AP Human Geography
There are large disparities between MDC’s and LDC’s. Economy/ Wealth Education Health Care Equality between Genders
Promote development from within Reducing poverty more important that a few becoming wealthy. All residents benefit from development equally Reduce competition so businesses within LDC’s can thrive. Govt. supports struggling companies w. subsides. Barriers keep imports out Tariffs (import taxes) Quotas Legal licenses
Rostow’s Development Model Focus on specialized resource/ services that others are willing to buy (takeoff industry) Use profits to develop country Other industries then grow Examples: Four Asian Dragons (Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong, S. Korea) focus on manufacturing (clothing, electronics) Arabian Peninsula focuses on oil
Self- Sufficiency Model Protection of bad businesses Low quality goods No price change Lack of technology International Trade Model Unequal distribution of wealth Dependence on MDC’s Demand may decline
IMF Rebuild reserves Stabilize currency exchange rates Not used for specific projects World Bank Develop governments and legal institutions Financial institutions Transportation Social projects
Not really. MDC’s remain wealthy, powerful, and in control. LDC’s often default on loans Forced to create a structural adjustment program Conditions may worsen under SAPs. Areas of need may be cut (health, education, social services) “The Earth’s poorest people are punished for crimes they didn’t commit.”