Communications and PR: Setting the agenda George Nyabuga Head, Communications and PR
Mission To provide timely and efficient communication services to achieve AFRINICs mission
Team Seven team members Head PR and marketing Events and sponsorship Technical communications Web development and maintenance
Responsibilities Communications – internal and external PR and marketing – marketing AFRINIC through various strategies and platforms, branding Events and sponsorship – organising and managing meetings, sponsorship and relationships Technical communications – communiqués, reports, including the annual report Web development and maintenance - website
Achievements 1.AFRINIC policy meetings, e.g. AFRINIC 16 2.Branding – new logo, new philosophy, new direction 3.Website development = heart of AFRINIC communication 4. FIRE program 5.Participating in global conversations on internet developments, policies through the CCG (February Meeting in Mauritius)
Way forward ::: 1.Enhanced visibility for AFRINIC through various strategies including better use of available media – traditional and new 2.Better utilisation of available opportunities to enhance AFRINIC position and reputation (IPv6 deployment, FIRE etc.) 3.Improved communication with community, and stakeholders 4.Enhanced internal and external communication
Thank You