Gridded Data Interoperability for the Integrated Ocean Observing System Rich Signell USGS Woods Hole/NOAA Silver Spring USA USGS CDI Web Meeting: Oct 22,


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Presentation transcript:

Gridded Data Interoperability for the Integrated Ocean Observing System Rich Signell USGS Woods Hole/NOAA Silver Spring USA USGS CDI Web Meeting: Oct 22, 2009 Rich Signell USGS Woods Hole/NOAA Silver Spring USA USGS CDI Web Meeting: Oct 22, 2009

US Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS ® ) IOOS ® Plan defines: IOOS ® Plan defines: Global ComponentGlobal Component Coastal ComponentCoastal Component  17 Federal Agencies  11 Regional Associations

IOOS Legislation Part of HR146: “Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009”, signed by Obama on March 30, 2009 Major step for IOOS, establishing a formal program by law, therefore not vulnerable to possible changing priorities at NOAA Makes the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) the System's lead federal agency. Recognizes Regional Associations, and sets forth the requirements to be certified Provides liability coverage to the regions for data dissemination … But does not provide funding

Legislation states that IOOS shall: Support national defense, marine commerce, navigation safety, weather, climate, and marine forecasting, energy siting and production, economic development, ecosystem-based resource management, public safety and public outreach training and education Promote awareness of ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes resources Promote basic and applied scientific research Improve the ability to measure, track, explain, and predict weather and climate change and natural climate variability.

IOOS ® Subsystems Observing Systems Data Management and Communications (DMAC) Modeling and Analysis In-situ & remotely sensed ocean information Decision support tools to aid informed and timely decision making Effectively & Efficiently links ocean information to user applications

DMAC Core Principles Adopt open standards & practices Avoid proprietary protocols or technologies Avoid customer-specific stovepipes Adopt open standards & practices Avoid proprietary protocols or technologies Avoid customer-specific stovepipes 6 Customer Web access service DataProvider Observations Models

Data Management Model Standardized access services implemented at data providers Customers starting to ingest data from these services Standardized access services implemented at data providers Customers starting to ingest data from these services Customer accessservice DataProvider Observations Models

Sensor Systems In situ observations OGC SOS (SensorObservationService) Table of Contents Metadata Data Values DataProvider Metadata QualityControl Observations

Maps of Data OGC WMS (WebMapService) Table of Contents GeoreferencedImages DataProvider satellite HF radar modeloutputs In situ observations

HF radar Gridded Data and Model Outputs Table of Contents Metadata Data Values DataProvider CF Metadata QualityControl satellite griddedmodeloutputs OGC WCS (WebCoverageService) CF+OPeNDAP CF+OPeNDAP

Federated –Several Data Assembly Centers Each supports particular Organization, Region, Theme,... Standardized service interfaces –Shared components Registry, Catalog, Viewer, … Federated –Several Data Assembly Centers Each supports particular Organization, Region, Theme,... Standardized service interfaces –Shared components Registry, Catalog, Viewer, … Federated, Service-Oriented Architecture Monolithic –All data in single warehouse –All services provided by warehouse Fully distributed –Every data provider adopts the same services Catalog Registry Viewer DAC 5 DAC 2 DAC 3 DAC 4 DAC 1 Global DAC CatalogRegistryViewer Midway between these extremes

NOAA IOOS Program Model Data Interoperability for US IOOS (In 12 months or less) Rich Signell USGS Woods Hole/NOAA Silver Spring USA CSIRO Brief: April 6, 2009 Rich Signell USGS Woods Hole/NOAA Silver Spring USA CSIRO Brief: April 6, 2009

The Problem: Stovepiped Model Access

Result: Inability to compare and assess model results & underutilization of model products The GoMOOS Nowcast/Forecast Circulation Model (University of Maine)

