The naval war in WWI…
"I had a peculiar passion for the navy. It sprang to no small extent from my English blood. When I was a little boy... I admired the proud British ships. There awoke in me the will to build ships of my own like these some day, and when I was grown up to possess a fine navy as the English." -- Kaiser Wilhelm II, autobiography My Early Life "I had a peculiar passion for the navy. It sprang to no small extent from my English blood. When I was a little boy... I admired the proud British ships. There awoke in me the will to build ships of my own like these some day, and when I was grown up to possess a fine navy as the English." -- Kaiser Wilhelm II, autobiography My Early Life Who else has a “fine” navy and will want to use it? Who else has a “fine” navy and will want to use it?
Ships attacked by U-Boats Naval War U-Boats
The German’s were losing on land No great naval battles No great naval battles Naval blockades – both sides – England advantage Naval blockades – both sides – England advantage German U-boats (submarines) Feb 1915 German U-boats (submarines) Feb – Uboats destroyed 1/3 of a million tons per month then 1917 up to 400,000 plus, 500,000 plus, April 800,000 tons 1916 – Uboats destroyed 1/3 of a million tons per month then 1917 up to 400,000 plus, 500,000 plus, April 800,000 tons By April 1917 – 6 weeks of food for British people By April 1917 – 6 weeks of food for British people Impact on “neutral” countries Impact on “neutral” countries Could u-boats destroy Britain before American intervenes? Could u-boats destroy Britain before American intervenes? Cg Cg Cg Cg
How might this impact the USA? For each item listed, notate whether it would make the US: For each item listed, notate whether it would make the US: Want to join allied powers Want to join allied powers Want to join central powers Want to join central powers Want to stay out of the war Want to stay out of the war How significant was the Zimmerman Telegram? How significant was the Zimmerman Telegram? Top three reasons why US joined the Allied Powers Top three reasons why US joined the Allied Powers Do you agree with America’s decision to join the war? Join the Allied Powers? Do you agree with America’s decision to join the war? Join the Allied Powers?
Leading the USA to War -British blockade Germany (weapons & food cannot enter the country or leave the country) -British blockade Germany (weapons & food cannot enter the country or leave the country) -German’s counter-blockade English Channel with U-Boats -German’s counter-blockade English Channel with U-Boats -May 7, 1915 – u-boat sank British liner, Lusitania (1,198 died, 128 were American) -May 7, 1915 – u-boat sank British liner, Lusitania (1,198 died, 128 were American) -August, 1915 – u-boat sank Arabic (2 Americans killed) -August, 1915 – u-boat sank Arabic (2 Americans killed) -Germany agreed to stop sinking passenger lines -Germany agreed to stop sinking passenger lines -March 1916 – German’s torpedoed an unarmed French liner, Sussex (80 died including Americans) -March 1916 – German’s torpedoed an unarmed French liner, Sussex (80 died including Americans) -Germany tells U.S.A. will only stop if England stops food/fertilizer blockade -Germany tells U.S.A. will only stop if England stops food/fertilizer blockade -Nov 1916 – Wilson win’s second term, “he kept us out of war” was his campaign slogan -Nov 1916 – Wilson win’s second term, “he kept us out of war” was his campaign slogan -Jan Jan, 1917 “a peace without victory… a peace between equals”; Wilson wanted all join together extend democracy, maintain freedom seas, reduce armaments. -Jan Jan, 1917 “a peace without victory… a peace between equals”; Wilson wanted all join together extend democracy, maintain freedom seas, reduce armaments. -Jan 1917 – German’s proclaim will sink all ships in British waters, hostile or not hostile -Jan 1917 – German’s proclaim will sink all ships in British waters, hostile or not hostile -4 unarmed American merchants ships sunk, 36 died -4 unarmed American merchants ships sunk, 36 died -March 1917 – Russia becomes a representative government -March 1917 – Russia becomes a representative government -March 1917 – The Zimmerman Telegram is revealed to the American public – see back -March 1917 – The Zimmerman Telegram is revealed to the American public – see back -March - April unarmed American merchant ships sunk by German uboats -March - April unarmed American merchant ships sunk by German uboats -During the course of the war, JP Morgan loans to the Allies in World War I are estimated at $500,000,000 -April 6, 1917 – Americans declare war against Germany -April 6, 1917 – Americans declare war against Germany
Zimmerman Telegraph, Translated into English Zimmerman Telegraph, Translated into English We intend to begin on the 1st of February unrestricted submarine warfare. We shall endeavor in spite of this to keep the United States of America neutral. In the event of this not succeeding, we make Mexico a proposal of alliance on the following basis: make war together, make peace together, generous financial support and an understanding on our part that Mexico is to reconquer the lost territory in Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. The settlement in detail is left to you. You will inform the President of the above most secretly as soon as the outbreak of war with the United States of America is certain and add the suggestion that he should, on his own initiative, invite Japan to immediate adherence and at the same time mediate between Japan and ourselves. Please call the President's attention to the fact that the ruthless employment of our submarines now offers the prospect of compelling England in a few months to make peace. Signed, Zimmermann We intend to begin on the 1st of February unrestricted submarine warfare. We shall endeavor in spite of this to keep the United States of America neutral. In the event of this not succeeding, we make Mexico a proposal of alliance on the following basis: make war together, make peace together, generous financial support and an understanding on our part that Mexico is to reconquer the lost territory in Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. The settlement in detail is left to you. You will inform the President of the above most secretly as soon as the outbreak of war with the United States of America is certain and add the suggestion that he should, on his own initiative, invite Japan to immediate adherence and at the same time mediate between Japan and ourselves. Please call the President's attention to the fact that the ruthless employment of our submarines now offers the prospect of compelling England in a few months to make peace. Signed, Zimmermann
the Lusitania "was one of the largest and fastest English commerce steamers, constructed with government funds as auxiliary cruisers, and is expressly included in the navy list published by the British Admiralty. It is, moreover, known to the Imperial government from reliable information furnished by its officials and neutral passengers that for some time practically all the more valuable English merchant vessels have been provided with guns, ammunition and other weapons, and reinforced with a crew specially practiced in manning guns. According to reports at hand here, the Lusitania when she left New York undoubtedly had guns on board which were mounted under decks and masked." the Lusitania "was one of the largest and fastest English commerce steamers, constructed with government funds as auxiliary cruisers, and is expressly included in the navy list published by the British Admiralty. It is, moreover, known to the Imperial government from reliable information furnished by its officials and neutral passengers that for some time practically all the more valuable English merchant vessels have been provided with guns, ammunition and other weapons, and reinforced with a crew specially practiced in manning guns. According to reports at hand here, the Lusitania when she left New York undoubtedly had guns on board which were mounted under decks and masked."
What plays the greatest role? U-Boat Attacks U-Boat Attacks Zimmerman Letter Zimmerman Letter Russia becoming “democratic” (later leave the war) Russia becoming “democratic” (later leave the war) Money invested in Allied Powers Money invested in Allied Powers
America’s Justification for War Germany violating pledge to stop unrestricted submarine warfare (Sussex Pledge) Germany violating pledge to stop unrestricted submarine warfare (Sussex Pledge) Germany’s attempt to get Mexico to attack the USA Germany’s attempt to get Mexico to attack the USA Public opinion in favor of war by 1917 Public opinion in favor of war by 1917 Already putting naval officials (military) on civilian ships, considered act of war… Already putting naval officials (military) on civilian ships, considered act of war…