Academic Reading Coach Glaze 9 th Grade Literature
Two Types of Reading AcademicEnjoyment
Two Ways to Approach Academic Reading to get it over with will not work. You need to become an active participant with the text and become a more active reader... Enjoyment Sit back and enjoy the story as it unfolds. It is not necessary to actively engage with the content.
How do you become a more active reader? You need to take notes as you are reading. circle unfamiliar words. underline key phrases or descriptions. highlight quotes that may be important. ask yourself questions while you are reading… (summarize each page / paragraph as you go)
How do you take notes? Title of text Chapter # (or pages) Notes While Reading Characters Important Events Interesting Quotes Changes in Setting Confusing Events Questions to ask in class Questions a teacher may ask? Summary: 2- 3 sentences summarizing what you have read
Practice w/Short Story… Read the story “Sentry” - Circle unfamiliar words - Underline key phrases / descriptions - Highlight important quotes …Then, answer questions 1-8 on back of paper