Mental Mapping Francisci WG.1
What is a Mental Map? Mental Map: A personal perception of an area based on a person’s knowledge and experience. In other words, a mental map is the picture of a map a person has in his/her mind.
Uses of Mental Maps A mental map can be used to carry out daily activities such as: 1. Going to school 2. Going to the mall
Uses of Mental Maps A mental map can be used to give directions to another person.
Uses of Mental Maps A mental map will help a person understand world events.
Ways Mental Maps are Developed and Refined: Comparing sketch maps with accurate maps found in an atlas or textbook.
Ways Mental Maps are Developed and Refined: Describing the location of places in terms of reference points such as the equator or prime meridian (ex. North of the equator).
Ways Mental Maps are Developed and Refined: Describing a place in relation to its location near geographic features and land forms such as rivers, mountains, plains or bodies of water.
Ways Mental Maps are Developed and Refined: Describing the location of places in terms of the human characteristics of a place such as language, type of housing, dress, recreation or customs.