T. Zino-Seergae, 2007 Academic Integrity Intellectual Property, Copyright, & Fair Use
T. Zino-Seergae, 2007 Statement of Academic Integrity Violations of academic integrity include, but are not limited to: cheating, plagiarism; submitting as one's own the same or substantially similar work of another; falsification; forgery.
T. Zino-Seergae, 2007 Academic Integrity The following slides walk you through advice for how to recognize and avoid plagiarism. This presentation is not all encompassing; however, it outlines some of the more common and misinterpreted incidents of plagiarism. As you read through the descriptors and advice, think about your past experiences as a student or a teacher and how plagiarism has affected the integrity of the academic environment.
T. Zino-Seergae, 2007 Recognize and Avoid Plagiarism Plagiarism WordingStyleIPTheft Copy & Paste
T. Zino-Seergae, 2007 Avoid “Copy & Paste” Plagiarism Lifting a phrase? Lifting a sentence? Remember to put it in quotes and cite the source.
T. Zino-Seergae, 2007 Avoid “Wording” Plagiarism Taking a sentence and changing a few words? It’s still plagiarism. Try synthesizing the info instead.
T. Zino-Seergae, 2007 Avoid “Theft” Plagiarism Not enough time to research and write your own paper or create your own presentation? Don’t use someone else’s work. Plan ahead, prioritize, get assistance, write about what interests you.
T. Zino-Seergae, 2007 Avoid “Style” Plagiarism Like what the original author has to say and how he/she says it? Re- wording each sentence is still plagiarism. Use only info that will enhance your point.
T. Zino-Seergae, 2007 Avoid “Intellectual Property” Plagiarism Want to use and/or present someone else’s idea or solution? If it’s not a known fact or if it has commercial value, then give the author proper credit for his/her ideas.
T. Zino-Seergae, 2007 Plagiarism & Consequences What are the consequences? Plagiarism of any form can result in: being required to do it over. a zero/no credit for the assignment. removal from course. loss of respect and credibility from peers/teachers. legal prosecution. Plagiarism of any form can result in: ethical inquiries by employer. being fired. legal prosecution. loss of respect and credibility from colleagues.
T. Zino-Seergae, 2007References plagiarism.htmlhttp:// plagiarism.html ng_MISC/plagiarism.htmhttp:// ng_MISC/plagiarism.htm