Periodical Solutions for Libraries
2 More than 125,000,000 articles from the world’s leading periodicals More than 2,600 of the world’s leading reference books from over 60 publishers Award Winning Platform Most Improved Product Award
3 InfoTrac Solutions DatabasePrimary Focus With over 3,800 full-text titles, from national news magazines and encyclopedias to core business journals, General Reference Center GoldTM has the full-text and image resources students and researchers need. General Reference Center Gold™ features hyperlinks between and even within sources, providing point-and-click navigation to related topics and articles. 1,400 of the most searched magazines across all of InfoTrac. All the titles were selected based on a library patron’s searches. This database also includes audio content with the transcripts from NPR. This innovative Web-based full-text newspaper database allows users to search articles instantly by title, headline, date, newspaper section or other assigned fields. Finally, a one-stop source for the day's news and searchable archives. This collection of more than 1,100 periodicals and 200 reports is a great resource for any educator. Educator's Reference Complete is the perfect complement for any library that utilizes the ERIC database, because it provides full-text results for nearly half of the journal titles found in ERIC.
4 InfoTrac Solutions DatabasePrimary Focus InfoTrac Student Edition offers screened, age-appropriate and reliable content from the magazines, newspapers and reference books that librarians prefer, curriculum demands and students enjoy. Designed for junior high and middle school students, InfoTrac Junior Edition features the titles most critical to their libraries and curriculum. With Junior Edition's diverse perspectives and strong full-text coverage, students will find the answers they need. It features a developmentally appropriate and visual graphic interface, a subject-based topic tree search and full-text, age-appropriate, curriculum- related magazine and reference content for Kindergarten through grade 5. Additional Niche Collections
5 Why Use InfoTrac Why InfoTrac makes a difference InfoTrac makes articles easy to find by a public library patron or student. InfoTrac provides unique content that cannot be found elsewhere. InfoTrac will not frustrate your patrons or students as we provide more full text with the lowest embargo rate than any other aggregator. InfoTrac includes articles, reference content, audio, and video in one easy to use resource. Read speaker provides audio translations of every article. InfoTrac will keep you patrons and students coming back to the subscription databases you invest in.
6 GRC Gold now contains more then 5,000 titles Over 3,800 full text titles (over three times the number available in EBSCO MasterFile Elite) Podcasts, images, video and audio content from many major news agencies More than 55 million articles at a user’s fingertips General Reference Center Gold
7 Collection of the top 1,400 full text magazines searched on across all InfoTrac products Product designed based on usage by library patrons Over 1,371 titles in full text Includes over 600 titles covered in Magazines for Libraries in active, full-text “Popular Magazines”
8 InfoTrac Custom Newspapers allows you to create your own customized collection. Build your collection from more than 1,250 National, International, Regional, State, and local papers. Custom Newspaper Collection
9 Contains more then 1,100 periodicals and academic journals Over 400 full text titles found in ERIC with no embargo More then 200 reports from the US Department of Education Educators Reference Complete
10 Student Databases InfoTrac Student More than 1,000 full-text titles for high school students (twice the number available in EBSCO MAS Ultra) along with great reference titles like Asimov's Chronology of Science & Discovery, Benet's Reader's Encyclopedia of American Literature, the Encyclopedia of American Facts & Dates, Merriam Webster's Geographical Dictionary and many more. InfoTrac Junior More than 330 full-text titles for middle school students along with several reference titles such as the Columbia Encyclopedia, Merriam Webster's Biographical Dictionary and The World Almanac and Book of Facts.
