East Clarendon Middle-High School MLA Academic Report East Clarendon Middle-High School
Standards D: Keyboarding Mastery F: Document Formatting D1: use correct fingering and proper technique to key alphanumeric information D2: Use correct fingering and proper technique to key numeric on a ten-key pad F: Document Formatting F3: Format, key, and edit Academic Report
Objective TSWBAT: Key and format an Academic Report with in-text citations and Work Cited page
Agenda Keying Assignment: Alphabet warm-up Practice 3 min. timing test Student Portfolio Requirements Review Academic Report w/in-text citations and Works Cited page Keying Assignment:
Student Portfolio Title Page Table of Content Academic Report Instructions A history of Parachuting One Page Business Rpt. Instructions The Amazing Computer Bus. Rpt w/ Para. and Side Heading Instructions Kenya the Beautiful Bird Watching Multi-Page Rpt Formatting Instructions Dressing for the TV Camera
Reports with Parenthetical References and Quotes
MLA MLA: (Modern Language Association) , an acceptable way to give credit or cite sources. A report that uses facts, ideas, and information from other people requires that credit is given to them. MLA uses Parenthetical References. In this style, a quotation is followed by the author’s or sources name in parentheses; (Adams 157-158)
MLA Author’s name and page number (Adams 157-158) If author’s name if mention, include only the page number (157-158) If two or three authors (Jones, Cass, and Noel 199) If there are four or more authors, include the first author’s name followed by et. Al. (Martin et.al. 215-217) If there is no author, use a short version of the title and page no. (Critical Essays 59)
MLA Short Quotes Less than 4 lines Direct quotes: Enclosed in quotations marks. Indirect or Paraphrased: Not enclosed in quotation marks Key the parenthetical reference 1 space after the closing quotation mark or the last word of an indirect quote. Key the ending punctuation mark after the reference “…until we receive confirmation” (Barton 96)
MLA Long Quotes No quotation marks Indent the quote 0.5 inch from the left margin Key the parenthetical reference 1 space after the ending punctuation mark …by tomorrow at the latest. (Johnson 41)
Formatting Requirements Your last name and page number in the header right aligned Format document margins for 1” Top, bottom, and sides Format document paragraphs for DS
Formatting Requirements Key header information Name Teacher Name Course Name Date (Military style) Center Title with initial caps for each important word Indent paragraphs 0.5 inches
Works Cited Page An alphabetical list of all the sources you have cited in your paper. Same formatting as report Begins on a new page continuing with the page number Center the title “Works Cited” using initial caps. Arrange the sources in alphabetical order by author’s last name. Format using hanging indent.
Works Cited Blake, Lauren. Free Cash for College. Minneapolis: Fact File Press, 2005 Derrick, Edward. “Guidelines for Finding College Cash”. Business Week 14 Sept. 2006: 112-113
Keying Assignment Report 17 page 260 and Report 18 page 263-264
Internet Connection Complete the Internet Activity on page 264 of your text book. Download the file from the class web-page and save it to your desk top. Put your name, date, and class period in the header. Print the completed Activity