International Aid Transparency Initiative Some Code of Conducts TAG meeting Brussels, 3 June 2009
Some Code of Conducts 1.The UN Global Compact 2.The International Advocacy NGO Accountability Charter 3.The Code of Conduct for the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and NGOs in Disaster Relief 4.The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative 5.The OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions 6.The Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness 7.The EU code of conduct on Complementarity and Division of Labour in Development Policy
The UN Global Compact 10 principles : a set of core values in the areas of Human Rights, Labour standards, environment and anti-corruption Integrity Measures: –Voluntary initiative –No monitoring/compliance based initiative –Use of the UN/Global Compact logos –Participants to communicate progress yearly. If they fail, they can be listed as non-communicating –In case of a complain, the Global Compact office will not involve itself in any claims of a legal nature
The International Advocacy NGO Accountability Charter 1.Starts with a purpose: common commitment to excellence, transparency and accountability –Identify and define shared principles/policies/practices –Enhance transparency and accountability, internally and externally –Encourage communication –Improve performance and effectiveness as organisations –It is a voluntary charter, which can only complements and supplements existing laws 2.It lists Principles and Standards of accountability and transparency 3.Quick user guide: –Q/A –Products (what do we have to do?) – External/internal –Even propose internal processes (Charter Implementation pla, Working Group and Coordinator)
The Code of Conduct for the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement and NGOs in Disaster Relief 10 moral principles
The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative Principles 12 principles and criteria for implementation, established in 2005 Validation methodology: criteria for implementation: –Regular publication of all payments by companies to governments –Audits available –Payments and revenues are reconciled by a credible, independent administrator –Scope: all companies –Role of CSOs at all levels (design, M&E of the process) –Public, financially sustainable work plan by the host government
The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative 2 Validation Validation: EITI Quality Assurance Mechanism. Two functions: –Promotes dialogue and learning at the country level –Safeguards EITI brand, by holding all EITI countries to the same standard Validation evaluates EITI implementation in consultation with stakeholders, verifies achievements. It can also determine a countrys candidate or compliant status Validation is set out in EITI rules The accredited validator will use three key documents: –The Country work plan –The Validation Grid and Indicator Assessment tools –The Company Forms
The OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions Preamble Article 1: Definition Article 2: Responsibility Article 3: Sanctions Article 4: Jurisdiction Article 5: Enforcement Article 6: Statute of limitations Article 7: Money Laundering Article 8: Accounting
The Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness Statement of Resolve Partnership commitments Indicators of progress
The EU code of conduct on Complementarity and Division of Labour in Development Policy Purpose: Operational principles for EU donors regarding complementarity in Development Cooperation Preamble says: voluntary, flexible and self-policing 11 guiding principles Council conclusions: political statement –14. EC must outline the implementation of the Code in its annual reports in Development Cooperation –15: Follow up and review –16: The Code is a dynamic document that will be reviewed periodically and in any case before 2010 –Reference to PD and various EU instruments in Development Cooperation
So? Some initial findings… Voluntary initiative, which can only complement and supplement existing laws Beyond moral principles – Need of a monitoring/compliance mechanism Clear scope and purpose Reference to PD, AAA and various instruments in Development Cooperation (EU, etc) Criteria for implementation Quick user guide Indicators of progress Validation: Quality Assurance Mechanism The Code is a dynamic document that will be reviewed periodically