11 Targets the research needs of students in Kindergarten through Grade 5. It features a developmentally appropriate and visual graphic interface, a subject-based topic tree search and full- text, age-appropriate, curriculum-related magazine and reference content. Kids InfoBits
12 Home Improvement Collection From Small Projects to New Construction More than 250 titles How-to-Guides in Color Also covers Interior Design
13 A collection of more than 100 journals 20 subject specific reference sources from Delmar, Cengage Learning, Step by step guides around floral design, landscaping, and floral arrangements More than 2.5 million articles and growing - updated daily! Gardening, Landscape and Horticulture Collection
14 Vocations and Careers Collection A collection of nearly 400 subject specific journals A great resource for finding the right career, searching for a job or enrolling in an appropriate institution of learning or training The perfect tool for advancing in your career through continuing education
15 InfoTrac: Search Features Did You Mean? Also Try Easy access to limiters, full-text, with images, peer reviewed New document display, with easier access to bookmarks and document tools ( , Print, Cite, Share, View PDF) Translate any article into 11 different languages now including Arabic, Russian, and Polish Added web 2.0 sharing functionality Tab configuration Named User login and customization Search alerts and RSS feed export capability Customizable RSS feeds on the home page New Image Gallery New Video Gallery “Browsable” publication search Search within Results Enhanced “Browsable” Subject Guide with topic groupings, as well as “limit by subject” and “limit by document type”
16 PowerSearch Custom Newspapers Popular Magazines PowerSearch gives libraries one simple search for all Gale products in one interface. PowerSearch provides your patrons with access to all the Gale content in your library's collection through one, single search query. The result is that you maximize usage of your Gale databases while patrons enjoy the time saved through a streamlined common user interface. General Reference Center Gold
17 Widgets - free tools to increase usage Gale’s Widgets are simple but powerful tools that generate short HTML code to be placed directly into any page on your web site. Locations that have added a search box or an icon to their site, see an average increase of 100% in usage!
18 PowerSearch – New Homepage: customizable by the user Featured publications, including recently added and titles chosen by librarians. Better, more visible navigation links. More visually appealing home page, giving users more of a “web- like” experience. Named User Support, allowing users to create profiles and save content. Customizable RSS feeds enable the library and users to highlight information important to their communities and interests.
19 Enhanced Search Results Page Web 2.0 sharing functionality, including RSS. Context-sensitive multimedia accompany search results, including images, video and podcasts. Search within results; limit results by subject, publication, document type; date.
20 Easy to refine and limit search results Tabs, with number of results per tab. Easy access to limiters, including “Search Within Results”, full-text and with images “Instant Limiters” allowing users to limit results by Subject, document type, document title to quickly find information. Libraries can choose their default tab. “Reference” has been changed to “Books,” as it is a term more users are familiar with.
21 Enhanced Document Display Web 2.0 sharing tools, including, MySpace, Reddit, Digg, Facebook, Newsvine and more to connect users with their community. Every article is downloadable in MP3 file format. Listen to articles read aloud with ReadSpeaker technology - helps bridge reading gaps and caters to auditory learners. Technology to support a diverse range of languages with on-demand translation of documents - Russian, Arabic and Polish were just added to the existing 8 languages. Article level related subjects links.
22 Search Alerts/RSS Users can generate a Search Alert when viewing results or a Journal Alert when viewing a publication. This service pushes new content to the user via as it is loaded into the database's). Users can also take advantage of Gale’s RSS service, which automatically sends content into their reader or their Homepage
23 Improved Citations Improved citations now include accurate fields and formatting, per latest APA and MLA standards.
24 Did You Mean? “Did You Mean?” offers suggestions when a user misspells a term or phrase. Below, a search on “alcoholizm” brings forth the following suggestions.
25 Also Try “Also Try” feature helps users find better information. Example below suggests “Capital Punishment” when user searches on “death penalty.”
26 Browsing Subjects Simplified browsing through millions of documents by subject, further narrowing capabilities by topic, location and date.
27 Browsing Publications Browse through Gale’s more than 20,000 publications, refining by subject and type. New hover technology allows user to see more details without clicking through. Create Journal Alerts for any publication - choose or RSS feed delivery and customize your home page with publications that meet your research needs.
28 Publication Details Enhanced publication pages, with cover images, more details and easier browsing navigation.
29 More Advanced Searching Options More limiting capabilities, including a controlled-vocabulary browse that allows users to refine their searches with multiple subject terms. Limit by publication, publication subject category, language, reading level and many more options.
30 User Created Profiles Upon executing a search, you have the ability to save your search results to your custom profile. Give your search results a unique name and click on “save” to save the results to your custom profile. Saved Searches appear in your custom profile to facilitate ongoing research and interests.
31 Additional Information To access the instructions on placing the “PowerSearch Box” on your web page, please go to: To receive a weekly notice of the new titles added to the InfoTrac databases, please visit: Click on: Technical Resources Click on: InfoTrac Discussion List Or visit: