Carol Mehochko Administrator, ELL Services Ext ELAC Training and Review
CELDT report that is sent to parents (January) 3
Number of EL’s (R-30) 8495 For 2013, 8495 EL’s were reported on the R-30 = 29.33% of population
# of EL’s by CELDT Prof Level Source: Retrieved from CompleteSchool mylang101 on 9/27/13
What resources are available for English Learners? Title III -- Federal Funds for grades K-12 (district) Title III Immigrant funds – Federal funds for recent immigrant students (district) Economic Impact Aid - LEP – State funds for K-12 (district/site)
How can schools involve families of English Learners? Communicate in the language parents understand (15% rule) Welcome parents to school and classrooms Provide childcare, when needed Find out how parents would like to participate Schedule meetings at convenient times Advisory English Learner Advisory Committee
What is an ELAC? What are its responsibilities? Where is your school site in this process?
Which schools must have an ELAC? A school site with 21 or more EL’s must have a functioning English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) with parent members elected by parents or guardians of EL’s in the same percentage membership as their children represent in the student body.
What does an ELAC do? Important responsibilities: Important responsibilities: needs assessment Assist in the development of the school’s needs assessment for English learners. language census (R-30) Review language census (R-30) regular school attendance. Make parents aware of the importance of regular school attendance.
What does an ELAC do? Important responsibilities (cont’d): Important responsibilities (cont’d): Single School Plan for Student Achievement Advises the school site council (SSC) on the development of the Single School Plan for Student Achievement school’s program for English learners Advises the principal and staff on the school’s program for English learners
What does an ELAC do? Important responsibilities (cont’d): Important responsibilities (cont’d): The ELAC has the opportunity to elect at least one member of the DELAC or has participated in a proportionate regional representation scheme when there are 51 or more English learners.
According to FPM Reviewers (CDE) on 9/19/11 Advises School Site Council (SSC) on the development of the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Advises principal and staff on the development of SPSA. Advises principal and staff on the school’s programs for EL’s Receives training materials and training to carry out legal responsibilities. (Understanding beyond just receiving a PowerPoint presentation.) Elects District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) representative
What is the DELAC? Districts with more than 51 EL’s enrolled are required to establish a DELAC made up of at least one representative from each site-level ELAC. DELAC meets to improve educational opportunities for EL students. First meeting was on September 11, 2013 Next meeting is on October 16, 2013
training What training do ELAC parents need? Parents receive materials and training appropriate to assist them in carrying out their legal responsibilities as ELAC/DELAC members and consult on the planning of these activities. Parents need to be able to articulate to others what they have been trained.
ELAC Status Functioning ELAC'sDelegated to SSC in Need to Reconvene in Casa LomaGarzaEissler ChavezHarrisStella Hills ChipmanLongfellowMunsey College HeightsMannWilliam Penn ComptonPioneerStiern CurranRooseveltThorner EmersonSequoiaWashington Evergreen Franklin Fremont Harding Hort Jefferson McKinley Mt. Vernon Nichols Noble Owens Int. Owens Pri. Pauly Sierra Voorhies Wayside West Williams
Determine the percentage of English learners in the school and determine preliminary size of the committee. Notify all parents in the school of the initial ELAC meeting. During first meeting, conduct the parent elections. Only parents of English learners may vote. Train members on their roles and responsibilities. ELAC decides to remain a committee. ELAC meets 4-5 times throughout the year ELAC assumes its roles and responsibilities. ELAC elects a member to the DELAC SSC accepts ELAC responsibilities (record in SSC minutes). SSC gets trained on ELAC roles and responsibilities. SSC assumes ELAC roles and responsibilities and meets throughout the year. SSC elects a member to the DELAC. if percent of EL parents on SSC matches percent of EL’s at school site ELAC votes to delegate its duties and responsibilities to the SSC if percent of EL parents on SSC matches percent of EL’s at school site. (record in ELAC minutes). CHART FOR ESTABLISHING AN ELAC
According to FPM Guidelines … if the advisory body meets the criteria in (b) EC 52176[b][c] The school may designate an existing school level advisory committee, or subcommittee of such advisory committee to fulfill the legal responsibilities of ELAC, if the advisory body meets the criteria in (b) EC 52176[b][c]
Group Composition % of Els at site Number of ELL parents Number of other parents Number of Staff Total ELAC membership Actual % of El parent membership 56%411667% 49%312650% 41%422850% 32% % 26%222633% 19%121425% 12%143813% 19 Determine the preliminary size of the advisory committee. Here are some examples of membership:
Resources For resources on ELAC, please visit our website:
Resources For translation requests, please visit:
Things to remember According to the Greene Act, EC Section (c), notice of the meeting and the agenda shall be posted at the school site at least 72 hours before the meeting.
Things to remember In order for a meeting to be official, you must establish a quorum. Quorum is half of your membership plus 1 [i.e. in a group of 10, quorum is 6 (5+1)].
Things to remember Even though meetings are public, be sure that those making motions are members of your ELAC.
Questions? Contact: Tina Mendez at or Carol Mehochko at or