North Central Zone at NAERLS Badeggi C/O NCRI, Bida This office is responsible for the Niger, Plateau, Nassarawa, Benue, Kogi, Kwara States and the Federal Capital Territory (Abuja). North West Zone at NAERLS Samaru C/O IAR, Zaria This office is in charge of Kaduna, Kano, Katsina, Kebbi, Jigawa, Zamfara and Sokoto States South South Zone at NAERLS, P/Harcourt This office is in charge of Akwa-Ibom, Bayelsa, Cross River, Edo Delta and Rivers States
South East Zone at NAERLS Umudike c/o NRCRI, This office covers Abia, Anambra, Ebonyi, Enugu and Imo States. South West Zone at NAERLS, Ibadan C/O IAR&T Moor Plantation This office caters for Ekiti, Lagos, Ogun, Oyo, Ondo and Osun States North East Zone at NAERLS Maiduguri C/O LCRI This office handles activities in Borno, Adamawa, Taraba, Yobe, Bauchi and Gombe States.
WORKSHOPS AND MEETINGS ActivityVenueExpected ParticipantsRemarks 1.Annual In-house Review Zaria NARI’s, ADP’s, Universities, NGO’s, Farmers 1 2. Zonal REFILS workshop NW, NE, NCZ, SSM SW, SE NARI’s, ADP’s, Universities, NGO’s, Farmers 6 3. Zonal Technical Review Meeting NW, NE, NCZ, SSM SW, SE NARI’s, ADP’s, Universities, NGO’s, Farmers 2 * 6 4. Zonal Steering Committee Meetings NW, NE, NCZ, SSM SW, SE NARI’s, ADP’s, Universities, NGO’s, Farmers 6 5. Joint Scientific Field Evaluation NW, NE, NCZ, SSM SW, SE NARI’s, ADP’s, Universities, NGO’s, Farmers As invited
B. TRAININGS Title Collaborato rs Category of Trainees VenueDate 1.Concept, principles and practice of Agricultur al value Chain NISER, IFPRI, WARDA ADP’S, NARI’s, NGO’s NAERLS Headquarters and Zonal Offices 1 st Qtr 2013
B. TRAININGS Title Collaborato rs Category of Trainees VenueDate 2. Use of Internet for Agricultur e and Rural Developm ent ADP’S, NARI’s, NGO’s NAERLS Headquarters and Zonal Offices 1 st Qtr National training on yam production for Export NRCRI, Umudike and Nigeria Export Promotion council ADP’S, NGO’s, Farmer groups Niger ADP/ Nasarawa ADP 2nd t Qtr 2013
B. TRAININGS Title Collab orators Categor y of Trainee s VenueDate 4. FORMATION, BUILDING AND MANAGEMENT OF FARMER GROUPS AND ASSOCIATIONS FOR EMPOWERMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT ADP’S, NARI’s, NGO’s NAERLS Headquar ters and Zonal Offices 1 st Qtr National Workshop on Advanced Radio/TV Post- production (Editing) NTA Kaduna, FRCN Kaduna NARIs, ADPs and FCAs NAERLS Conferen ce Hall, ABU, Zaria May 2013
B. TRAININGS TitleCollaborators Category of Trainees VenueDate 6. Web 2.0 communication enhancement training To build capacity in information and communication through web 2.0 NARIs, ADPs NAERLS Conf. Hall, ABU, Zaria March, Effective Extension Communication Methods and Techniques To equip participants with requisite knowledge and skill for effective transfer of agricultural technologies to farmers NARIs, ADPs, NGO’s LCRI Maiduguri April 2013
B. TRAININGS TitleCollaborators Category of Trainees VenueDate 8. Pre-season training Agricultural Extension Staff 9.Sheep and goat fattening LCRI Maiduguri NAPRI, LVRI ADPs, NGO’s LCRI Maiduguri NW, NE
B. TRAININGS TitleCollaborators Category of Trainees VenueDate 9. Participatory processes and facilitation skills for site managers and facilitators of adopted villages - Improve facilitation and communication skills of participants, -Improve capacity to organize and work with farmer groups -- improve capacity to package and disseminate agricultural information NARI’sNAERLS Conf. Hall, ABU, Zaria MARCH 2013
Media- Bulletin 1. Folk Traditional Mass Media as an alternative Communication Strategy in Extension English 2. Tiger nut productionSMS’s English 3. Management of Reproduction in SheepSMS’s English 4.Commercial quail production in NigeriaSMS’s English 5. Harvesting, processing and marketing of grasshopper SMS’s English 7. Harvesting, Processing and utilization of quelea birds English
