Musical Performance Sergio Rodriguez Orchestra Director
Welcome Timothy Guiney Principal
Drama Performance Grady Drama Program Lisa Willoughby, Director Excerpt from Urinetown
Questions or Comments Tonight? Please fill out a question/comment card (on table in the back) and place it in the box. You will receive a response via . Questions and answers will be posted on the Grady website under Rising 9 th Grade Information FAQs
Grady Curriculum Dr. Shaketha Blankenship, Counselor
Curriculum All students pursue a college-preparatory course of study. Advanced Placement (AP) classes are open to all students who meet the prerequisites. Juniors and seniors who meet the requirements may participate in the dual-enrollment program. Global electives include visual and performing arts, JROTC, physical education, and others. Core, foreign language, and global electives are a composite of students from all pathways. Students may change pathways in the transition between 9 th and 10 th grade.
Curriculum Requirements English/Language Arts: 4 Units 1 unit Ninth Grade Literature/Composition 1 unit American Literature/Composition 2 units English/Language Arts Core (may include AP/Dual Enrollment courses) Math: 4 Units 1 unit CCGPS Coordinate Algebra (Accelerated CCGPS Coordinate Algebra/Analytic Geometry A) 1 unit CCGPS Analytic Geometry (Accelerated CCGPS Analytic Geometry B / Advanced Algebra) 1 unit CCGPS Advanced Algebra (Accelerated CCGPS Pre- Calculus) 1 additional unit Mathematics Core (may include AP/Dual Enrollment courses) Science: 4 Units 1 unit Biology 1 1 unit Physical Science or Physics 1 1 unit Chemistry 1, Earth Systems, Environmental Science or an AP/Dual Enrollment course 1 unit Science Core (may include AP/Dual Enrollment courses
Core Curriculum Requirements Social Studies: 3.5 Units ½ unit World Geography ½ unit American Government/Civics ½ unit Economics/Business/Free Enterprise 1 unit World History 1 unit United States History Foreign Language: 2 Units 2 units of the same modern language (French, Spanish, or Latin) Electives Units: 6.5 Units 1 unit Fine Arts or Career/Technology 1.5 units Health & Physical Education 3.5 units Theme Based Pathway Courses ½ Community Service 24 Total Units Required to Graduate
Pathways Willie Vincent, Administrator
Pathways 2D Pathway (Draw/Paint/Photo) 2D Pathway (Fashion/Sculpture) Acting/Directing Applications of the Law Audio-Video Tech and Film Band Biomedical Sciences Business, Management, and Admin. Engineering Fashion Marketing French Graphic Communications Graphic Design Guitar JROTC Latin Law and Investigations Musical Theater Orchestra Print Journalism Spanish Sports and Entertainment Marketing Technical Theater Vocal Music/Chorus Web and Digital Design
Grady Media Center Lisa Taft, Media Specialist
Grady Writing Center Riki Bolster
College and Career Connection
Pathway and Elective Selection Rising 9th grade students who attend Inman Middle School or an APS charter school (all others please see Grady website): Receive pathway and elective selection forms at their middle schools on Thursday, March 5, Return pathway and elective selection forms to their middle school counselors by 4:15 pm on Thursday, March 19, Students’ ninth grade schedules will reflect their pathway preferences.
Spring Campus Tours Saturday, 4/18, at 10 am Tuesday, 4/21, at 5 pm Saturday, 5/2, at 10 am To make a reservation for a tour, please send an to or call the College and Career Connections Center (CCC) at between the hours of
Thank You Please join us in the theater lobby for the pathway, club and activity fair For more information about the pathways, please visit the Grady website at