Change through Culture – Culture through Change
Balance All in all 11 million visitors in 2010 Thereof 15 % from abroad events were held in the year, 634 projects Ruhr Museum: visitors Zollverein: 2,2 million visitors
Balance 13,4 % more tourists, 6,5 million overnight stays – City of Essen: 27 % more tourists ( ) More than fans on Facebook – subscribors of the newsletter (500 English version) national media reports, 2510 articles in the international media in 40 countries, 225 hours of TV reports in 200 countries 135 press conferences and 396 press releases
Balance Volunteers Budget RUHR.2010: 62.5 Million Euro Inventments from European funds: 550 Million Euro Sponsoring: 11 million Euros cash, 9 million Euros in kind and personnel services contracts
Balance Overturn of self-interested policy-making Establishing of valuable networks between institutions New self-confidence
Challanges Few projects with the alternative scene Success: Insufficient preparation for many guests, long lines at counters, not enough guided- tours War-period should have been addressed more closely The World of Religion-Exhibition and the Second City-project couldnt take place Loveparade Duisburg
Organisations in Metropolis Ruhr Business Development Metropolis Ruhr Industrial Heritage Trail Ruhr Tourism GmbH RUHR.2010 GmbHKultur Ruhr GmbH NRW Regional Association Ruhr
Perspective IBA Capital of Culture RUHR Urbanity Culture Environment/Climate