The Interoperability Experiment on Model Data in the Gulf of Maine Gulf of Maine Ocean Data Partnership Modeling Committee: Five different groups (UMAINE, UMASS, BIO, WHOI and UNH) Each group had: –A different oceanographic, met or wave model: POM, ECOM, ROMS, WaveWatch 3, WRF –A different toolkit for analysis But each group also had: –NetCDF output files –A public web server (HTTP/1.1) Gulf of Maine Ocean Data Partnership Modeling Committee: Five different groups (UMAINE, UMASS, BIO, WHOI and UNH) Each group had: –A different oceanographic, met or wave model: POM, ECOM, ROMS, WaveWatch 3, WRF –A different toolkit for analysis But each group also had: –NetCDF output files –A public web server (HTTP/1.1)

A Simple NetCDF File

NetCDF Machine independent, self-describing, binary format for multidimensional scientific data Efficient hyperslab extraction of data – nc_varget(file,var,corner,edge,stride) – nc_varget(‘’,’topo’,[0 0],[20 30],[1 2]) Unidata interfaces: Fortran, C, C++, Java Third party interfaces: Perl, IDL, Python, Matlab MIT-style license, supported by NSF at Unidata Machine independent, self-describing, binary format for multidimensional scientific data Efficient hyperslab extraction of data – nc_varget(file,var,corner,edge,stride) – nc_varget(‘’,’topo’,[0 0],[20 30],[1 2]) Unidata interfaces: Fortran, C, C++, Java Third party interfaces: Perl, IDL, Python, Matlab MIT-style license, supported by NSF at Unidata

OPeNDAP (f.k.a. DODS) Open-source Project for a Network Data Access Protocol: delivery of multidimensional scientific data via http OPeNDAP allows efficient slicing from data via the web, just as NetCDF works for local files. ETOPO2v2?topo[0:19][0:29] Open-source Project for a Network Data Access Protocol: delivery of multidimensional scientific data via http OPeNDAP allows efficient slicing from data via the web, just as NetCDF works for local files. ETOPO2v2?topo[0:19][0:29]

Issue: Ocean grids are not regularly spaced! Stretched surface and terrain following vertical coordinates Curvilinear orthogonal horizontal coordinates

NetCDF Climate and Forecast (CF) Conventions provide a solution Groups using CF: GO-ESSP: Global Organization for Earth System Science Portal IOOS: Integrated Ocean Observing System ESMF: Earth System Modeling Framework OGC: Open Geospatial Consortium (GALEON: WCS profile)

CF Conventions for horizontal coordinates

CF Conventions for stretched vertical coordinates

CF-Compliant ROMS File

NcML to the Rescue! (XML markup language for NetCDF)

THREDDS Data Server

NcML to the Rescue! (XML markup language for NetCDF)

ROMS POM WW3 WRF ECOM NcML Unidata Common Data Model OPeNDAP OGC WMS NetCDF Subset Service THREDDS Data Server Standardized (CF) & Aggregated Virtual Datasets Nonstandard Output Files Web Services Data Interoperability System Design Matlab Godiva2 Panoply IDV ERDDAP Standard Clients NetCDF -Java API NcML, NetCDF-Java and THREDDS Data Server built and supported by Unidata under NSF-support ArcGIS OGC WCS

NJ Toolkit for Matlab Objective: Make it simple to access CF data Example function: [t, geo]=nj_tslice(URI,’temp’,1); t = 22x120x180 single geo = –lat: [120x180 single] –lon: [120x180 single] – z: [22x120x180 double] –time: (matlab datenum) nj_tslice works identically for ROMS, POM, ECOM, WRF, Wavewatch3 URI can be: local NetCDF, remote NetCDF, NcML, OpenDAP Data URL Mostly by Sachin Kumar Bhate MSSTATE Objective: Make it simple to access CF data Example function: [t, geo]=nj_tslice(URI,’temp’,1); t = 22x120x180 single geo = –lat: [120x180 single] –lon: [120x180 single] – z: [22x120x180 double] –time: (matlab datenum) nj_tslice works identically for ROMS, POM, ECOM, WRF, Wavewatch3 URI can be: local NetCDF, remote NetCDF, NcML, OpenDAP Data URL Mostly by Sachin Kumar Bhate MSSTATE


