September 11, 2014
Measurements of Student Progress (MSP) ◦ Reading and math were tested every year in grades 3 through 8. ◦ Writing was tested in Grades 4 and 7. ◦ Science is tested in Grades 5 and 8. Science will continue to be tested this year.
High School Proficiency Exams (HSPEs) ◦ High School Proficiency Exams (HSPE) are comprehensive exams that measure the basic proficiency of high school students in reading and writing, and serve as the state’s exit exams in those subjects. End of Course Exams (EOC) ◦ Students are required to pass EOC exams in Algebra 1, Geometry, and Biology. ◦ They serve as the state’s exit exams for math and science. Students who do not pass the HSPE or an EOC must complete a Collection of Evidence (COE) packet. ◦ The COE is an evaluation of a set of work samples prepared by the student with instructional support from a teacher. ◦ Students develop their work samples under the direct supervision of teachers. Students must follow state guidelines for preparing and submitting collections. ◦ The COE is scored at the state level using professional scorers.
The numbers represent the percent of students who met the state standard. Reading - Grade 3 GordonPearsonPoulsboSuquamishVinlandWolflePALNKSDState SUPPRESSED70.8SBAC SUPPRESSED73.772
The numbers represent the percent of students who met the state standard. Grade 3 - Math GordonPearsonPoulsboSuquamishVinlandWolflePALNKSDState SUPPRESSED81.0SBAC SUPPRESSED
The numbers represent the percent of students who met the state standard. Grade 4 - Reading GordonPearsonPoulsboSuquamishVinlandWolflePALNKSDState SUPPRESSED80.0SBAC SUPPRESSED
The numbers represent the percent of students who met the state standard. Grade 4 - Math GordonPearsonPoulsboSuquamishVinlandWolflePALNKSDState SUPPRESSED59.4SBAC SUPPRESSED
The numbers represent the percent of students who met the state standard. Grade 5 - Reading GordonPearsonPoulsboSuquamishVinlandWolflePALNKSDState SUPPRESSED80.0SBAC SUPPRESSED
The numbers represent the percent of students who met the state standard. Grade 5 - Math GordonPearsonPoulsboSuquamishVinlandWolflePALNKSDState SUPPRESSED71.2SBAC SUPPRESSED
The numbers represent the percent of students who met the state standard. Grade 5 - Science GordonPearsonPoulsboSuquamishVinlandWolflePALNKSDState SUPPRESSED SUPPRESSED
The numbers represent the percent of students who met the state standard. Reading - Grade 6 KMSPMSPALMSOPNKSDState SBAC SUPPRESSED
The numbers represent the percent of students who met the state standard. Mathematics - Grade 6 KMSPMSPALMSOPNKSDState SBAC SUPPRESSED
The numbers represent the percent of students who met the state standard. Reading - Grade 7 KMSPMSPALMSOPNKSDState SBAC SUPPRESSED
The numbers represent the percent of students who met the state standard. Mathematics - Grade 7 KMSPMSPALMSOPNKSDState SBAC SUPPRESSED
The numbers represent the percent of students who met the state standard. Writing - Grade 7 KMSPMSPALMSOPNKSDState SBAC SUPPRESSED
The numbers represent the percent of students who met the state standard. Reading - Grade 8 KMSPMSPALMSOPNKSDState SBAC SUPPRESSED
The numbers represent the percent of students who met the state standard. Mathematics - Grade 8 KMSPMSPALMSOPNKSDState SBAC SUPPRESSED
The numbers represent the percent of students who met the state standard. Science - Grade 8 KMSPMSPALMSOPNKSDState SUPPRESSED
The numbers represent the percent of students who met the state standard. Reading - Grade 10 KHSNKHSState
The numbers represent the percent of students who met the state standard. Writing - Grade 10 KHSNKHSState
The numbers represent the percent of students who met the state standard. End of Course Biology KHSNKHSState
The numbers represent the percent of students who met the state standard. Mathematics - End of Course Algebra KHSNKHSNKSD (All Grades)State (All Grades)
Mathematics End of Course Exam- Geometry KHSNKHSNKSDState
Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBA) ◦ SBA are aligned with the Common Core Standards and measure student achievement toward college and career-ready goals. ◦ SBA use computer adaptive technology. ◦ Test results will be available much sooner, in weeks, rather than months. ◦ The test will include a variety of item types, including short response, extended response, and performance tasks. ◦ Beginning in the school year, English/Language Arts and Mathematics will be assessed in SBA. ◦ Science is not included in the SBA. Students will continue to be assessed using the MSP for Grades 5 and 8.