Joy Papao, SPC - SOPAC
Tropical Cyclones, Typhoons & Hurricanes
Tropical Cyclone Overview - Formation
Tropical Cyclone Hazards Torrential rains (flash flooding & river flooding) Landslides Storm surges and waves Lightning Salt spray
Tropical Cyclone Risk Model “assessing only wind hazard”
TCRM - users Climatologists Meteorologists Natural hazard researchers with limited or no programming experience
TCRM – configuration file Input file – IBTrACS global database of tropical cyclones Domain – Country/Division/Location Track Generator - No of years to simulate Hazard – Return periods (25, 50, 100, 200, 250, 500….)
Viewing simulation results - graph Cyclonic Wind Hazard for Lata, Solomon Islands
Simulation Results – Return Period
TC Track data – Quantum GIS
TC Tracking – Quantum GIS TC Ivy
Wind field – Quantum GIS
Why Model? To better understand the risk and potential impacts of these natural hazard on our communities Increase resilience Could be used to improve early warning procedures for TCs, in this case May want to look at how different TC hazards affect areas of interest
Acknowledgement Geoscience Australia, AUSAID, QUT and especially Dr Martine Woolf and Craig Arthur