Bay Area Center for International Trade Development Resources for International Trade Development Presentation by Christopher Lynch November 9, 2004 C LYNCH INTERNATIONAL
2 International World Bank –Information on developing country economies –Finances projects many of which have open procurement International Finance Corporation (IFC) –Promotes private sector with project finance loans and guarantees Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) –Insures Private sector investments
3 International Multilateral Development Banks (MDB’s) Asian Development Bank Inter-American Development Bank African Development Bank European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
4 International Foreign Embassies and Consulates –Good for networking and meeting foreign delegations –However their mission is to sell foreign products to the US (great for importers) Economic Development Agencies –Mission to promote US investment in their own country/region/city –Good for networking and meeting foreign delegations
5 Regional Bay Area World Trade Center Good information and excellent bulletin board Classes Delegations and Visits Lobbying
6 Regional Monterey Bay International Trade Association North Bay World Trade Association Software Development Forum International SIG Silicon Valley Association of Startup Entrepreneurs International
7 Regional Bilateral Chambers of Commerce –Example: German-American Business Association of California –Good for networking, events and meeting delegations
8 Regional Trade Associations –Excellent for product specific information –May have market surveys –Good for networking and finding contacts
9 Local Chambers of Commerce Oakland and San Jose have limited programs San Francisco has International Business Alliance ernational_business_alliance.htm ernational_business_alliance.htm – excellent for networking
10 Local Your Public Library –They can help you find anything on the web –Usually have access to D&B and other directories for free
11 Specialized Resources Consultants Logistics Companies Banks Law Firms Trade Publications