Mathematics Indicators and Goals
Math Tier II Indicator Indicator 1.8: All junior high students will meet or exceed standards and be identified as proficient on the MEAP tests in reading, writing, math, science and social studies. Math Tier II Indicator: Increase the number of students who score at proficient or higher in mathematics. S.M.A.R.T. Goal 1: The percentage of Davis 7 th, 8 th and 9 th grade students scoring proficient or higher in mathematics will increase as measured by the MEAP or EXPLORE math assessments.
Math Tier II Indicator Indicator 1.9: Seventh and eighth graders who receive special education services will show specified growth on the MI-Access test in reading, writing, and mathematics. Math Tier II Indicator: Increase the number of students who score at proficient or higher in mathematics. S.M.A.R.T. Goal 2: The percentage of Davis 7 th and 8 th grade students who show growth in mathematics will increase as measured by the MI-Access test.
Math Tier II Indicator Indicator 1.13: All 7th through 9th graders will demonstrate proficiency on the district math, science, and social studies tests. Math Tier II Indicator: Increase the number of students who score at proficient or higher in mathematics. S.M.A.R.T. Goal 3: The percentage of Davis 7 th, 8 th and 9 th grade students scoring proficient (80% or higher) in mathematics will increase as measured by the UCS District Common Math Semester assessments.
Increase the percentage of Davis students achieving math proficiency MEAP: Davis revised the annual ‘percentage of students proficient’ targets for 7th & 8th grade math MEAP proficiency to reach the % district proficiency goal. 85% for Fall of % for Fall of % for Fall of % for Fall of 2013
Increase the percentage of Davis students achieving math proficiency DISTRICT COMMON ASSESSMENTS: Davis will establish baseline data and Smart Goals for each mathematics course that include all enrolled students as common assessments are developed and administered. Math 7, Math 7 AT, Math 8, Math 8 AT, Advanced Math 7, Algebra 1, Geometry, and Accelerated Geometry. A raw score of 80% will be the minimum standard for proficiency in all mathematics courses.
Data Analysis MEAP and ACT/EXPLORE
MEAP Results 7th & 8th grade Math Proficiency by Grade
MEAP Results 7th grade - 3% below district average
MEAP Results 8th grade - 4% below district average
MEAP Results Davis Subgroup - 7th & 8th Students with Disabilities
MEAP Results Davis Subgroup - 7th /8th grade Gender Trend
MEAP Results 7th grade Proficiency Trend
MEAP Results 7th grade Mathematics 9%
MEAP Results 8th grade Proficiency Trend
MEAP Results 8th grade Mathematics ~6%
MEAP Results 7th grade Mathematics - Subgroups 17% gender difference
MEAP Results 7th grade Mathematics- Students with Disabilities
MEAP Results 8th grade Mathematics- Subgroups 6% gender difference 7% increase in Level 4; significant downward migration Level 3 absent; large increase in Level 4 that was absent in grade 7 Significant downward movement Not much change Upward Movement!
MEAP Results 8th grade Mathematics- Students with Disabilities
MEAP Results 7th grade Mathematics- Students Weaknesses
MEAP Results 7th grade Mathematics- Strand Analysis
MEAP Results 8th grade Mathematics- Students Weaknesses
MEAP Results 8th grade Mathematics- Strand Analysis
EXPLORE Results 9th grade - 5% below district average
EXPLORE Results 9th grade Mathematics - Proficiency Trend
EXPLORE Results 9th grade Mathematics - Gender Trend
EXPLORE Results 9th grade Mathematics- Students with Disabilities
EXPLORE Results 9th grade Mathematics - Proficiency
EXPLORE Results 9th grade Mathematics - Subgroups
EXPLORE Results 9th grade Mathematics - Strengths and Weaknesses Probability, Statistics, and Data Analysis Properties of Plane Figures
EXPLORE Results 9th grade Mathematics- Item Breakdown by Strand Low performing strands account for 26% of test.
Mathematics Action Plan
Davis ’ Goal: Improve student math proficiency School-wide support in the Math, Science, Social Studies, and Allied Arts departments through applied problem-solving, data analysis, and graphical interpretation as it applies to the specific content area Action Plan 7th - 9th grade
Tier II StrategiesPersons Responsible Implementations, Resources, Start and End Dates Progress Monitoring Spiral Review of Previous Standards: Provide review of GLCE’s of plane figure and data/statistics standards as ‘Bell Ringers’ on a bi-monthly basis to address deficient areas in previous years’ EXPLORE test data. Administer quarterly assessments to monitor students understanding of previously addressed GLCE’s in the area of proportions and similarities and data and statistics. Persons Responsible for Implementation: All math department teachers Resources: District pacing guides and curriculum materials, Data Director Test Items, Evans-Newton Test Bank Items, MMLA - Michigan Mathematics Leadership Academy Mathematics Assessments Dates: September 7, 2010 – June 16, 2011 Students will increase their comprehension and retention of concepts related to proportions and similarities and data and statistics Action Plan 7th - 9th grade Mathematics
Tier II StrategiesPersons Responsible Implementations, Resources, Start and End Dates Progress Monitoring Increase test taking strategies: Provide times tests every quarter that will model EXPLORE/ACT math testing formats. 7 th grade – 5, 10, 15, and 20 min timed tests 8 th grade – 10, 15, 20, and 25 min timed tests 9 th grade – Two 30-minute tests with 30 questions before EXPLORE test is administered (included in EXPLORE Fridays during 1 st Quarter). Review and demonstrate multiple choice and test taking strategies through the use of estimation, elimination, and graphic representations by displaying their work on homework and assessments. Persons Responsible for Implementation: All math department teachers Resources: District pacing guides and curriculum materials, Data Director Test Items, Evans-Newton Test Bank Items, MMLA - Michigan Mathematics Leadership Academy Mathematics Assessments Dates: September 7, 2010 – June 16, 2011 Students will improve their performance of various test taking strategies such as estimation, graphic representation, and their ability to eliminate incorrect answer choices on course /district assessments, and EXPLORE/ACT math tests Action Plan 7th - 9th grade Mathematics
Tier II StrategiesPersons Responsible Implementations, Resources, Start and End Dates Progress Monitoring Increase use of math manipulatives and research-based ‘Best Practice’s: All teachers will increase use of math manipulatives and research-based ‘best practices’ within the current classroom content to address recurring deficient strand areas. Persons Responsible for Implementation: All math department teachers Resources: DATCM Math /Science Conference (Nov. 13, 2010), Conditions for effective mathematics teaching The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics ( Models of Intervention in Mathematics: Reweaving the Tapestry (NCTM) 2010http:// Dates: September 7, 2010 – June 16, 2011 Students in all subgroups will improve their performance on course / district assessments, and MEAP/ EXPLORE/ACT math tests. 7th - 9th grade Mathematics Action Plan