Web Mapping Service with ncWMS

3D visualization of data with IDV

Comparing Models with Data in Matlab Model 1: UMASS-ECOM Model 2: UMAINE-POM Data: SST 2008-Sep-08 07:32

Comparing Models with Data in Matlab

Jim Manning’s drifter comparison


Web Mapping Service with ncWMS

Working with Data in ArcGIS using the NOAA/ASA Environmental Data Connector

Extract to multiple formats using ERDDAP

Extracting Bathymetry Data: Step1: Browse for OpenDAP URL

Extracting Bathy Data: Step 2: Use cf_subsetGrid.m with OpenDAP URL


Using Mirone for Bathymetry

Exported from Mirone to Iview3D

Summary What did we get through the use of this approach? –Standards-based delivery of aggregated model data with minimal burden on the data provider –Single point of access for regional model results –Model data interoperability via standard software –Multiple modes of access for users –More eyes on the model results –More usage of model results –Faster feedback to modelers –Improved models! We now have an IOOS THREDDS Catalog that points to 17 THREDDS servers running in all 11 IOOS Regions This approach can be applied to any gridded data What did we get through the use of this approach? –Standards-based delivery of aggregated model data with minimal burden on the data provider –Single point of access for regional model results –Model data interoperability via standard software –Multiple modes of access for users –More eyes on the model results –More usage of model results –Faster feedback to modelers –Improved models! We now have an IOOS THREDDS Catalog that points to 17 THREDDS servers running in all 11 IOOS Regions This approach can be applied to any gridded data

Ocean Model Native Grid Type #2 (triangular unstructured grid)

Immediate Ocean Modeling Infrastructure Needs Develop support for unstructured grids: Need a new Scientific Feature type in the CDM, new class and methods in NetCDF-Java, delivery via WMS in TDS, and visualization in IDV. Develop protocols and back end software in the TDS to allow server side functions such as subsetting and averaging functions. More standardized tool development (e.g. virtual instrument suite) Strengthen ties between Unidata, the Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS), and the NSF-sponsored Ocean Observing Initiative CyberInfrastructure (OOI- CI) project. Develop support for unstructured grids: Need a new Scientific Feature type in the CDM, new class and methods in NetCDF-Java, delivery via WMS in TDS, and visualization in IDV. Develop protocols and back end software in the TDS to allow server side functions such as subsetting and averaging functions. More standardized tool development (e.g. virtual instrument suite) Strengthen ties between Unidata, the Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS), and the NSF-sponsored Ocean Observing Initiative CyberInfrastructure (OOI- CI) project.

Questions, Feedback? Dr. Richard P. Signell +1 (508) Try the NJ Toolkit for Matlab:

Glossary (1/6) CF Conventions: NetCDF Climate and Forecast Metadata Conventions (Standards for identifying geospatial coordinates in NetCDF files and grid relationships) DMAC: Data Management And Communications subsystem (One of three subsystems of IOOS, providing the infrastructure that will link the Observing and the Modeling and Applications subsystems) ECOM: Estuarine, Coastal, and Ocean Model. (3D ocean circulation model developed principally by Alan Blumberg) ERDDAP: Environmental Research Division's Data Access Program (A web service that aggregates data from diverse remote sources and offers a simple, consistent way to access the data) CF Conventions: NetCDF Climate and Forecast Metadata Conventions (Standards for identifying geospatial coordinates in NetCDF files and grid relationships) DMAC: Data Management And Communications subsystem (One of three subsystems of IOOS, providing the infrastructure that will link the Observing and the Modeling and Applications subsystems) ECOM: Estuarine, Coastal, and Ocean Model. (3D ocean circulation model developed principally by Alan Blumberg) ERDDAP: Environmental Research Division's Data Access Program (A web service that aggregates data from diverse remote sources and offers a simple, consistent way to access the data)