Media- Radio Title/TopicsLanguage Broad. Station Collab 1.Rural and urban commodity prices collection and broadcast English/ 3 major Nigerian languages FRCN 2. Means of alleviating the effect of climate change on livestock production English/ 3 major Nigerian languages FRCN 3. On-farm feed milling for small scale poultry production English/ 3 major Nigerian languages FRCN 4. Animal Welfare/Well- being English/ 3 major Nigerian languages FRCN 5. Quail ProductionEnglish/ 3 major Nigerian languages FRCN
Media- Television Title/Topics Languag e Broadcasting Station Collabor ators 1.Climate change and agricultural production EnglishNTAIAR 2. DocumentariesEnglishNTANARI’s
ADOPTED VILLAGES Loc. Activities/Technologies to be promoted 1 st Quart 2 nd Quart 3 rd Quart 4 th Quart NE Demonstration of improved management practices of millet and cowpea varieties using MTP XX NCZDemonstration of improved management practices of rice and maize varieties using MTP XX
ADOPTED VILLAGES Loc. Activities/Technologies to be promoted 1 st Quart 2 nd Quart 3 rd Quart 4 th Quart NW, NCZ, SW, SE, SS Training on group dynamics, leadership,membership roles and responsibilities XXXX SWEntrepreneurship training on rearing of sheep & goat X
ADOPTED VILLAGES Loc. Activities/Technologies to be promoted 1 st Quart 2 nd Quart 3 rd Quart 4 th Quart NW, NCZ, SW, SE, SS Training on vaseline making for income generation XXXX NW Establish poultry skill centre X
ADAPTIVE RESEARCH (OSR, OFR) TitleObjective Collab orator s Locat ion 1.Agricultur al Performan ce Survey (APS) of 2013 Wet and Dry Season -Assess the 2013 wet and dry seasons agricultural performance and make forecast for the seasons. -Identify constraints militating against increase agricultural productivity. -Provide feedback for improved research and policy directive NARI’ s, ADP’s Natio nwide
ADAPTIVE RESEARCH (OSR, OFR) TitleObjective Collab orators Locat ion Agricultural Performan ce Survey Livestock -Livestock Census -Assess the 2013 livestock performance and make forecast for the seasons. -Identify constraints militating against increase livestock productivity. -Provide feedback for improved research and policy directive NAPRI NVRI NITR, FDLPC S, NIAS, NBS, Natio nwide
ADAPTIVE RESEARCH (OSR, OFR) TitleObjectiveCollabLocat 2. Value Chain Analysis of Rice in Nigeria -To evaluate the perception, understanding and socio-economic characteristics of the various participants (actors, supporters and promoters) in the Domestic rice value chain. -Mapping the value chain actors and participants along the chain. NCRI Badegg i, ATA RVC/ NRDC Africa Rice, IFPRI, Acros s six ecolo gical zones
ADAPTIVE RESEARCH (OSR, OFR) TitleObjectiveCollabLocat 2. Value Chain Analysis of Rice in Nigeria -To identify major constraints which affects performance of each level of rice value chain. -To determine the value added by each actor along the rice value chain. -To assess the preference and consumption patterns of domestic rice consumers. NCRI Badegg i, ATA RVC/ NRDC Africa Rice, IFPRI, Acros s six ecolo gical zones
ADAPTIVE RESEARCH (OSR, OFR) TitleObjective Collabo rators Locati on 1.Analysis of diary value chain in Northern Nigeria -To identify and analyse the main activities and actors (and their functions) of the diary value in N. Nigeria -To develop a value chain map with clear indications of the various marketing channels. -To establish value chain transactional relationships between the various actors. -Generate policy inputs for the growth and development of diary sub-sector in the country. NAPRI, Shika, NVRI, Vom, ATA, NLDP ILRI Northe rn Nigeria
