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Presentation transcript:



Background –Project Basics –Project Objectives Where are we? –Spaghetti… Where we want to be? –Utopia How can we get there? –Workshop –Problems and Solutions Next Steps

Project Streamlining AP and CC Commission funded 4 partners (AEAT Lead) 12 month project Exploration of possibilities to streamline reporting –Options –Scenarios –Timeline 10 – 15 years.. Tangible proposals for changes to instruments –MM, NECD, E-PRTR… etc

Project Objectives: Present the Commission with Options that: –Make reporting more efficient and simpler; –Maintain and improve essential emissions inventory data flows and quality; –Can be fitted to a number of different instrument development options over a 10 – 15 year horizon. Viable Scenarios MS Capabilit y EU Law Data needs Innovation Strengths Difficulties Efficient and Fair & Sound. Quality, Detail

Where are we now?

Current Reporting:

Instruments being examined 1: InstrumentDescription Review Date MM Decision No 280/2004/EC National Greenhouse Gas reporting (Historic Emissions, Policies and Measures and Projections). Used to assess Member State progress to targets, inform EU policy and to enable the EU to report to the UNFCCC Kyoto commitments. 2008/9 NECD Directive 2001/81/EC National Air Quality pollutant Reporting (Historic Emissions, Policies and Measures and Projections) (currently NH 3, NMVOC, NOx & SO 2 ). Reported data used to assess MS progress to targets and inform EU policy. 2008/9 EU ETS Directive 2003/87/EC Facility level reporting of emissions units for trading. Accounting system for emissions trading. E-PRTR Regulation No. 166/2006 Regulated process reporting (successor to EPER) with inclusion of diffuse emissions for public information. LCPD Directive 2001/80/EC 1 Facility level reporting of large conventional combustion plant. Reporting Emissions Data

Instruments being examined 2: Enabling Data Quality: InstrumentDescription Review Date IPPC: Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Directive 96/61/EC, and Regulation 1882/2003/EC[1][1] Facility level permitting and emission limits2008/9 WID: Waste Incineration Directive 2000/76/EC 1 Facility level permitting and emission limits VOC Solvents Directive 1999/13/EC 1 Facility level permitting and emission limits LCPD Directive 2001/80/EC 1 Facility level permitting and emission limits Fluorinated gases: Regulation 842/2006 Company level report on production/ import/ export of fluorinated greenhouse gases 2011 Ozone depleters: Regulation 2037/2000 Regulations to reduce the production and use of ozone depleters CO 2 from new cars: Decision No 1753/2000/EC Regulations to reduce the CO 2 intensity of new cars Fuel quality directive 98/70/EC, petrol and diesel fuels Regulation to control the quality of petrol and diesel. Sulphur content of fuels, Directive 1999/32/EC Regulation to reduce the sulphur content of fuels. EU Directives adopting Aarhus Convention’s requirements: 2003/4/EC, 2003/35/EC. Regulation to enforce the sharing and publication of environmental information in a clear and concise manner. Shared Environmental Information System for Europe Proposals for improved management of environmental information. INSPIRE Directive 2007/2/EC A framework for standardised spatial information collection storage and dissemination.

Problems Limited Prioritisation of Inventory Compilation Lack of Resources & Expertise Lack of Common Definitions Lack of Transparency QA/QC: Different levels Overlapping Reporting Different Timing Different/Similar Methodology Reports & Emissions Reports Different Tools & Templates. Lack of drivers for country specific data (through other instruments) Poor links with other Statistical reporting Limited Influence on National Statistics. Limited accessibility of facility Level Activity Data & detail ………. …….

Where we want to get to….

Where we want to get to: Utopia Streamlined or not streamlined ? Nat Syst MM Directive NEC Directive LRTAP UNFCCC E-PRTR EU ETS UNFCCC EU ETS E-PRTR NEC Directive LRTAP MM Directive

Defining Utopia Industry Example of Data Flow: Regulated Unregulated Total (sub sector x) Reported Data National Statistics Emissions DB National Inventory National Inventory Reporting National Statistics Reporting Regulator NSA Inventory Agency Industry Operator Noddy’s Autos and the National Data Flow

Idealised Data Flow & the role of the Directives:

How we will get there….

