Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act ____________________ Review and Compliance for CDBG/CHIP Program Projects.


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Presentation transcript:

Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act ____________________ Review and Compliance for CDBG/CHIP Program Projects

CDBG/CHIP Application Form Applicant’s priority: To demonstrate a need for the proposed project Georgia State Historic Preservation Office’s priority: To review the application for potential effects to historic structures and/or archaeological sites

Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 Federal law that requires all projects with federal involvement be reviewed by the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) of the state in which the project is located DCA cannot release any HUD funds until Section 106 review and compliance is completed

CDBG/CHIP Projects of Primary Concern to the Georgia SHPO Rehabilitation/alteration of any buildings 50 years old or older, such as schools, housing, and community buildings, that are not covered under the 1997 Programmatic Agreement New construction (buildings, water tanks, etc.) Demolition or relocation of historic resources

CDBG/CHIP Projects of Secondary Concern to the Georgia SHPO Installation of water and sewer lines Road paving and drainage improvements Construction of sidewalks

Primary Types of Effects Considered Under Section 106 Physical effects: Demolition, addition, alteration, relocation, ground disturbance (archaeology) Visual effects: Introduction of incompatible buildings/objects into the viewshed of a historic building, district, or landscape

Documentation Required to Complete Most Section 106 Project Reviews Completion of HPD’s Environmental Review (ER) Form (in Applicant’s Manual) Attach ER form to DCA-9 form in the CDBG/CHIP application package and new ER form

ER Form I.General Information Project Name Federal Agency – HUD Agency’s Involvement – Funding Project Type Level of Review – Section 106

F. Project Description G. Contact information H. Attach a map – Location maps (preferably USGS topographic), for example from or other sites and city map I. Reviewed before? If yes, attach copy of SHPO letter

II. Information Defining Area of Potential Effect (A.P.E.) A.Describe A.P.E. B.Attach map showing extent of A.P.E. C.Provide clear, color photographs of all historic structures (50 years old or older) that are in, adjacent to, and/or within view of the project area

III. (Archaeological) Site Information A.Past Archaeological investigations (if known) B.Available information on sites C.Past Use D.What is on property today E.Land-disturbing activities F.Details of area of land disturbance

IV. Building & Structure Information A.Project in or adjacent to a National Register- listed District? B.Are there buildings in A.P.E. 50 years of age or older? C.If yes, are any listed or eligible for listing on the National Register? D.If yes, does project include rehabilitation, relocation, demolition or additions to these buildings?

E.Preparation of Historic Resources Form V.Additional Information A. Changes within setting B. Changes outside setting C. Changes to Noise/Air levels D. Changes in ownership

If renovating/altering a historic structure (such as a vacant school into a Boys & Girls Club), plans and drawings of the proposed changes should be enclosed in the application package (or provided later when available). Additional Consideration

Final Points to Remember (Part I) Submit photographs of all historic structures. All photographs should be keyed to a site plan or map to show their location and direction of view. The presence of historic structures in the project area does not automatically mean that the project cannot be funded.

Final Points to Remember (Part II) Include all necessary documentation in the application to facilitate a timely review. Contact the Historic Preservation Planner at the appropriate Regional Development Center. For complex projects or projects that may have adverse effects to historic structures and/or archaeological sites, hire a qualified historic preservation professional.

HPD website: Elizabeth (Betsy) Shirk Environmental Review Coordinator (404) Michelle Volkema Environmental Review Specialist (404)