Welcome Lime class (year 3/4) Information for Parents Mr Fonth September 2013
Reading Writing and Maths Reading - Children will receive one guided reading session with the teacher plus one individual reading session with a parent helper per week. Please listen to your child read at home as often as possible and record it in their journal. Writing - Children will study a wide variety of genres including stories in imaginary worlds, information texts, play scripts and persuasive texts. During a unit your child’s skill in composition and grammar will be gradually built-up so they are able to produce their own piece of writing in each specific genre. Maths - Children will be taught fundamental mathematical concepts such as place value, properties of number, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, shape and space, data handling and mental maths techniques. There will also be a strong focus on learning times tables.
Please note that children will always have a Maths and English target that will be changed once achieved. This will be stuck into their exercise book and then copied into their journal so that you can help them with it at home. For example... Maths Know + and − facts to 20 by heart Do simple divisions, such as 27 ÷ 5 Tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes English Remember to use capital letters and full stops Start your sentences in different ways Check your spellings. Use a dictionary if necessary Target Setting
Science - Electricity, Materials, Keeping Warm, Moving and Growing, Solids and Liquids, Friction ICT - Images Video and Animation, Data Handling, Simulations and Spreadsheets, Data Logging, Sound, Final Project PE - Invasion Games, Gymnastics, Net/Wall Games, Dance, Striking/Field Games, Athletics Geography/History - Settlements, Tudors, Environmental Issues, Egypt Art/DT - Digital Art, Christmas Art, Textiles, Viewfinders, Pop-up Books, Sculptures RE - Hinduism, God, Islam, Jesus, Buddhism, Church French - A scheme of work to develop children’s basic French skills will be followed. Singing - Year 3s with Mrs Farnworth on Thu mornings before break. Year 4s with Mr Fonth Swimming - Children who cannot yet swim a length will go swimming on Thursday mornings after break. Children who can will do outdoor PE instead. The Wider Curriculum
Behaviour and expectations Always try your best Put your hand up if you want to talk Be polite and remember your manners Look and listen to whoever is speaking Talk quietly in the classroom Rewards 1. Credits, Merits and Badges 2. Star of the Week 3. Stickers/Raffle tickets Consequences 1. Traffic light chart 2. Thinking time 3. Call / text home
Homework Spellings and Maths homework will be given out on Friday to be handed in the following Wednesday in preparation for spelling and times tables tests on Friday. A topic based learning log task will be set once every two weeks, given out on a Friday to be handed in on the 2nd Wednesday after it was set. Big Talk for Big Write once a fortnight, given out Thursday in preparation for Big Write on Friday. Finally don’t forget reading at home to an adult (aim for at least 4 times a week).
Uniform Boys Grey or Black trousers White Polo Shirt Royal Blue Sweatshirt Black shoes not trainers Girls Grey or Black trousers/Skirt White Polo Shirt Royal Blue Sweatshirt Black shoes not trainers/boots
PE Kits Indoor kit (Mondays) - Pumps, White t-shirt and dark shorts Outdoor kit (Thursdays) - Swimming trunks (not bermuda shorts) OR Trainers, Jogging bottoms, t-shirt and sweatshirt
Thank you for coming I hope this session has been useful I hope this session has been useful Any Questions?