YES, HONESTLY! UIS is committed to honesty, trust, and mutual respect. You have joined an academic community founded on the search for knowledge…at the heart of that search is personal honesty that makes possible an open and vibrant exchange of ideas… (paraphrased from Preamble, UIS Academic Integrity Policy, 2008, accessed 8/14/12).
SO HOW CAN YOU BE AN HONEST STUDENT? With integrity! ACADEMIC INTEGRITY means: respect for knowledge respect for others’ ideas commitment to honorable behaviors, trustworthiness, and fairness being responsible for your actions
UIS ACADEMIC INTEGRITY POLICY Provides: definitions of possible infractions penalties for violations procedures for faculty and staff to report violations due process resolution for alleged violations by students
POSSIBLE VIOLATIONS cheating plagiarism misrepresentation academic interference unauthorized access facilitating violations
POSSIBLE PENALTIES failure on assignment failure in course dismissal from class disciplinary suspension for one or more semesters dismissal from UIS
CITE YOUR SOURCES Always acknowledge other’s intellectual property “Four score and seven years ago…” (Lincoln, 1863) Citation expected in ALL academic writing! Both for exact quotes AND ideas you paraphrase (put in your own words) Your faculty will show you how! Look for information about citation in every class at UIS
“Plagiarism Rap (Cite Your Sources)” Video 1.03 min. “Plagiarism Rap (Cite Your Sources)” Office of Student Judicial Affairs, University of Alberta, and Townend Films, accessed 8/17/14.
ACADEMIC INTEGRITY COUNCIL implements Academic Integrity Policy educate students how to avoid violations prosecute cases brought against students Co-Chair Hilary Anne Frost please contact me with any questions!