Service Learning at SEASSI Sheila Zamar University of Hawaii-Manoa COTSEAL Conference July 18, 2009 Sheila Zamar University of Hawaii-Manoa COTSEAL Conference July 18, 2009
What is service-learning? Service learning is a course-based, credit-bearing educational experience in which students (a) participate in an organized service activity that meets identified community needs and (b) reflect on the service activity in such a way as to gain further understanding of course content, a broader appreciation of the discipline, and an enhanced sense of civic responsibility. (Bringle & Hatcher, 1995) Service learning is a course-based, credit-bearing educational experience in which students (a) participate in an organized service activity that meets identified community needs and (b) reflect on the service activity in such a way as to gain further understanding of course content, a broader appreciation of the discipline, and an enhanced sense of civic responsibility. (Bringle & Hatcher, 1995)
Service learning typology Service-LEARNING: Learning goals primary; service outcomes secondary. SERVICE-Learning: Service outcomes primary; learning goals secondary. Service-learning: Service and learning goals completely separate. SERVICE-LEARNING: Service and learning goals of equal weight and each enhances the other for all participants. (Robert Sigmon, 1994) Service-LEARNING: Learning goals primary; service outcomes secondary. SERVICE-Learning: Service outcomes primary; learning goals secondary. Service-learning: Service and learning goals completely separate. SERVICE-LEARNING: Service and learning goals of equal weight and each enhances the other for all participants. (Robert Sigmon, 1994)
Important considerations Curricular connections- the integration of learning goals into the service project must be clear and build upon existing skills Student voice- students must be engaged in the selection, design, implementation and evaluation of the project Reflection- students must have structured opportunities to think, talk and write about their service learning experience Curricular connections- the integration of learning goals into the service project must be clear and build upon existing skills Student voice- students must be engaged in the selection, design, implementation and evaluation of the project Reflection- students must have structured opportunities to think, talk and write about their service learning experience
Important considerations Authentic community needs- if possible, target language community members must be involved in the planning Assessment- instruments should be well- structured and provide constructive feedback Community partnerships- ideally, both sides will give to and benefit from the project Authentic community needs- if possible, target language community members must be involved in the planning Assessment- instruments should be well- structured and provide constructive feedback Community partnerships- ideally, both sides will give to and benefit from the project
3rd level Filipino class service-learning at SEASSI 09 service-LEARNING focused on skill integration project is student selected, designed, implemented and evaluated for relevance and sustainability structured opportunities for reflection multiple assessment & feedback service-LEARNING focused on skill integration project is student selected, designed, implemented and evaluated for relevance and sustainability structured opportunities for reflection multiple assessment & feedback
SL Project description (service) Resource website for new Filipino migrant workers in the US. Site is focused on workers rights. Students have identified four areas to address- history, federal and state laws, relevant laws that need to be emphasized, such as discrimination, wage and compensation, health and family benefits, etc. Practical considerations for choosing wordpress ( Resource website for new Filipino migrant workers in the US. Site is focused on workers rights. Students have identified four areas to address- history, federal and state laws, relevant laws that need to be emphasized, such as discrimination, wage and compensation, health and family benefits, etc. Practical considerations for choosing wordpress (
Addressing the four skills (learning) SPEAKING tasks: *planning, decision-making, collaborating *formal presentation WRITING tasks: *research, writing, organizing reviewing and editing content READING tasks: *required course readings *additional research LISTENING tasks: *in-class listening activities related to selected SL project: news, documentaries SPEAKING tasks: *planning, decision-making, collaborating *formal presentation WRITING tasks: *research, writing, organizing reviewing and editing content READING tasks: *required course readings *additional research LISTENING tasks: *in-class listening activities related to selected SL project: news, documentaries
SEASSI 09 Timeline Week 1: planning, decision-making Weeks 2 &3: research, and preliminary content writing Week 4: website development, uploading *formal presentation Week 5: SL project evaluation, review Week 6 & 7: editing and proofreading Week 8: establishing partnerships with other interested parties Week 1: planning, decision-making Weeks 2 &3: research, and preliminary content writing Week 4: website development, uploading *formal presentation Week 5: SL project evaluation, review Week 6 & 7: editing and proofreading Week 8: establishing partnerships with other interested parties
Assessment of SL project output 30% Content (choice of topic, breadth and depth of coverage, evidence of research) 30% Language (word and sentence structure, appropriate expressions/vocabulary, spelling, punctuation, extended discourse, etc.) 20% Presentation (organization and creativity) 20% Peer evaluation (contribution, cooperation) 30% Content (choice of topic, breadth and depth of coverage, evidence of research) 30% Language (word and sentence structure, appropriate expressions/vocabulary, spelling, punctuation, extended discourse, etc.) 20% Presentation (organization and creativity) 20% Peer evaluation (contribution, cooperation)
Assessment of related output: 15- minute oral presentation 30% Content (breadth and depth of coverage, evidence of research) 30% Language (word and sentence structure, appropriate expressions/vocabulary, cohesion) 20% Delivery (pronunciation, connection with audience, diction) 20% Organization (evidence of preparation, appropriate use of visual aid) 30% Content (breadth and depth of coverage, evidence of research) 30% Language (word and sentence structure, appropriate expressions/vocabulary, cohesion) 20% Delivery (pronunciation, connection with audience, diction) 20% Organization (evidence of preparation, appropriate use of visual aid)
Evaluation of the SL project How effective was it as a language learning activity? 4/4 How valuable was the content of the material/s covered? 3.75/4 To what extent were your personal goals satisfied? 3.75/4 To what extent did the setup/environment contribute to the learning experience? 4/4 How effective was it as a language learning activity? 4/4 How valuable was the content of the material/s covered? 3.75/4 To what extent were your personal goals satisfied? 3.75/4 To what extent did the setup/environment contribute to the learning experience? 4/4
Areas of sustainability Additional content Incorporating suggestions from peers and community: additional links, discussion forum Partnerships with community organizations Collaboration with other learners Additional content Incorporating suggestions from peers and community: additional links, discussion forum Partnerships with community organizations Collaboration with other learners