2015 5/6 Parent Information Evening WELCOME!
AGENDA Staffing The Moral Purpose of Schooling Shared Understandings Curriculum Leadership, Transitions and Organisation Parent Partnerships Questions/Discussion
Staff Classroom teachers Betty Tzelepis Toby Russo Sophie Gidley Kate Old Rebecca Kate
Staff Specialists: Chelsea Kneale (Art) Andrew Williamson (Music) Michelle (PE/Sport) Ruth Vonarx/Maria Tevelis (Welfare) Marg Sneddon (Teaching and Learning)
The Moral Purpose of Schooling All these …. whatever my background, whatever my abilities, wherever I start from I know how I am being assessed and what I need to do to improve my work I know what my learning objectives are and feel in control of my learning My parents are involved with the school and I feel I belong here I enjoy using ICT and know how it can help my learning I know if I need extra help or to be challenged to do better I will get the right support I know what good work looks like and can help myself to learn I can work well with and learn from many others as well as my teacher I get to learn lots of interesting and different subjects
Shared Vision As a team our role is to facilitate an engaging learning environment and support each student to be the best they can be.
Shared Understandings That grade 5/6 students are the leaders of the school and are expected to model exemplary behaviour, initiative and commitment to their learning. Value their learning Respect for self and others Demonstrate communal responsibility Classroom values, procedures and expectations are being developed during the Start Up program
Parent Partnerships Using your skills- visiting experts Homework expectations- assist in setting up a place and a time
Parent Partnerships Communication Blog School Website Hard copy notices Please see your classroom teacher as a first point of call for questions or concerns.
Literacy AusVELS based curriculum Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening Daily Independent Reading “Just Right” book Term 1: The Wish Bird, Gabriel Wang Series of Picture Story books based on the ANZACs Written and verbal responses, explore themes, author’s intent Narrative and Persuasive focus (including spelling and editing) About Me presentations, text responses, group discussions, peer interactions
Numeracy AusVELS based curriculum Number &Algebra, Measurement & Geometry, Statistics& Probability Pre and post testing “Just Right” learning Differentiated Groups and Whole Class tasks Real life investigations, problem solving and cooperative activities
Inquiry Personal and Interpersonal learning across all areas Term 1: ANZAC- Australia at Home Term 2: Our Asian Neighbours Opportunities for rotations such as Italian, Science, ICT, Thinking Skills, Activity Maths,
ICT Laptops/iPads Across the curriculum to support learning Google Docs Digital Literacy Cyber Safety/Digital Citizenship
Specialist Program The specialist program this year consists of: Art Music PE / Sport Lunchtime Maldon Bike Camp 24/6 – 26/6 Students are also supported by a dedicated welfare team – (Ruth Vonarx/Maria Tevelis) and the leadership team. All grades are expected to timetable a weekly library session
Leadership, Transitions and Organisation Ownership of own behaviour and effort School Captain and JSC opportunities Personal organisation and independence including diaries, homework, timetables Mature outlook and problem solving skills. Homework will be given out each Thursday and will be due on the next Wednesday. (Homework Club Tuesday)
Grade 6 Transition An information night will be held shortly Secondary schools have already begun to advertise their open days School Preferences are due in May Placements are announced in August
Key Dates Getting to Know You Interviews ~ February 16 th February ~ Wear Red Day, Chinese New Year 23 rd April ~ Legacy ANZAC ceremony (excursion) 24 th April ~ Bell PS ANZAC Ceremony (at school) May ~ NAPLAN Term 2 ~ 3-6 Biennale 24 – 26 th June ~ Camp
Questions? Thanks for coming and have a lovely night.