Corporate Governance and Administration Conference Jury’s Hotel, Ballsbridge 25 March 2003
“Ensuring Compliance in Your Company” Paul Appleby Director of Corporate Enforcement
Outline of Presentation Role of the ODCE Interaction with Agencies/Professional Bodies Directors’ Duties to ensure Compliance ODCE’s Investigative/Enforcement Role What to do if approached by ODCE
Role of the ODCE Encouraging Compliance Uncovering Company Law Breaches Prosecuting Detected Breaches Sanctioning Improper Conduct in Insolvent Companies Delivering Quality Services
Interaction with Agencies/Bodies (1) Compliance Development of Guidance for Company Directors, Auditors, Liquidators, etc. Promotion of Compliance Message Legislative Change/Implementation
Interaction with Agencies/Bodies (2) Investigation/Enforcement Persons subject to a Reporting Obligation Information-Sharing Arrangements CRO, Courts, DPP’s Office, etc.
Directors’ Duties (1) The Company – a Separate Legal Person General Duties of Directors Act in the Company’s (not Personal) Interest Act with Due Care, Skill and Diligence Defined Legal Obligations/Constraints Disclosure Requirements
Directors’ Duties (2) Company Documents to be kept, updated and made available Register of Members Register of Directors and Secretary Register of Directors’/Secretary’s interests Register of debenture holders Directors’ Service Contracts Minute Books
Directors’ Duties (3) Basic Operational Obligations Keeping proper books of account Holding the annual general meeting (AGM) Circulating to members before every AGM a signed copy of the balance sheet, profit and loss account, director's and auditor's report Holding an extraordinary general meeting when circumstances require
Directors’ Duties (4) General Filing Obligations Change in constitution of company Change in registered office Change of directors/secretary Increase in Nominal/Issued Capital Annual return Mortgages and charges
Directors’ Duties (5) Burden of Proof : Burden with the Prosecutor to prove “knowing and wilful default” Now: Burden with the Defendant to prove that he took “all reasonable steps to prevent” default
Investigative/Enforcement Role (1) Main Triggers for Investigation Auditor Reports of Indictable Offences Liquidator Reports on Insolvent Companies Public Complaints Matters in the Public Domain
Investigative/Enforcement Role (2) Process of Investigation Filtering Assessment Collection of Evidence Decision-Making
Investigative/Enforcement Role (3) Decision Options Voluntary Compliance Insufficient Evidence Civil Remedy Restriction/Disqualification Summary Prosecution Prosecution on Indictment
What to do if contacted by ODCE Don’t Panic! May be no element of culpability Co-operate! Entitled to seek certain registers, etc. Seek professional advice in case of doubt May require search warrant in other cases
Sources of Information www. About the ODCE ODCE Services ODCE Publications/Statements Legislation Court Decisions