PACT Areas that are Scored 1. Context for Learning 2. Planning 3. Instruction 4. Assessment 5. Reflection 6. Academic Language strand that runs across all the tasks and is scored separately. Read the Teaching Event Handbook, the Teaching Event Rubrics Read the Teaching Event Handbook, the Teaching Event Rubrics
Task 1. Context for Learning What is the difference between English learners and students who are proficient English speakers? What is the difference between English learners and students who are proficient English speakers? “English learners” refers to second language learners “English learners” refers to second language learners Generally, the rest of the students in your class will be proficient English speakers. Generally, the rest of the students in your class will be proficient English speakers. Although some students may be English speakers but are not proficient with English Although some students may be English speakers but are not proficient with English
Task 1. Context for Learning How much information should I convey about my students when describing my class? How much information should I convey about my students when describing my class? The reader of your PACT should be able to get a sense of the class variety, significant subgroups of students with similar characteristics, and exceptional individuals. The reader of your PACT should be able to get a sense of the class variety, significant subgroups of students with similar characteristics, and exceptional individuals. Focus on key factors that influence your planning and teaching of this learning segment. Focus on key factors that influence your planning and teaching of this learning segment.
Academic Development Consider students’ prior knowledge, key skills, developmental levels, and other special educational needs. Consider students’ prior knowledge, key skills, developmental levels, and other special educational needs.
Language Development Consider aspects of English language proficiency in Consider aspects of English language proficiency in Conversational and Conversational and Academic language Academic language Describe the language development of your entire class, not just your English learners. Describe the language development of your entire class, not just your English learners.
Social Development Consider factors such as the students’ ability and experience in expressing themselves in constructive ways, negotiating and solving problems, and getting along with others. Consider factors such as the students’ ability and experience in expressing themselves in constructive ways, negotiating and solving problems, and getting along with others.
Socio-economic and Cultural Context Consider key factors such as cultural context, knowledge acquired outside of school, and home/community resources. Consider key factors such as cultural context, knowledge acquired outside of school, and home/community resources.
Task 2. Planning in relationship The learning segment The learning segment the central focus/big ideas, the central focus/big ideas, consider various dimensions of knowledge that you expect your students to learn. consider various dimensions of knowledge that you expect your students to learn. How does your knowledge of your students’ learning and development strengths and needs specifically connect to your planning for instruction and assessment? (From Task 1) How does your knowledge of your students’ learning and development strengths and needs specifically connect to your planning for instruction and assessment? (From Task 1)
Discussion Prompt In your students what are some characteristics of these levels: academic development, social development, language development, and socio- economic cultural context. In your students what are some characteristics of these levels: academic development, social development, language development, and socio- economic cultural context. How did you identify these? How did you identify these? What will my learning segment be for PACT? What will my learning segment be for PACT?
Homework Homework Send an Send an Answering the first prompt of Task 2: Answering the first prompt of Task 2: 1. What is the central focus of the learning segment? Apart from being present in the school curriculum, student academic content standards, or ELD standards, why is the content of the learning segment important for your particular students to learn? (TPE 1)