Created by: Ruben Barkley MEDT 7461 University of West Georgia In-Service Module 3: Podcasting through the use of Garage Band.


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Presentation transcript:

Created by: Ruben Barkley MEDT 7461 University of West Georgia In-Service Module 3: Podcasting through the use of Garage Band

Home Rational: This module is designed for teachers and library media specialist. The purpose is to provide teachers and library media specialist who use MAC computers and support 21 st Century Learning with an introduction to podcasting through the use of Garage Band. Podcasting through the use of Garage Band is a software resource, designed by Apple, that has thousands of educational benefits for those teachers seeking to expose students to 21 st Century technology skills. Podcasting technology can be used with all grade levels, aligned to standards, and various content areas. Goal: The goal for this in-service module is to provide teachers and library media specialist seeking to expose their students to 21 st Century technology skills and with an introduction to podcasting through the use of Garage Band. Objectives: To provide teachers and library media specialist with an introduction to podcasting through the use of Garage Band.

Read Me First What is a podcast? A podcast is a multimedia file that can be distributed by subscription (usually free) over the Internet. Files can be played by anything that will play an audio or video file i.e. cell phone, computer, mp3 player, iPod, etc. Types of podcast: Audio Podcasting – speech and sounds only Enhanced Podcasting – audio with images or slides Video Podcasting – a full video with audio Why use podcast? To show procedures, processes, reflective questions As a student project Weekly logic puzzle, lesson review, vocabulary, flash cards, etc.

Podcasting with Garage Band! There are many options for podcasting and digital media creation in Garage Band, however the easiest option is to choose, “New Podcast Episode.”

Surveying the Terrain For our first recording there are a few controls and concepts we need to get familiar with: 1. Tracks 2. Record button 3. Play button 4. Timeline 5. The red vertical line (or play head) The Terrain The Tracks are the rows shown in the application. The initial tracks are the Podcast Track, the Male Voice, Female Voice, Jingles, and Radio Sounds. The Record button is the red round button just below the tracks. The Play button is the usual right-arrow button in the set of VCR controls, just to the right of the record button. The Beat Ruler is the ruler shown at the top of the tracks (starting at "00:00"), and helps you determine the length of your recording. The red vertical line extending down from the beat ruler is called the Play head. It moves across the screen from left to right when you record or play back your podcast. As mentioned, it shows where the current position in the recording. Now that we know the terrain let's go ahead and create our first podcast!

Recording Your Podcast! To begin recording, click on the track, “Male Voice or Female Voice”. Click on the record button when you or your student are ready to read from your script.

Exporting the Podcast as an audio file When you are satisfied with your recording, you are ready to export your episode. Click “Share”, and navigate to, “Export Song to Disk…”. Provide a name for your episode and click “Save”.

Open Garage Band To find your project, go to the “Garage Band Projects” folder. To play your episode, double click on the.m4a file. It will automatically open in iTunes. If you now double-click the file you created it should launch iTunes and then begin playing your podcast. This is a convenient way of verifying that you properly created your podcast. Beyond that, this also lets you convert your file to the popular "MP3" format. This step varies depending on your version of iTunes, but in iTunes 7.3 it is as simple as selecting your recording, choosing the Advanced menu, then clicking the "Convert Selection to MP3" menu item.

Podcast Resources APPLE Podcast for Educators, Schools, Colleges p p Educational Podcast Resources urces.asp urces.asp Blogs & Podcast – Georgia – State Resources html html

Content Area Podcast Resources Calculus – Video Calculus Podcasting in the Classroom – Math Podcasts Podcasting in the Classroom 100 Ways to Use Your MP3 Player - Resource List 100 Ways to Use Your MP3 Player Adding Integers - Video Adding Integers Math Tutor - Great for Enrichment Math Tutor Math Grad – Short Lessons on Basic Math Math Grad Math Factor – Math Conversations and Puzzles Math Factor Math Mutation – Interesting and Weird Corners of Mathematics Math Mutation Miss Davis Math Magic – 6 th Grade Math Miss Davis Math Magic

Standards - Technology What are NETS Technology Standards? The ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education) has undertaken the critical task of articulating international standards for literacy in technology. The ISTE explains: "First introduced in 1998, the National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) Project is an ongoing initiative of the International Society for Technology in Education. In a unique partnership with teachers and teacher educators, curriculum and education associations, government, businesses, and private foundations, ISTE has responded to calls for educational technology standards, curriculum, and tools with its NETS Project.”

Standards - Literacy What are Literacy Standards for the 21 st Century Learner? "Standards for the 21st-Century Learner offer vision for teaching and learning to both guide and beckon our profession as education leaders. They will both shape the library program and serve as a tool for library media specialists to use to shape the learning of students in the school." (American Association of School Librarians, 2007) THE FOUR STANDARDS: 1. Inquire, think critically, and gain knowledge. 2. Draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations, and create new knowledge. 3. Share knowledge and participate ethically and productively as members of our democratic society. 4. Pursue personal and aesthetic growth.