Welcome! Extended Day for Learning Site Leader Meeting September, 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome! Extended Day for Learning Site Leader Meeting September, 2013

Today’s Meeting Goals Policies and procedures Instrumental music Academic math and reading curriculum (Applied academics) enrichment Questions/answers/insights

Mission Statement Extended Day for Learning provides, focused, alternative learning opportunities that support achievement, so that all students experience educational success,and graduate to something great!

New for Leadership (POSA Jon Peterson) Name (Office of Alternative Education - OAE) Name (“Applied Academics” for Enrichment) Hubs (Riverview & Battle Creek) Available curriculum: Why Try (addresses social/emotional development) Lego League at all sites Hiring staff via SPPS’s HR Department Community Specialists from area universities Increase in pay for site leaders and teachers (additional 30 minutes per session) Q & A Planning Sessions for new site leaders Staffing Guidelines (duties/allocations/accountability)

Overview (SECTION ONE) State funded Includes EDL and Summer Session A wide range of qualifications for student to attend Curriculum is supplemental; it does not supplant what is done during the daytime Leadership includes school principal, site leader, OAE staff Academic math and reading, applied academics (enrichment), instrumental music Oct. 7 - May 8

Student Selection/CAMPUS Procedures (SECTION TWO) From September 19 on students are hand enrolled (use Program Code “109: Extended Day Learning) and sites communicate with Transportation regarding bussing CAMPUS procedures are in Section Two (have also been ed) Tech support provided by SPPS Help Desk.

Section Three: Staffing SPPS’s HR Department now handles hiring using People Soft (Kelly Motz) All must apply (note: resume not necessary) Secure staff before enrolling students The number of students attending a building’s EDL program determines the duties of the site leader and if a clerk will be hired Monitoring of staffing and attendance necessary; will have to cut staff if not within guidelines Staffing list due to Kelly Motz Oct. 1; applications will remain open all school year

Number of Students Attending EDL Number of classroom s Site Leaders Site Leader Duties *TeachersSupport Paras Cler k Lead, Teach, Clerical Lead, Clerical Lead, Clerical Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead Lead1241

EDL Staff (SECTION THREE) Principal Paraprofessionals (TAs and EAs; one for every three classrooms if assisting; this does not include TAs and EAs leading applied academics ( enrichment)) Teachers (20:1 student:teacher ratio; teachers teaching math and reading must be licensed MN teachers; limited number of paraprofessionals/Community Specialists may lead an enrichment when a licensed site leader is present to supervise) Teachers with ELL, Special Ed., School Social Worker, Specialist licenses can teach academic (math and reading) EDL subjects (Guideline: person must be licensed to teach that age/grade level) Site Leader (1-2 per site) Instrumental Music for Grades 4/5 Substitutes Lego League Volunteers

Lego League Lego League students/teacher “aside” from 20:1 ratio (both considered EDL participants) One Lego League teacher with students entire EDL block (except for instrumental music) Lego League teacher paid for 3 hours Lego League students enrolled as EDL students and attendance taken Lego League may or may not continue after December competition District Lego League coordinator: Molly Leifeld

Instrumental Music Instrumental Music is considered to be Applied Academics (Enrichment) Students are counted into the 20:1 student to teacher ratio, but Instrumental Music teacher is aside from the 20:1 student to teacher ratio Instrumental Music students are scheduled into EDL classes; lessons are done on a “pull out” basis (at least for first 1/2 of school year) Students are EDL students Expectation is that students qualify for EDL and attend full session Instrumental Music instructors hired through Instrumental Music TOSA, Robin Lorenzen


Site Leader Duties (SECTION THREE) Support curriculum selection and implementation (instructional leadership) Support teachers and paraprofessionals as they effectively manage job duties Liaison between students, parents, building staff, and OAE Office Substitute teaching (in case a sub cannot be secured)

Daily Duties (SECTION THREE) Visit classrooms daily Monitor students during transitions and dismissal Assist with student behavior Monitor student enrollment and attendance on CAMPUS Manage payroll

Payroll (SECTION FOUR) OAE Payroll Clerk: Deb Middleton Payroll Dates included in section Site leaders responsible for submitting accurate payroll on time Site leaders paid varying hours for program set-up and close; all paid same number of hours for EDL in-building staff meeting (see manual for payroll procedures)

Two different colored time sheets are used: blue for teachers/site leaders and green for non-teaching (paraprofessionals/Community Specialists/EDL Clerk) Stamped, self-addressed envelopes are used to mail in time reports/may also be dropped off to OAE Office Employees new to the district/who have not worked for SPPS within the last six months complete additional paperwork at 360 Colborne (need picture ids, blank check) Late payroll = EDL staff paid late

EDL Student Health Services Building nurse develops individual health plans and emergency care plans for students with health conditions Building nurse trains site leader and one other staff member in anaphylaxis and other health conditions students may have at the site Mai Kao Xiong, EDL Nurse - serves as a consultant to EDL - makes site visits throughout the year - can be reached during EDL (Mai Kao will communicate contact information)

