International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program Reagan High School February 20, 2013
MYP Ice Breaker Watch the following video – “Austin’s Butterfly” to identify examples of how the learner profile is exemplified.
Why IB Middle Years Programme (MYP)? Inquirers Thinkers Knowledgeable Communicators Principled Open Minded Caring Risk Takers Balanced Reflective To develop students who think globally, analytically and who are: The IB Learner Profile
How does the IB MYP fit with Pre-AP/AP? Hogg IB MYP- 6-8 th grade to prepare students for rigors of high school at Reagan HS Reagan IB MYP th grade to prepare students for all academic programs, including Pre-AP and AP. Reagan 11 th and 12 th grade students better prepared for Pre-AP and AP courses.
What is IB MYP? IB is: A rigorous curriculum framework – any local curriculum can filter through the framework Relevant and meaningful to students Backward curricular design International/globally minded Holistic – 8 subjects taught in 6-10 th grade: Arts, Humanities, Language A, Mathematics, Language B, Technology, Science, & P.E.
The IB MYP is Not… IB is not: A different or harder curriculum Exclusive to advanced students More work for the students An international curriculum
Requirements of IB MYP: What does it look like in practice? As Evident In Academics: All 9 th -10 th grade students required to participate 8 subjects must be taught - Emphasis on language and technology Paradigm shift in teacher pedagogy (MYP Unit Planner) Collaborative Planning
Requirements of IB MYP: What does it look like in practice? Cont. As Evident In Academics: Create and teach MYP interdisciplinary unit- minimum 1 per year Create and implement criterion based assessments Personal Project in the 10 th grade year – similar to an action research project by each student Incorporate the Learner Profile into student activities (academic and non-academic.)
Requirements of IB: What does it look like in practice? As Evident Outside the Classroom: Incorporate the Learner Profile into student activities Community service projects geared toward IB philosophy. Common language of IB used by all stakeholders (subject names, learner profile, areas of interaction, etc) Visibly evident in school & community publications – Yearbook, student newspaper, website, community publications, school brochure Incorporated into various aspects of school functioning: discipline policy, special education, etc.
Next Steps for Reagan HS AUTHORIZATION TIMELINE: Authorization site visit – April th, 2013 Authorization- should be by beginning of summer Actions Going Forward: MYP Advisory Group Assembled Extensive Summer MYP Training for Reagan Teachers Aug. 1-2, Student Education through TAG Full Scale Implementation of Unit Planner Fall 2013 Establish Teacher Mentors for Personal Project Implement IB Feeder Pattern Global Community Service Project IB Festival and Personal Project Showcase
IB MYP Artifacts in Every Classroom SubjectIdeas Learner Profile1.Mnemonic Contest Poster 2.Learner Profile 8.5x11 from Staff Development In- service Week in August. 3.Creative way to display Learner Profile Globally Minded Items 1.Posters from around the world 2.Literature on global issues 3.Quotes from famous figures (historical and/or present) Use the IB Language in Instruction 1.The Learner Profile 2.Areas of Interaction 3.Course Titles Unit Question from MYP Unit Planner 1.Display on board or in creative way that draws attention to the students. MYP Subject Guide 1.Know what and where it is. 2.Make visible on desk or bookshelf.