ADAPTIVE RESEARCH (OSR, OFR) TitleObjective Collabo rators Locati on 4. Level of Adoption of New Rice for Africa (NERICA) Among Small holder upland rice farmers in Northern Nigeria. -Determine the level of awareness among farmers in the study area -Assess the level of adoption of the technological package among the target farmers -Identify the socio-economic benefits derived by participating farmers. -Examine the determinants of adoption of NERICA by farmers in the study area. -Identify constraints hindering the adoption of NERICA by farmers in the study area NCRI Badeggi NW, NE AND NCZ
ADAPTIVE RESEARCH (OSR, OFR) 5. Private Sector Lead Extension Approach To Promote Dairy Enterprises: An Investigation Into The Viability And Sustainability. - Estimate the number, location and capacity of dairy farmers within the selected states. - Identify the existence, number and membership of milk producers’ cooperative associations in the area. - Identify the small-holder milk production practices in the area. NW, NE
ADAPTIVE RESEARCH (OSR, OFR) 5. Private Sector Lead Extension Approach To Promote Dairy Enterprises: An Investigation Into The Viability And Sustainability. - Identify milk production practices in selected integrated farm in each selected state. - Determine the resource use efficiency in milk production in selected integrated farm in each selected state. - Evaluate the strengths and weakness of small- holder milk producers in the area. - Evaluate the strengths and weakness in milk production of selected integrated farm in each of the selected states. - Identify the pattern of annual fluctuations in numbers and distribution of cattle in the area. NW, NE
ADAPTIVE RESEARCH (OSR, OFR) 6. An evaluation of the quality and impact of agricultural information disseminati on in Nigeria - To identify the traditional and emerging agricultural information sources. - To establish the level of use of these agricultural information sources. - To identify farmers’ preference and perception of the quality of agricultural information. Zonal NARI’s NW, NE, NCZ, SE, SW, SS
ADAPTIVE RESEARCH (OSR, OFR) 6. An evaluation of the quality and impact of agricultural information disseminati on in Nigeria - To determine farmers’ preferred channels for agricultural information. - To determine the effect of agricultural information on farmers’ practices. - To identify the constraints to agricultural use. Zonal NARI’s NW, NE, NCZ, SE, SW, SS
ADAPTIVE RESEARCH (OSR, OFR) 7. Effectiveness of NAERLS Organized Agricultural Extension Training -To examine the perceptions of stakeholders such as subject matter specialists regarding the level of attainment of course objectives and the evaluation of NAERLS extension training; -To examine the perceptions of stakeholders such as subject matter specialists regarding the adequacy of facilities at NAERLS training courses. Zonal coordinat ing NARI’s
ADAPTIVE RESEARCH (OSR, OFR) 9. Effectiveness of NAERLS Organized Agricultural Extension Training -Examine the perceptions of block supervisors regarding the effectiveness of design and delivery of agricultural extension training courses material content, instructional materials and resource persons; -To assess the impact of selected extension trainings on output/ productivity of subject matter specialists. -To document and characterize NAERLS extension trainings terms of spatial and gender dispositions. -To make relevant recommendations in respect of the above Zonal coordina ting NARI’s
Appreciation Eba’ – Ogori, Kogi state