Opening the EDL Program Section FIVE Locate/organize curriculum in building (lists in SECTION SIX) Schedule classes (sample schedules in SECTION FIVE) Get student information from daytime teachers and/or database(s) (form in SECTION FIVE) Plan for snack (complete on-line form plus communicate with your building’s cafeteria supervisor) Establish snack/attendance procedure

Opening the EDL Program Section FIVE Communicate with your building’s transportation supervisor (bus information/tags will be forwarded to sites Oct. 2 or Oct. 3) Place consumable supply order ($3 per student plus $3 per student for applied academics (enrichment); see lead school clerk for Innovative Office information) Prepare for 2 hour in-building meeting with EDL staff to take place between today and before Oct. 7 (see SECTION FIVE for details)

* Beginning of slides to use with in-building EDL staff training State Guidelines (Section FIVE) EDL is a targeted services program Mission is intervention/prevention Supplement, not supplant

Program Design (Section FIVE) Program addresses student needs (curriculum & instruction is driven by student needs as determined by data and other information) Focus on academic and learning skills, applied learning opportunities, youth service to the community, etc. Variety of learning techniques and experiences (learner- focused, cross age teaching, hands on, project based, etc.) How do we know what was done was effective? Student needs>EDL experiences>Evaluation

CURRICULUM BASICS (SECTION SIX) Students typically have both academic math and reading and applied academics (enrichment) classes each EDL session Math and reading focus may alternate Building resources should be used Staff/offerings may be short or long term Homework Help and recess are not part of EDL (see state guidelines)

Teacher Duties Implement EDL curriculum, materials, and schedule Teach prepared lesson each session Engage students in meaningful activities related to lesson concept(s) Use instructional goal setting based on assessments Redirect non-learning student behavior promptly and effectively

Extended Day for Learning DO’s and DON’Ts Encourage your staff to: Consider teaching a different group of students than worked with during the day Think about teaching a different grade level than taught during the day Infuse instruction with “other than the school day” thinking Think of EDL as being another two hours of what was done during the day Consider EDL to be strictly remedial Forget that inspiring a student to embrace learning is the key to encouraging life-long learners

MANY HELPFUL RESOURCES CAN BE FOUND AT… (Staff Resources) OAE/ALC Wiki Applied Academics (Enrichment) units, planning, and topic information Academic curriculum and supplemental/extention materials Most teacher guides also posted

Applied Academics (Enrichment) Opportunities for students to discover new interests and develop new abilities Investigate a topic or theme through project- and problem-based learning Involve students in their own learning to develop problem-solving skills How is what the student is doing contributing to the ultimate goal of graduating from high school?

New this year: Why Try Hands-on lessons and activities Social and emotional principles Drop-out prevention, truancy reduction, increased academic success Helps young people achieve opportunity, freedom, and self-respect If interested, let the OAE TOSA know ASAP (order goes in Wednesday!)

Academic Math Grades K/1 Literature with Teacher’s Resource book Grades 2-5 Math Camp (includes multiple student copies of texts for four titles for grade levels 3-5)

K/1 EDL Math Materials Easy Math Lessons for the Overhead (used as reference) (literature based lessons with ten read-alouds) Geometry Unit (white/black 3-ring binder; also on OAE/ALC Wiki) with two read alouds (collection of games, songs, & activities) Lessons may be done in any order

EDL Math Grades 2-5 Math Camp materials Integrates math, academic language, and literacy Presents content using brisk pacing and engaging topics Supports EDL “something other than the school day” approach Includes pre- and post tests Two Units per grade level: Unit Two: Problem Solving Unit Three: Geometry & Measurement

EDL Reading Basics Read-aloud format used to teach strategy-based lessons “Eyes on Text” (independent reading time”) important part of class time

Grades K-2 Reading Materials Buzz About It! Curriculum A collection of 25 nonfiction texts to read aloud to students 25 lesson cards (one per book) with directions for instruction Color coded cards represent three types of lessons Strategy chart shows which texts teach specific reading strategies

Grade 3 EDL Reading Making Comprehension Connections: Look, Listen, Link! Curriculum Boxed set includes teacher’s guide, teaching posters, overhead transparencies, and CD Strategy-based lessons Teaching poster is visual link to strategy Poem, rap, or song is auditory link to strategy 11 read aloud books to go along with 11 strategies Strategies may be presented in any order

Grade 4 EDL Reading Laura Robb “Big Book” Reinforce reading strategies and includes writing component Word Forward Level A (orange book) for grade 4 12 read aloud books go with lessons Builds vocabulary & comprehesion Models for 8 key comprehension strategies Students learn four “Big Ideas” for decoding words

Grade 5 EDL Reading Word Forward Curriculum Level B (green book) for grade 5 Builds vocabulary and comprehension Six strategies are taught using 12 read aloud books Students learn four basic “big ideas” for decoding unknown words: Spotlight on Literary Elements Includes six copies each of eight mini- anthologies Use for small group instruction and/or independent reading

The End