille ». « Blue and red » stand for the colours of Paris, the capital of France. « White » stands for monarchy. The bust of « Marianne » is a symbolic representation of the motherhood spirit: healing, peaceful, nourishing and protecting. She is present in Town Halls. She also figures on coins and stamps… Riot on 14th July 1789 Laetitia Casta, top model and actress, was the model for this « Marianne »
More symbols « Liberty, Equality, Brotherhood »: this motto is the principle of the Republic. « The cock » symbolizes Gaule, the name given to our country before it was called « France ».It comes from the latin « gallius » which means « a cock » « The Marseillaise », 1792: our national anthem. It is a war song for the Rhine Army. « The Declaration of Man and Citizens Rights »: it was written just after the Revolution. French « haute cuisine », high quality wines (Bordeaux, Bourgogne…) and Champagne! Perfume: Dior, Chanel, Yves Saint Laurent, Cardin, Courrèges, Sonia Rykiel, Cacharel… The Eiffel Tower: It was built in 1889 by Gustave Eiffel for the Universal Exhibition; it is 325m high and 6,893 million tourists visited it in « The River Loire castles » ( Chambord, Blois Chenonceau…) and Louis XIVs « Château de Versailles ».
HERITAGEAND TECHNOLOGY The « Château de Versailles »: Louis XIV had it built. He made himself be called « the Sun King ». The gardens of Versailles, in « the French way » The « TGV »: 3 April 2007 the High Speed Train broke the speed record: km/h Leading aircraft industry in. The A380 carries 565 passengers.
THE VIADUCT OF MILLAU A large cable- stayed road- bridge that spans over the valley of the River Tarn. the tallest in the world: the masts summit is 343m high. The longest: 2460 m. The highest pylons: m The higest road bridge deck: 270m above the river.
Notre Dame de Paris and Les Champs Elysées Notre Dame de Paris: Probably one of the most beautiful cathedrals in Gothic style. Its façade dominates John Pauls II square. The longest avenue in the world.
Au revoir! * Je vais manger mes escargots et mes cuisses de grenouille! *Translation: « Good bye! Im going to eat my snails and my frog legs! » How we are seen abroad… The béret basque (1) A bottle of wine (2) « baguette » is how we call this shaped bread (1) « basque » is the name of a region on the Atlantic coast, near the Pyrénées. A « baguette »