THEME: Neighborhoods and Communities English Language Art Treasures Unit 2 Week 3: Coasting to California Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES AcademyDay 3
Writing Genre: Expository Description An expository description is a nonfiction (true) article that gives information about a real person, place, or thing. The writer’s purpose is to describe the subject to give the reader good information. Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES AcademyDay 3 Writing W3.2.2 Write descriptions that use concrete sensory details to present and support unified impressions of people, places, things, or experiences.
Writing Genre: Expository Description For Week 3, we will concentrate on an expository description. We will revise and edit a piece of writing from our Writer’s Notebook to make it better and focused. Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES AcademyDay 3 Writing W3.2.2 Write descriptions that use concrete sensory details to present and support unified impressions of people, places, things, or experiences.
Writing Genre: Expository Description Look at your expository description in your Writer’s Notebook. Find a place where you think you could add more detail using your sense of sight or sound. Next, underline one sentence. Add two more sentences that describe using your sense of sight or sound. Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES AcademyDay 3 Writing W3.2.2 Write descriptions that use concrete sensory details to present and support unified impressions of people, places, things, or experiences.
Writing Skill: Expository Description C onversation – No. Please work quietly. H elp – Raise your hand if you need help. A ctivity – Underline one sentence from your writing and write two more sentences that describe using your sense of sight or sound. M ovement – Stay in your seat. P articipation – I know you are on-task if I see you writing quietly. Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES AcademyDay 3 Writing WA2.1 Develop plot with well chosen details.
Daily Language Activities 1.Many mooses live in maine. 2.Both men and woman like to see them? 3.Even childs think they are neat. Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES AcademyDay 3 Writing LC1.1 Complete Sentences.
Grammar: Irregular Plural Nouns Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES AcademyDay 3 Writing LC3.1.2 Subject and verb agreement. Some nouns have special plural forms. They do not add –s or –es to form a plural. Their spelling may or may not change!
Grammar: Irregular Plural Nouns Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES AcademyDay 3 Writing LC3.1.2 Subject and verb agreement. Regular Singular NounsIrregular Plural Nouns Man Woman Child Mouse Men Women Children mice
Grammar: Irregular Plural Nouns Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES AcademyDay 3 Writing LC3.1.2 Subject and verb agreement. Regular Singular NounsIrregular Plural Nouns Foot Tooth goose Feet Teeth geese
Grammar: Irregular Plural Nouns Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES AcademyDay 3 Writing LC3.1.2 Subject and verb agreement. Regular Singular NounsIrregular Plural Nouns Fish Sheep Deer moose Fish Sheep Deer moose
Coasting to California Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES AcademyDay 3 Oral Language R3.3.1 Distinguish common forms of literature. Focus Question: What are some ways in which people keep their traditional culture alive?
Lesson Vocabulary ImmigrantsCommunitiesEstablishedTraditionalculture Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES AcademyDay 3 Word Study R1.4 Vocabulary – Use antonyms, synonyms to determine meanings. Port Laundry workers Anti- immigration Abolished Pedestrian mall
Word Squares The wordYour own definitions of the world and any related words, synonyms, words with the same base word Simple illustrationNonexamples and antonyms Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES AcademyDay 3 Word Study R1.4 Vocabulary – Use antonyms, synonyms to determine meanings.
Word Squares establishedStarted Founded began Ended Broke up left Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES AcademyDay 3 Word Study R1.4 Vocabulary – Use antonyms, synonyms to determine meanings.
Related Words “ped” – having to do with feet Pedestriancentipedepedal Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES AcademyDay 3 Word Study R3.1.1 Use word families to decode unfamiliar words.
Spelling: Alphabetizing Thread, scratch, spray, spill ______,_______,______,_____ Scrubs, spread, throw, spree ______,______,______,______ Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES AcademyDay 3 Word Study LC3.1.9 Arrange words in alphabetic order.
