Donor Coordination System in Montenegro Paris 8/2/11
Donor Coordination System in Montenegro Cabinet of Prime Minister is in charge of coordination of donor support in Montenegro Efficient planning, monitoring and reporting, Efficient use of available support, Avoid overlapping, Ensure transparency Information on Establishing a System of Coordination of Donor Support in Montenegro adopted at the Government session end of May 2010 (Cabinet of Deputy Prime Minister) Information on achievements adopted at the Government session in January 2011 (Cabinet of Prime Minister)
Donor Coordination System in Montenegro Main activities related to establishing the system: 1.Setting up donor coordination structure; 2.Data gathering on donor-funded projects implemented by ministries and other government authorities; 3.Establishing coordination mechanisms that will ensure regular exchange of information and planning activities within the Government, but also between the Montenegrin Government and donor community; 4.Establishing a system of regular reporting to the Cabinet of PM on project implementation; 5.Define, develop and use of donor coordination IS.
1. Setting up donor coordination structure -Working Group appointed (all Ministries + PM Cabinet), -WG tasks include: -regular communication with the PM Cabinet, -regular communication with managers responsible for monitoring the implementation of projects / programs of individual donors / agencies, -merging data on projects funded by donor organizations (for ministries and related administrations, offices, agencies and directorates), -informing on funding priorities for the next period. -WG reports to PM, PM Cabinet reports to the Government Donor Coordination System in Montenegro
2. Data gathering on donor-funded projects implemented by ministries and other government authorities –Unified Form for Data Gathering was developed, –WG members are filling the forms for projects implemented by the Ministry and administrations, offices, agencies and directorates in specific sector, –So far more than 180 forms were submitted by the WG members, Donor Coordination System in Montenegro
3. Establishing coordination mechanisms –Regular WG meetings; –Regular submission of data about the ongoing projects in a certain sector; –Quarterly meetings between Working Groups members and representatives of the donor community in Montenegro, –Six months meeting PM and representatives of ministries in order to determine priorities and strategies of international support for the upcoming period and put them on the agenda of regular meetings of PM and donor community; –Six months meetings PM and representatives of the donor community in Montenegro; –Publishing and distributing annual report on the implementation of donor-funded programs/projects. Donor Coordination System in Montenegro
4. Regular reporting to the Cabinet of PM on project implementation -Forms are filled and submitted to the Cabinet of PM as soon as project implementation starts, Donor Coordination System in Montenegro
5. Donor coordination IS 1.Defining elements/information/reports the information system needs to include; 2.Development – programming of the information system; 3.Purchase and installation of the equipment needed for functioning of the information system; 4.Installing and testing the software part of the information system; 5.Training the users to use the information system. -Under development by the MIS WG in cooperation with WG for donor coordination, -Web based application, -Web report available in every moment on the web page and changed every time the change in the system happens, -Open for further upgrading in order to be linked with other segments of the system, Donor Coordination System in Montenegro
Important issues: –Sector donor coordination remains to be main mechanism and of outmost importance, –Regular communication between Project managers and WG members is necessary in order to ensure better linkages with other projects and to avoid overlapping, Information on Establishing a System of Coordination of Donor Support in Montenegro
Next steps: –Continuous data gathering, –IS finalization, –Regular WG meetings, –Regular meetings of WG and managers every three months, –Regular meetings of PM and heads of organizations every six months, –Preparation and publishing of report as of 2011, Donor Coordination System in Montenegro
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