Glossary (2/6) ESMF: Earth System Modeling Framework (Software for building and coupling weather, climate, and related models) GO-ESSP: Global Organization for Earth System Science Portal (Collaboration designed to develop a new generation of software infrastructure that will provide distributed access to observed and simulated data from the climate and weather communities) IDV: Integrated Data Viewer (Java-based software for analyzing and visualizing geoscience data) IOOS: Integrated Ocean Observing System (Multidisciplinary system designed to collect, deliver, and use ocean information) IWGOO: Interagency Working Group on Ocean Observations ESMF: Earth System Modeling Framework (Software for building and coupling weather, climate, and related models) GO-ESSP: Global Organization for Earth System Science Portal (Collaboration designed to develop a new generation of software infrastructure that will provide distributed access to observed and simulated data from the climate and weather communities) IDV: Integrated Data Viewer (Java-based software for analyzing and visualizing geoscience data) IOOS: Integrated Ocean Observing System (Multidisciplinary system designed to collect, deliver, and use ocean information) IWGOO: Interagency Working Group on Ocean Observations

Glossary (3/6) MAST: Modeling and Analysis Steering Team (Guide the development of ocean and coastal modeling activities in support of the goals of IOOS) NcWMS: Web Map Service (ncWMS is a Web Map Service for geospatial data that are stored in CF-compliant NetCDF files. ) NcML: NetCDF Markup Language (Used to standardize and aggregate non-standard NetCDF files) NetCDF-Java: NetCDF-Java Library (Library that takes advantage of CF conventions, NcML to facilitate building standards-based clients) MAST: Modeling and Analysis Steering Team (Guide the development of ocean and coastal modeling activities in support of the goals of IOOS) NcWMS: Web Map Service (ncWMS is a Web Map Service for geospatial data that are stored in CF-compliant NetCDF files. ) NcML: NetCDF Markup Language (Used to standardize and aggregate non-standard NetCDF files) NetCDF-Java: NetCDF-Java Library (Library that takes advantage of CF conventions, NcML to facilitate building standards-based clients)

Glossary (4/6) NSF: National Science Foundation (independent federal agency created by Congress in 1950 "to promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare; to secure the national defense…“) OpenDap: Open-source Project for a Network Data Access Protocol (allows efficient hyperslabbing of geospatial data) POM: Princeton Ocean Model (Sigma coordinate, free surface ocean model with embedded turbulence and wave sub-models, and wet-dry capability) RCOOS: Regional Coastal Ocean Observing System (Generic term for one of the 11 regional observing systems in IOOS) NSF: National Science Foundation (independent federal agency created by Congress in 1950 "to promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare; to secure the national defense…“) OpenDap: Open-source Project for a Network Data Access Protocol (allows efficient hyperslabbing of geospatial data) POM: Princeton Ocean Model (Sigma coordinate, free surface ocean model with embedded turbulence and wave sub-models, and wet-dry capability) RCOOS: Regional Coastal Ocean Observing System (Generic term for one of the 11 regional observing systems in IOOS)

Glossary (5/6) ROMS: Regional Ocean Modeling System (A free-surface, terrain-following, primitive equations ocean model widely used by the scientific community for a diverse range of applications) SCCOOS: Southern California Coastal Ocean Observing System (Brings together coastal observations in the Southern California Bight to provide information necessary to address issues in climate change, ecosystem preservation and management, coastal water quality, maritime operations, coastal hazards and national security. One of the 11 IOOS regions.) THREDDS (Thematic Realtime Environmental Distributed Data Services) (Services for delivering standards-based geospatial data via OpenDAP, WCS and more, works with NcML) ROMS: Regional Ocean Modeling System (A free-surface, terrain-following, primitive equations ocean model widely used by the scientific community for a diverse range of applications) SCCOOS: Southern California Coastal Ocean Observing System (Brings together coastal observations in the Southern California Bight to provide information necessary to address issues in climate change, ecosystem preservation and management, coastal water quality, maritime operations, coastal hazards and national security. One of the 11 IOOS regions.) THREDDS (Thematic Realtime Environmental Distributed Data Services) (Services for delivering standards-based geospatial data via OpenDAP, WCS and more, works with NcML)

