WOOD - Lorraine Questionnaire performed on Wood sector in Region Lorraine - FRANCE STRATIN.C.
Survey Details 30 small to medium enterprises in Wood 1 academic personnel performed the interviews Average time of interviews 20 to 30 min.
Human Resource for Questionnaire Local Working Group CRITT Bois VAN OOST Hervé LEMAITRE Marc DELMOITIEZ Marie Sélection Vosges KIENTZ Bernard
Activities The main activities that have been identified are : sawmill wood-working furnishing Most of them have a second activitie
Number of employees & Subcontracting From 2 to 200 Subcontracting is not the main scope of the enterprises
Exports Export is considered as very important Europe International
Company Management Few enterprises registred an industrial propertie 1 patent (individual enterprise) 1 drawing (enterprises grouped in a cluster ) Industrial Properties
Company Management Management indicators are now no formalized into enterprises Management indicators
Company Management Administration Exist in most of the enterprises Marketing department Considered as necessary and represented by 5% of employees R&D Is performed by a few of the SMEs Information management & Design – Engineering Are not included in these enterprises Organization
Company Management Long life training is performed internally in most of the SMEs for : 1% budget, 4 days/year/employee Domains : safety, building, driver Employees education could not be answered by most of the enterprises Long life training & Employees education
Company Strategy Orientation Not considered as of great interest Often mentionned Very interesting Detection and conquest of new markets Improvement of the products qualityExportDevelopment of new productsDiversificationSpecialization
Company Strategy Market Wood sector market in the country is actually in progression
Company Strategy Impulsion 1 year market 3 years partnership 10 years quantitative Competitors Local and national Competitors well known Constraints Technique : qualified personnel Environment : legislation, regulation (VOC,…) Impulsion – Competitors - Constraints
Information System Electronic Networks & Applications
Information System Press subscriptions The most of them are subscripted to Professional & specialized magazines Scientific & technical publications Business press, Regional daily press National daily press International daily press
Innovation & Watch Fields of survey Not relevanceSome relevanceAverage relevanceGreat relevance Regulations Markets Technologies Competitors Suppliers Customers Products Process Recruitment Training Financing aids ans subsidies Management
Innovation & Watch Sources of information Not relevanceSome relevanceAverage relevanceGreat relevance Employees Co-operation, alliances Customers Suppliers Competitors Universities, laboratories Consultancy businesses Professional associations Public/private research institutions Professional publications Exhibitions Internet Local or area institutional National institutional European institutional
Innovation & Watch In terms of watch, the SMEs questioned don’t have a formalized watch methodology Which tools of search for information ? Meetings, contacts Which tools of management for information ? Writing OR speaking Which tools of diffusion for information ? Writing OR speaking Watch practice & Outsourcing
Networks Share competences Get new markets what you can’t get alone Diversify the customers Rationalize the purchases Develop the outsourcing Grow quantitative production Create a lobbying Motivations
Networks Partnerships & Institutional