Flow monitoring (Netflow) Status report 12/10/2006 Alessadro Inzerilli - GARR
General subtask info Design and implement of flow monitoring architecture for JRA1; Integration with perfSonar framework; Partners involved: Surfnet (subtask leader- Hans Trompert), CARNet, GARR, Uninett; All working documents (evaluation reports, test bed specification, design docs,..) on wiki: wiki/index.php/Flow_monitoring. wiki/index.php/Flow_monitoring
Status report Netflow existing tools evaluation: Collector: nfdump chosen among other tested tools as netflow collector tool for JRA1 flow monitoring infrastructure implementation; Visualisation/analyser: tools selected for later evaluation: Stager, Nfsen; All evaluation documents on wiki page.
nfdump overview Developed by SWITCH (Peter Haag) ; set of tools to collect and process netflow data; supports all important netflow format versions (v.5, v.7, v.9), supports IPv6; has built-in replaying and anonymization functionalities; has a graphical font-end (Nfsen).
Status report (cont.) Defined overall architecture of flow monitoring infrastructure; Two services in implementation phase: RRD based Netflow MA; Netflow Flow Subscription MA; Third service in design phase: Netflow Selection and Aggregation MA; PerfSonar integration in progress;
Overall architecture (Functional design)
Flow Subscription MA Goal: to implement a Netflow Subscription MA that allows a client to request a live stream of Netflow data that can be processed locally by any standard Netflow collector. Design document on wiki: wiki/images/4/44/JRA1_Netflow_subscription_MA_- _v0.4.pdf wiki/images/4/44/JRA1_Netflow_subscription_MA_- _v0.4.pdf
Flow Subscription MA Functional design
Flow Subscription MA Implementation status Surfnet implemented a working client-server communication model to setup an encrypted, anonymized and custom filtered flow stream; written in Python; plan to integrate the code with the perfSONAR framework (using the Python Ping MP code as an example); first draft of the XML schema's for communication, provided by Martin and Jason, available.
RRD Netflow MA Goal: to implement RRD MA that allows to publish flow-specific information; Metrics published at the moment: flows/sec, packets/sec, bytes/sec; RRD data files provided by Nfsen tool (graphical front-end of Nfdump); Possibility to extend metrics (es. AS matrix, network prefix, protocols).
RRD Netflow MA implementation status CARNet works on two versions of MA Python version Java version Python version of MA available at mon3.srce.hr:8090/ mon3.srce.hr:8090/ Java version soon available at wiki/index.php/RRD_type_MA_Service_Installat ions wiki/index.php/RRD_type_MA_Service_Installat ions
Y3 Action Plan Netflow Subscription MA Implementation of basic functionalities (server/client applications); Integration with perfSonar framework; Netflow RRD MA Implementation of basic functionalities; Client application and LS communication; Implementation of Netflow Selection and Aggregation MA Design; Implementation of RRD MA basic functionalities; Netflow visualization Report on existing tools (Nfsen, Stager); Web based query front-end on top of Netflow Selection and Aggregation MA; Integration with AA infrastructure; Anonymization; Deployment of software on three test bed boxes (Carnet, Garr, Surfnet).