Glossary (6/6) WCS: Web Coverage Service (OGC standard for serving gridded information: time series, profiles, hyperslabs of remote sensing data, bathymetry, model output) WW3: WaveWatch III (Ocean wave model developed by Hendrik Tolman) WRF: Weather Research and Forecasting Model (Next-generation mesocale numerical weather prediction system designed to serve both operational forecasting and atmospheric research needs) WCS: Web Coverage Service (OGC standard for serving gridded information: time series, profiles, hyperslabs of remote sensing data, bathymetry, model output) WW3: WaveWatch III (Ocean wave model developed by Hendrik Tolman) WRF: Weather Research and Forecasting Model (Next-generation mesocale numerical weather prediction system designed to serve both operational forecasting and atmospheric research needs)

Path from research to operations Recommendation: - R01 funding, to support (a) Education & Training and (b) Research Grade modeling (broadly defined) activities – open to all academia - R02 funding, to support semi-operational systems at regional associations - R03 funding to support operational systems at federal agencies - R04 funding, to support translation and evaluation

Towards an integrated modeling system for the U.S. coastal margin … … with clearly delineated roles, responsibilities and sustaining mechanisms == Draft document == Prepared by A. Baptista with input from D. Schwab and many others, for discussion by the NFRA modeling sub-committee Version 1.0, March 2009 == Draft document == Prepared by A. Baptista with input from D. Schwab and many others, for discussion by the NFRA modeling sub-committee Version 1.0, March 2009

Background: Hot off the press IOOS legislation (1) establish a national integrated System of ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes observing systems, comprised of Federal and non-Federal components coordinated at the national level by the National Ocean Research Leadership Council and at the regional level by a network of regional information coordination entities, and that includes in situ, remote, and other coastal and ocean observation, technologies, and data management and communication systems, … (2) improve the Nation's capability to measure, track, explain, and predict events related directly and indirectly to weather and climate change, natural climate variability, and interactions between the oceanic and atmospheric environments, including the Great Lakes; and (3) authorize activities to promote basic and applied research to develop, test, and deploy innovations and improvements in coastal and ocean observation technologies, modeling systems, and other scientific and technological capabilities to improve our conceptual understanding of weather and climate, ocean-atmosphere dynamics, global climate change, physical, chemical, and biological dynamics of the ocean, coastal and Great Lakes environments, and to conserve healthy and restore degraded coastal ecosystems. (1) establish a national integrated System of ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes observing systems, comprised of Federal and non-Federal components coordinated at the national level by the National Ocean Research Leadership Council and at the regional level by a network of regional information coordination entities, and that includes in situ, remote, and other coastal and ocean observation, technologies, and data management and communication systems, … (2) improve the Nation's capability to measure, track, explain, and predict events related directly and indirectly to weather and climate change, natural climate variability, and interactions between the oceanic and atmospheric environments, including the Great Lakes; and (3) authorize activities to promote basic and applied research to develop, test, and deploy innovations and improvements in coastal and ocean observation technologies, modeling systems, and other scientific and technological capabilities to improve our conceptual understanding of weather and climate, ocean-atmosphere dynamics, global climate change, physical, chemical, and biological dynamics of the ocean, coastal and Great Lakes environments, and to conserve healthy and restore degraded coastal ecosystems.

