sustainable mixed communities the importance of placemaking Mike Galloway Director of City Development Dundee City Council
not just about visual aesthetics but the art of making real places deals in four dimensions physical, social & economic applied masterplanning placemaking is….
masterplanning is…. more important than architecture more effective than planning increasingly misunderstood concerned with the ‘big picture’ about facilitating placemaking
typology of masterplanning blueprints design code masterplans design guides design briefs design frameworks
forms of implementation consultant to private client local planning authority regeneration partnership developer landowner
key techniques achieve essential urban design qualities permeability vitality variety legibility robustness establish clear development framework streets blocks spaces activities building relationships
key techniques form a robust delivery mechanism vision partnership governance resources proportionality engage with stakeholders community government investors developers users
some examples
crown street
dundee waterfront
conclusions aspire to real four dimensional places nb. physical, social & economic importance of masterplanning design qualities clear framework robust delivery stakeholder engagement match typology to form of implementation