BREAKING DOWN THE YEAR In the front page of your interactive notebook I want you to describe what you can find in this one. Make an ACRONYM, Poem, some other device to let your April self what you would need to look over to get ready for the CRCT. Remember, I need another composition book when you get back from break.
GETTING HYPE FOR HISTORY We will look at the standards that will be covered on Benchmark two You will try your hand at helping the class remember a standard Look at a crossword that will help you prepare for your test
SS8H2 – COLONIAL GEORGIA a) Important people like Tomochichi, Mary Musgrove, and Oglethorpe. Also the charter of 1732, reasons for settlement and Savannah b) Trustee Period of GA. Salzburgers, Highland Scots, and Malcontents and Spanish threat from Florida
SS8H2 – COLONIAL GEORGIA c) How Georgia became a royal colony in terms of land ownership, slavery, government and impact of those royal governors (Reynolds, Ellis, and Wright)
SS8H3 – AMERICAN REV. GEORGIA a) French and Indian War (7 years war), Proclamation of 1763, Stamp Act, Intolerable Acts and Declaration of Independence b) Battles like Kettle Creek and siege of Savannah Loyalists vs Patriots, Elijah Clarke, Austin Dabney, Nancy Hart, Button Gwinnett, Lyman Hall, George Walton
SS8H4 – US CONSTITUTION a) Look at the strengths and weakness of the GA constitution of 1777 and articles of Confederation b) The role of Georgia at the constitutional convention of 1787 also Abraham Baldwin and William Few
SS8CG1 – GA CONSTITUTION b) Break down the concepts of Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances in government (pg 76) c) Look at the rights (life liberty and property) and responsibilities (voting, paying taxes, jury, volunteering) of citizens in Georgia
SS8CG2 – LEGISLATIVE BRANCH a) A look at the qualifications, term, election, and duties of the members of the Georgia General Assembly. If you kept up with me it can be found on page 78
SS8CG3 – EXECUTIVE BRANCH a) A look at the qualifications, term, election, and duties of the members of the Governor and Lt. Gov. (78) b) Breakdown the organization of the executive branch focusing on departments like ed. human resources, public safety, trans, and econ. development
SS8CG4 – JUDICIAL BRANCH b) Breakdown the difference between criminal and civil law (Prosecutor vs. Plaintiff) (Jail time vs. Payment) c) … d) Describe ways to avoid trouble and settle disputes peacefully (Think scared Straight)
SEMESTER ONE IS A RAP… Now it is your turn in groups of four, you will get a particular standard You will have the rest of class today and all of class tomorrow to come up with an interesting way to present the information found in that standard