Why Excavate? “Archaeology is Destruction” Mortimer Wheeler. To obtain material for radiometric dating. To obtain evidence relating to subsistence economy. To obtain evidence relating to household composition. To obtain information relating to culture – religion, artifact types, decorative styles, etc. To obtain skeletal material which reveals information related to health, mortuary practices, personal movements.
Excavation Strategy If No Surface Indications (Phase I): Phosphate Testing. Shovel Testing (Hunter-Gatherer Archaeology) Wall Scraping (Southwestern Archaeology). Digging of test pits chosen by sampling strategy. Phase II Expansion of excavation areas based on data gathered during Phase I.
Mount Sandel, Co. Derry, Ireland Mesolithic Settlement (7,000 BC) Excavator: Peter Woodman
If There are Surface Indications Large Area Excavations Trenching Step Excavations
Mortimer Wheeler’s Box Grid Technique Maiden Castle, Dorset, Excavated
Dysart O’Dea, Co. Clare, Ireland dysartm The site prior to excavation
The site following excavation
Excavating the lime kiln (18 th cent.)
Excavating in front of the bread oven
Tracing the bawn wall Neolithic stone axe recovered from a grike.
Plan of structure and castle grounds