AGENDA OVERVIEW 4 th AFRICAN IPv6 CONFERENCE TUESDAY, 24 NOV 2009 MORNING IPv6 Uptake, International ISP, Orange Update on Canadian IPv6 Task Group IPv6 Deployment on AfriNIC Infrastructure AFTERNOON IPv6 Task Force Updates (Egypt, Senegal) Kenya IXP IPv6 Update Panel Discussion & Way Forward BoF: DNS OPERATIONS
AGENDA OVERVIEW INTERNET GOVERANCE DAY Wednesday, 25 NOV 2009 MORNING What Does Internet Governance Mean for Africa? IGF 2009 Report, EA-IGF Report, WA-IGF Report, Johannesburg Extraordinary Ministerial Meeting Report International carrier perspective in Sea Cable Projects in Africa ISOC and Internet Governance AfriNIC Anti-Abuse Group (AAAG) Open Discussion
AGENDA OVERVIEW Plenary Session Part I Thursday, 26 NOV 2009 MORNING AfriNIC Corporate Reports Resource Public Key Infrastructure Internet Number Resources and African Academia AFTERNOON RIR Updates Internet Development Initiatives, ARTP IANA & ICANN Updates CyberSecurity: Issues, Challenges, and Legal Aspects in Africa BoF: Mail Abuse
AGENDA OVERVIEW Plenary Session Part I Thursday, 26 NOV 2009 MORNING Policy Development Process & Plan Policies Under Proposal & Policy Discussions AFTERNOON RIR UPDATES ASO/AC & NRO Reports NRO Statistics & Registration Service Update Capacity Building on Internet Development Initiative Fellowship Program iPOD Drawings
AFRINIC-11 SOCIAL EVENTS 1.Tuesday, 24 Nov, 18H30 – 20H30 OPENING COCKTAIL, Hotel Radisson Blu 2. Wednesday, 25 Nov, 15H00 – 20H00 SOCIAL TOUR: Goree Island (Shuttle Pickup at Radisson Blu 15H00) (Sponsored by ARTP) 3. Thursday, 26 November, 19H00 – 22h00 SOCIAL DINNER, Hotel Les Almadies (Shuttle Pickup at Radisson Blu 15H00) (Sponsored by ARTP)
AFRINIC-11 ONLINE PARTICIPATION LIVE AUDIO STREAMING Instant Messaging (IM) Those with jabber clients/software can join the meeting room, afrinic-11[at] A list of jabber clients can be found at
AFRINIC-11 ONLINE PARTICIPATION Those without jabber clients can send their comments and/or queries by to live-comments[at] More information and detailed agenda of the conferences can be found at 11/agenda.htm
AFRINIC-11 IMPORTANT INFORMATION Please turn off your mobile phones or put them on silence. Make sure you have collected your registration pack. Headsets are available for English and French translations. A Host Master Consultant will be available during this event and in the Daurat meeting room.
AFRINIC-11 AFRINIC STAFF PRESENT AT DAKAR Adiel Akplogan Ernest Byaruhanga Nishal Goburdhan Stephanie Moorghen-Bernon Razi Ahmad Muslun Laban Mwangi Lillian Sharpley Mukom Tamon
AFRINIC-11 THANK YOU Thank you and enjoy the meeting!