Session 4: Early Literacy Skills Review & Apply Caregiver Strategies for Language Development Synthesis Discussion Two –(Ch. 3 & Norton-Meier) Characteristics & Components of Novice Literacy Learners Lesson Planning Preparation Examining Assessment Tools
Review:Birth to Three Years - The Foundations of Literacy Development Applying Caregiver Strategies to Language Domains Strategies: Expansions Extensions Repetitions Parallel Talk Self-talk Vertical Structuring Fill-ins Domains: Phonology Semantics Morphology Syntax Pragmatics
4 Novice Literacy Development Meaning –Environmental Print –Concept of Story –Writing Form –Concepts of Print –Letters Meaning-Form Link –Phonological Awareness Functions ELLs Assessment
Learning Trajectories: Ages 3-5 Print Knowledg e explores books pretend reads uses book language points to words labels pictures Alphabet Knowledge Oral Language Comprehension Vocabulary Growth say letter names-name familiar letters-name more letters-link letters & words-link letters & sounds rhyme-alliteration-word segmentation-syllables-beginning sounds takes turns - asks ?s - retells - new words - complex grammar use 600 words - 1,200 words - 1,800 words - 2,400 words - 3,000 words Adapted from Roskos, Tabors, & Lenhart (2004) Phonological Awareness
Larger Units Smallest Units Phonics
8 Developmentally Approporiate Early Literacy Assessment
9 Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening PALS Pre-K (Invernizzi M., Sullivan, A., & Welsch. J., 2001) University Printing Services., )
10 Additional Early Literacy Assessments: Teacher Rating of Oral Language and Literacy (TROLL; Dickinson, 1997) Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test - Revised (PPVT-4; Dunn & Dunn, 2007) Phonological Awareness Informal Assessment (Wright Group/McGraw-Hill) Hearing and Recording Words (Clay, 2002)
11 Interactive Read Alouds to Promote Early Literacy Skills Print Concepts: Going on a bear hunt (Rosen, 2003) Environmental Print: Knuffle Bunny (Wilems, 2004) Alphabet Knowledge: Shiver me letters (Sobel, 2006) Word Awareness: Tough Boris (Fox, 1994) Phonological Awareness A pair of socks (1996) 11
12 Lesson Planning Requirements 3 lesson implementations 3 developmental levels 5 components to choose from Example: 1. Kindergarten - Novices Phonological Awareness 2. First Grade - Experimenters - Phonics 3. Third Grade - Conventional - Fluency
13 Steps for completion Decide what classroom/students 2. Choose a component based on needs 3. Browse articles to find a strategy that fits both the component and the developmental level 4. Read the article, decide how to adjust the strategy for your learners 5. Plan the lesson using the ABC format
14 McGee & Schickedanz (2007). Repeated interactive read-aludds in preschool and kindergarten. The Reading Teacher. 60(8), Summary: –research reveals mixed results regarding the quality and quantity of read alouds for young children –analytic talk is more effective than random participation –a systematic approach can enhance the quality of a read aloud Reaction: –author’s perspective: repeated read alouds (3 times) will promote analytic talk –my opinion: fits into what I already do, read once for comprehension or story, again for skills 14
15 ABC Lesson Plan Outline
16 To prepare for session 5: Read: –McGee & Richgels, chapter 4 –Flanigan - Daddy, Daddy... Complete: –Developmental Literacy Observation(s) Prepare: –notes for “Before the lesson” to share with small groups –arrange the date to teach your lesson