Illustration – MM proposals

Reference Harmonised Definitions & Reporting D R D R D R D R Definitions section Objectives, targets, … Reporting section Instrument 1 Instrument 2 Instrument … Instrument N Harmonize definition sections Definitions QA/Q National System General data issues SEIS INSPIRE

Harmonize Combined Definitions D R D R D R D R Definitions section Objectives, targets, … Reporting section Instrument 1 Instrument 2 Instrument … Instrument N Overarching reporting directive Definitions QA/Q National System General data issues SEIS INSPIRE

Harmonize Combined Definitions & Or Reporting D D D D Definitions section Objectives, targets, … Reporting section Instrument 1 Instrument 2 Instrument … Instrument N Overarching reporting directive Definitions QA/Q National System General data issues SEIS INSPIRE Reporting Templates RRRR

Merged Instruments DDDD Definitions section Objectives, targets, … Reporting section Instrument 1 Instrument 2 Instrument … Instrument N Merge instruments Recast One common definitions section DDDD

Workshop 1: Problems and Solutions Translation to Directives

Next Steps

Project Next Steps June/July 2008: Identify options  Scenarios for Commission –Options: Detailed building blocks (annotated directives & Linking Tables) –Scenarios: Things that can go together (and things that cant) −Costs/Benefits June/July 2008: Country analysis Visits and Brief….. August 2008: 2nd Workshop with MS –Presentation of Options and Scenarios –“Training”… September 2008: Final Report NECD Revision EUMM Revision Reporting Directive IPPC (Industrial) Directive ….Others…

1) “Noddy” reports to the Regulator (Competent Authority) Annual Electronic Emissions Reports –As required by its permit (under IPPC & EUETS), –Standardised process level data −Identifies LCP, EUETS and E-PRTR components –Including annual emissions and activity data associated with each regulated process −(e.g. GJ fuel used by type, solvent used, steel consumed, cars produced) A view of projected emissions from the plant processes – taking account of future technological upgrades or plant expansion/reduction. −(Some of the data exchanged is confidential and needs to be handled sensitively by the regulator). Additional requirements needed for IPPC/EUETS/E-PRTR Reporting of annual emissions and activities at process level e.g. (NFR/CRF/SNAP).. Enables Regulator to benchmark performance and regulate effectively. Informs aggregated national projections.

2) Regulator/Competent Authority Review and Collation of facility process level reports into database. –Process level Data (as required under E-PRTR) containing −Emissions −Activity data Publishes the emissions data –by process, site, year and pollutant (meeting E-PRTR & SEIS requirements). Provides detailed process level emissions and activity statistics to National Statistical Authorities (NSA), the Inventory Agency (IA) etc. –According to requirements in the NECD and the EUMM. Estimates projected emissions by sector for regulated plant and provision to NSA & IA –working with `experts, trade associations and industry –incorporating national economic and energy drivers. Additional requirements needed for E-PRTR (SEIS) Collation and publication of annual emissions and activities at process level e.g. (NFR/CRF/SNAP).. Additional requirements needed for NECD/EUMM Provision of national regulated process database of emissions and activities Provision of regulated process sectoral emission projections Better national understanding of projections and sectoral efficiencies. National sectoral benchmapking.

3) National Statistical Authority Reconcile regulated and national activity statistics –(responsible under the –combined EUMM/NECD- National Inventory System requirements) –separate out the production and consumption statistics for “regulated/reported” (e.g. IPPC- permitted) and “un- regulated/reported” (e.g. small combustion plant) processes. Provide the Inventory Agency with data as well as usual statistics. Additional requirements needed for NECD/EUMM National system requirement or reconcile regulated process activity data with national statistics & report to Inventory Agency. Better national monitoring of statistics for large regulated processes. Better quality statistics for these big processes (less uncertain) than using other methods.

4) The Inventory Agency Compiles a complete emissions inventory –“regulated/reported” emissions data –“un-regulated/reported” component –and all other sources e.g. domestic, transport etc Compiles the projected emissions estimates –using national energy, economic data –using regulated processes from the regulator, –information on policies and measures. Uploads/sends a detailed inventory and projections submission: –Historic process/site level emission estimates from the regulated/reported processes (to meet E-PRTR/EPER, LCPD and CLRTAP requirements) –Gridded or NUTS level emission estimates for the non regulated/reported processes and the other sectors (to meet E-PRTR and CLRTAP requirements) –National total emission estimates by pollutant and media, by sector (to meet MM/UNFCCC, NECD and CLRTAP requirements) –National projections by sector for agreed scenarios and years (to meet MM/UNFCCC, CLRTAP and NECD requirements) –Activity data to support national inventories and projections. Additional requirements needed for NECD/EUMM/LCPD/E -PRTR/EUETS National system and QA/QC requirement. Consistent Methodologies, Nomenclature (definitions) and detail. Allowed combined/referenced reporting Reduction in reporting burden through combined reports and consistent methodologies. Improved clarity between datasets