Towards an integrated modeling system for the U.S. coastal margin … … with clearly delineated roles, responsibilities and sustaining mechanisms == Draft document == Prepared by A. Baptista with input from D. Schwab and many others, for discussion by the NFRA modeling sub-committee Version 1.0, March 2009 == Draft document == Prepared by A. Baptista with input from D. Schwab and many others, for discussion by the NFRA modeling sub-committee Version 1.0, March 2009

Background: Hot off the press IOOS legislation (1) establish a national integrated System of ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes observing systems, comprised of Federal and non-Federal components coordinated at the national level by the National Ocean Research Leadership Council and at the regional level by a network of regional information coordination entities, and that includes in situ, remote, and other coastal and ocean observation, technologies, and data management and communication systems, … (2) improve the Nation's capability to measure, track, explain, and predict events related directly and indirectly to weather and climate change, natural climate variability, and interactions between the oceanic and atmospheric environments, including the Great Lakes; and (3) authorize activities to promote basic and applied research to develop, test, and deploy innovations and improvements in coastal and ocean observation technologies, modeling systems, and other scientific and technological capabilities to improve our conceptual understanding of weather and climate, ocean-atmosphere dynamics, global climate change, physical, chemical, and biological dynamics of the ocean, coastal and Great Lakes environments, and to conserve healthy and restore degraded coastal ecosystems. (1) establish a national integrated System of ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes observing systems, comprised of Federal and non-Federal components coordinated at the national level by the National Ocean Research Leadership Council and at the regional level by a network of regional information coordination entities, and that includes in situ, remote, and other coastal and ocean observation, technologies, and data management and communication systems, … (2) improve the Nation's capability to measure, track, explain, and predict events related directly and indirectly to weather and climate change, natural climate variability, and interactions between the oceanic and atmospheric environments, including the Great Lakes; and (3) authorize activities to promote basic and applied research to develop, test, and deploy innovations and improvements in coastal and ocean observation technologies, modeling systems, and other scientific and technological capabilities to improve our conceptual understanding of weather and climate, ocean-atmosphere dynamics, global climate change, physical, chemical, and biological dynamics of the ocean, coastal and Great Lakes environments, and to conserve healthy and restore degraded coastal ecosystems.

Background: Hot off the press IOOS legislation (1) establish a national integrated System of ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes observing systems, comprised of Federal and non-Federal components coordinated at the national level by the National Ocean Research Leadership Council and at the regional level by a network of regional information coordination entities, and that includes in situ, remote, and other coastal and ocean observation, technologies, and data management and communication systems, … (2) improve the Nation's capability to measure, track, explain, and predict events related directly and indirectly to weather and climate change, natural climate variability, and interactions between the oceanic and atmospheric environments, including the Great Lakes; and (3) authorize activities to promote basic and applied research to develop, test, and deploy innovations and improvements in coastal and ocean observation technologies, modeling systems, and other scientific and technological capabilities to improve our conceptual understanding of weather and climate, ocean-atmosphere dynamics, global climate change, physical, chemical, and biological dynamics of the ocean, coastal and Great Lakes environments, and to conserve healthy and restore degraded coastal ecosystems. (1) establish a national integrated System of ocean, coastal, and Great Lakes observing systems, comprised of Federal and non-Federal components coordinated at the national level by the National Ocean Research Leadership Council and at the regional level by a network of regional information coordination entities, and that includes in situ, remote, and other coastal and ocean observation, technologies, and data management and communication systems, … (2) improve the Nation's capability to measure, track, explain, and predict events related directly and indirectly to weather and climate change, natural climate variability, and interactions between the oceanic and atmospheric environments, including the Great Lakes; and (3) authorize activities to promote basic and applied research to develop, test, and deploy innovations and improvements in coastal and ocean observation technologies, modeling systems, and other scientific and technological capabilities to improve our conceptual understanding of weather and climate, ocean-atmosphere dynamics, global climate change, physical, chemical, and biological dynamics of the ocean, coastal and Great Lakes environments, and to conserve healthy and restore degraded coastal ecosystems.

