Session C-24 Mary K. Muncie U.S. Department of Education Kristen Demaree NCHELP Jennifer Martin NASFAA
Session Agenda Introduction to NT4CM The need for NT4CM Pilot for Academic Year Plans for Academic Year Discussion
Introduction to NT4CM
What Is NT4CM? National Training for Counselors and Mentors (NT4CM)—intended audiences Free training –Designed at the national level, offered locally to high school counselors and college access community –Includes details regarding the Federal student aid programs and state-specific programs Ongoing support –Via monthly communications
Who Are the Players in NT4CM? Steering committee State coordinators Trainers local to the area who are professionals in Student Financial Assistance programs
The Need for NT4CM
Why Offer NT4CM? Usability studies as well as discussions with counselors told us that they: –Need up-to-date aid information –Prefer it to be face-to-face –Want it annually –Need on-going communication vehicle
Why Offer NT4CM? Survey of states told us: –Some conduct annual training, but not all have the resources –Modules re: new programs can supplement what they do offer
NT4CM—History to Date How we got to here : –March 07—steering committee established Planning begun and states polled Decision to combine resources and pilot –June—materials developed –August—Web goes live—webinars conducted –Sept.-March—sessions conducted –April-May—evaluation and lessons learned
How We Did It—The Process State Participation -- Pilot Year --17 states and Puerto Rico - Alaska - Illinois + - New York+ - Arkansas +- Iowa + - North Carolina - California- Kentucky + - Ohio - Connecticut- Maine +- Tennessee + - Florida +- Mississippi + - Utah + - Georgia +- New Hampshire State Participation – Those states below and as noted by + above -D C- Massachusetts- Washington -Hawaii- Michigan- West Virginia -Louisiana- Texas
State Roles—Coordinators Managed logistics –Securing trainers, dates, locations –Determining participation level –Ordering materials –Conducting outreach and publicity Participated in bi-weekly conference calls with steering committee during planning phase and as needed throughout Offered ongoing feedback Shared best practices
Materials for NT4CM Developed and shipped by steering committee to state coordinators PowerPoint presentation Instructor Manual Participant Guide Handouts and resource lists Customizable outreach materials provided electronically Sample of Participant Guide circulating
NT4CM Web Site Participant (public) Web site General program information – fact sheet, FAQs Registration—online or links to states’ sites Downloadable Participant Guide Links to resources
NT4CM Web Site Trainer and coordinator Web site Downloadable PowerPoint presentation and instructor manual Downloadable customizable outreach materials Train the Trainers webinar
Workshop Overview Agenda had three main sections: –Federal aid (provided by NT4CM) –State aid (provided by states)— template provided by NT4CM –Resources (provided by NT4CM and states)
Workshop Curriculum - Federal Overview of financial aid How to apply for federal aid –FAFSA4caster –FAFSA on the Web
Workshop Curriculum - Federal Eligibility criteria and application procedures for Academic Competitiveness Grants How to search for federal, state, institutional and private scholarships Avoiding financial aid fraud
Workshop Curriculum - State Using templates, detailed state grants, loans and scholarships: –General information –Maximum award –Eligibility criteria –Application procedure
Workshop Curriculum - State Using templates, detailed state prepaid tuition plans and state college savings plans: –General information –Contributions and outcomes –Tax benefits
Workshop Curriculum - Resources Resources provided –Fact sheets –Web sites –Phone numbers
Developed two new modules geared for middle school audiences –Counselors –Students and families Encourage student and families to plan financially for college as early as possible New Modules for
Plan to develop new modules throughout the year –Students with disabilities –Foster youth –Non-traditional students At the end of this presentation, want to hear what additional topics you would like to see addressed Expansion of Workshop Materials
Plans for Academic Year Based on lessons learned and evaluations
Lessons Learned Earlier communications—to take advantage of piggy-backing opportunities Clearer delineation of criteria for participation—see separate handout Incentives for attending—CEUs Expand steering committee and supporters Build on successes—evaluations from pilot
62% responded “outstanding” when asked if the training met their needs for assisting students to prepare financially for college (4.6 rating out of 5). 78% responded “outstanding” when asked to rate the NT4CM materials (4.8 rating out of 5). 61% responded “outstanding” when asked to evaluate the case studies, charts, and other graphic illustrations, (4.6 rating out of 5). *Data based on 461 surveys received out of 1,149 participants. Evaluation
Evaluation–Quotes “Good job! Where were you guys all these years?” “Great workshop for someone wanting the basics of financial aid!” “Very helpful, I learned a lot about new programs. Thank you. I'd like to do this yearly to stay knowledgeable about updates.”
The Numbers for Academic Year States –Players Sessions –Planned offerings Trainees –Estimates
Next Steps—and Your Ideas How do we recruit more states? What can we add to fill a need? Are there any comments from those who participated in the pilot year or who are participating this year? What additional topics should we add to curriculum? Other ideas to plus up the effort?
Contact Information We appreciate your feedback and comments. We can be reached at: Mary K. Muncie Jennifer Martin Kristen Demaree any and all inquiries