Coasting to California Genre: Nonfiction Nonfiction articles give information about real people, places, or things. Use the text features, such as pictures and captions, to help you monitor your comprehension. Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES AcademyDay 3 Oral Language R3.3.1 Distinguish common forms of literature.
Strategy: Monitor Comprehension Monitor comprehension means that stop and check to make sure you understand what you just read. Why is it important? Monitor comprehension helps you understand what you read and clarify up confusing parts of the text. Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES AcademyDay 3 Reading R3.2.5 Distinguish main idea and supporting details in expository text.
Skill: Main Idea and Details The main idea is the most important point an author makes about a topic. The main idea is stated in the topic sentence. Details give more information about the main idea. Why is it important? Identifying the main idea and details helps you remember important details. Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES AcademyDay 3 Reading R3.2.5 Distinguish main idea and supporting details in expository text.
Purpose for Reading How did Chinese immigrants succeed despite hard times? Complete the Main Idea Chart in your Practice Book, page 97, as you read. Let’s do another Main Idea chart in our Writer’s Notebook. Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES AcademyDay 3 Reading RC2.0 Reading comprehension.
Return to Predictions and Purposes What were your predictions and purpose for reading? Did you figure out the main ideas and supporting details? What do you know about immigrants today? Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES AcademyDay 3 Reading RC2.0 Reading Comprehension.
Review Reading Strategies Main Ideas and Details Monitor and Clarify: Reread Decoding Self-Selected Strategy Use Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES AcademyDay 3 Reading RC2.0 Reading Comprehension.
Critical Thinking, pg 217 Work in your groups to answer these questions. Be ready to share your answer with the class. Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES AcademyDay 3 Reading RC2.0 Reading Comprehension.
Reread for Fluency: Pronunciation and phrasing Pronounce the words clearly so listeners will understand and enjoy what you are reading. Pause at the commas. Stop at the period. I will listen for your pronunciation and phrasing this week. Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES AcademyDay 3 Oral Language R3.1.3 Read aloud narrative and expository text fluently and accurately.
Reread for Fluency: Pronunciation and phrasing For much of its history, California has attracted Chinese immigrants. Life was often hard for these newcomers. But thanks to their skills and hard work, Chinese immigrants made their mark here. For much of its history, California has attracted Chinese immigrants. Life was often hard for these newcomers. But thanks to their skills and hard work, Chinese immigrants made their mark here. Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES AcademyDay 2 Reading LAS3.1.9 Read prose and poetry aloud with fluency, rhythm, and pace.
Reread for Fluency: Pronunciation and phrasing The discover of gold in 1848 sparked a large wave of immigration. Nearly 500,000 people from around the world rushed to California with dreams of becoming rich. Among the people looking for gold were people from China. By 1851, there were 25,000 Chinese people living in California. The discover of gold in 1848 sparked a large wave of immigration. Nearly 500,000 people from around the world rushed to California with dreams of becoming rich. Among the people looking for gold were people from China. By 1851, there were 25,000 Chinese people living in California. Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES AcademyDay 2 Reading LAS3.1.9 Read prose and poetry aloud with fluency, rhythm, and pace.
Independent Workshop Time (IWT) Students will work independently. By yourself With a partner In a group Or with the teacher. Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES AcademyDay 2 IWT RC1.0 Reading Comprehension
Independent Workshop Time (IWT) Green Go Time DO NOT DISTURB THE TEACHER. When you are done, read a book from inside your desk. Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES AcademyDay 2 IWT RC1.0 Reading Comprehension
Rotation/Independent Workshop Time (IWT) MUST DO Vocabulary, Practice Book, page 95 and 101 Main Ideas and Details, Practice Book pg 96 and 97 Spelling, Practice Book pg 102 and 94 Irregular Plural Nouns, Practice Book page 104 Word Squares, Finish the rest of your word squares from last week. Created by Mrs. Ha Corsentino, YES AcademyDay 3 IWT RC1.0 Reading Comprehension