Anecdotal background: modeling post-doc search Stale No response Courtesy response Suggested alternative contact/list Suggested candidate Applied Findings/implications: There is a significant dearth of expertise: most responses knew of no candidates most of suggested candidates were not own students (several duplicates) a significant number or responses asked for access to any good “leftover list” There is a need for investment in education and training of modelers Based on 71 direct s

Goal Establish the need for a sustainable, integrated U.S. coastal margin modeling system as key technology within IOOS Establish the framework for such a system … –… with clearly defined roles and responsibilities for the federal government and for academia … –… in a partnership effectively facilitated through IOOS and its Regional Associations Establish the need for a sustainable, integrated U.S. coastal margin modeling system as key technology within IOOS Establish the framework for such a system … –… with clearly defined roles and responsibilities for the federal government and for academia … –… in a partnership effectively facilitated through IOOS and its Regional Associations

Who does ? DAILY FORECASTS OperationalSemi-operationalResearch grade BasinsNavyN/A ShelvesNOAARA partnershipsRAs, RA partnerships, academia at large Major estuaries/bay s NOAARAsRAs, academia at large Other estuaries/bay s --RAsRAs, academia at large

Semi-operational Path from research to operations Research grade Operational Education and training Translation

Moving across operational levels Research grade Operation al Semi- operation al ? ? ?? Need mechanism to make evaluation/review objective, and to facilitate evolution of modeling technology and strategy.

Open Columbia River benchmark Goals Enablers Phases Concept Code developers Community CMOP Joint Color Key Goals  Enable continuous enhancement of multiple models and exploration of diverse modeling strategies  Maximize value-added expertise of model developers/expert users, while minimizing their time investment Illustration only. Think of any (or selected?) IOOS site of interest

Path from research to operations Recommendation: - R01 funding, to support (a) Education & Training and (b) Research Grade modeling (broadly defined) activities – open to all academia - R02 funding, to support semi-operational systems at regional associations - R03 funding to support operational systems at federal agencies - R04 funding, to support translation and evaluation

Definitions Operational –Runs reliably and robustly, at prescribed frequency –Distributes consistent products at scheduled times –Is regularly quality controlled –Has 24/7 maintenance Semi-operational –Runs reliably and robustly, at prescribed frequency –Distributes consistent products at scheduled times –Is regularly quality controlled Research grade –May run only an ad hoc basis –Has no mandate for product distribution –May be quality controlled, but perhaps only on an exploratory basis –May be bottom-up –… Operational –Runs reliably and robustly, at prescribed frequency –Distributes consistent products at scheduled times –Is regularly quality controlled –Has 24/7 maintenance Semi-operational –Runs reliably and robustly, at prescribed frequency –Distributes consistent products at scheduled times –Is regularly quality controlled Research grade –May run only an ad hoc basis –Has no mandate for product distribution –May be quality controlled, but perhaps only on an exploratory basis –May be bottom-up –…

Goal Establish the need for a sustainable, integrated U.S. coastal margin modeling system as key technology within IOOS Establish the framework for such a system … –… with clearly defined roles and responsibilities for the federal government and for academia … –… in a partnership effectively facilitated through IOOS and its Regional Associations Establish the need for a sustainable, integrated U.S. coastal margin modeling system as key technology within IOOS Establish the framework for such a system … –… with clearly defined roles and responsibilities for the federal government and for academia … –… in a partnership effectively facilitated through IOOS and its Regional Associations

Basic principles / assumptions Operational systems need a long-term institutional framework –The federal government does this best No operational system will be sustainable without an adequate workforce –Academia does this best No operational system will be effective without the benefits of regional knowledge and regular innovation –Academia does this best A healthy operational system requires an effective and sustained “translation” layer between academia and the federal government –IOOS, specifically through Regional Associations, has the opportunity to do this best –Note: “Translation” needs definition. It includes more than one- way export of software and data. It is a funded exchange, of experiences, technologies, and evaluation methods Operational systems need a long-term institutional framework –The federal government does this best No operational system will be sustainable without an adequate workforce –Academia does this best No operational system will be effective without the benefits of regional knowledge and regular innovation –Academia does this best A healthy operational system requires an effective and sustained “translation” layer between academia and the federal government –IOOS, specifically through Regional Associations, has the opportunity to do this best –Note: “Translation” needs definition. It includes more than one- way export of software and data. It is a funded exchange, of experiences, technologies, and evaluation methods