Introduction ICT offers new opportunities to enhance education & to improve the quality of delivery education in all areas MOEVT believes that the use of ICT in teaching, learning, administration & management represent a powerful tool with which to achieve educational & national development objectives
Education objectives & policy objectives “…to promote the acquisition and appropriate use of literary, social, scientific, vocational, technological, professional and other forms of knowledge, skills and understanding for the development and improvement of man and society…” (Education and Training Policy, 1995) The policy guides the integration of ICT in basic education It is directed at the achievement of the objectives of Tanzania’s education policies and education development programmes
Scope of policy: coverage Basic education: Pre-primary, primary, secondary, researcher education, non-formal & adult education Semi autonomous agencies: ADEM, IAE, NECTA, TIE, TLSB, & VETA
Expected outcomes Improvement of access & equity to basic education Increase the number and quality of teachers Increase in levels of acquisition and use of knowledge & skills for all learners Improvement of efficiency & effectiveness of the management & administration of education at all levels Broaden the basic education financing, while optimizing the use of education resources
Prioritization & sustainability Priority levels: Teacher education, Secondary education (in phase) and primary education At the same time: Adult Education, vocational training, libraries and administration and management
ICT Philosophy for basic education – vision and mission A well educated and learning knowledge society
MISSION: Integrate ICT to enhance access, equity, quality and relevance of basic education, while stimulating and improving teaching and life-long learning
Objectives of the policy The objectives of this policy are to: Intergrate the use of ICT to achieve educational policy objectives Promote the harmonization of activities, approaches and standards in the educational uses of ICT Ensure that there exists equitable access to ICT resources by students, teachers and administrators in all regions and types of educational institutions and offices Ensure proper management & maintenance of ICT resources Facilitate the development & use of ICT as a pedagogical tool Promote development of local content for basic education and others Encourage partnership Facilitate use of ICT resources in schools, colleges and libraries
Challenges of ICT policy for basic education Some of the challenges foreseen in this policy are: Insufficient prioritization of ICT in the implementation of educational and development policies Inadequate and development in sharing, collaboration and partnership in ICT implementation Inadequate infrastructure Insufficient number of qualified technical personnel Insufficient financial resources Inadequate training and capacity development resulting in under-utilisation of ICT Lack of awareness on importance of ICT
Policy context The context of this Policy for ICT implementation in the education sector originates from a number of country policy documents: Tanzania Development Vision 2025 National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty (NSGRP) Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) National Information and Communications Technologies Policy Education and Training Policy of 1995 (ETP) Education Sector Development Programme (ESDP) Education Sector Review World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)
ICT Policy statements Infrastructure and Technical Issues Curriculum and Content Training and Capacity Building Planning, Procurement and Administration Management, Support and Sustainability Monitoring and Evaluation
Modalities for implementation Publicise this policy on ICT in education in as many ways as possible Form an ICT4E Unit and a network of ICT4E Focal persons in all departments to oversee the integration Facilitate the preparation and implementation of the necessary Action Plans, in collaboration with stakeholders ICT4E Unit will be advised by a Steering Committee, comprised of key stakeholders, partners and Ministry representatives, as well as Technical Advisory Groups for specific areas Implementation of this policy will be via a partnership approach involving the community, private and public organizations, and development partners.
Ministry will value what work has been done by other partners Implementation of this policy will be aligned to all relevant national and sectoral ICT programmes in Tanzania, as well as related regional and international initiatives.