Effects of the Industrial Revolution


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Presentation transcript:

Effects of the Industrial Revolution

Negative Effects of Industrial Revolution The cottage industry replaced by factory system Factory conditions were harsh—men competed against women & children Slave trade competed against free workers; Eli Whitney’s cotton gin increased demand for cotton, slave labor

Negative Effects of Industrial Revolution Owners had complete control over workers Women, children provided cheap labor Children were assets on farm, liability in cities

Health and Living Conditions Lower-class workers lived in Tenement homes near the factory; many families lived on 1 floor or same apartment Areas around tenements were known as slums because of high crime, dirty streets, poor workers

Health and Living Conditions Company towns—company owner would build apartment, own grocery, own schools, everything—workers got paid by owners, but had to buy all necessities in the owner’s stores

Health and Living Conditions By 1850, working conditions were so bad that an uprising became possible Led to improvements in cities Public Health Act 1875 forced towns to pave, light, and clean roads; appoint Medical Officer of Health Problems with sewage, water supply, disease, food, housing were examined

Health and Living Conditions Urban conditions improved dramatically: Filters used to purify water Sewers, public baths built Sale of harmful food prohibited Soup kitchens set up to feed unemployed workers Established police force to make slums safer

Medical Improvements Edward Jenner— created first vaccine Louis Pasteur— discovered bacteria & proved that they caused diseases Marie and Pierre Curie—discovered radium and proved it emits energy. Used to develop x-rays

Child Labor 1832—committee set up to investigate child labor in factories; Shocking results 1833—limited 9 hour workday for ages 9-13; 12 hour workday for ages 13-18 1842—kids under 10 years cannot work in underground mines Later acts limited working hours for women and children, made school mandatory, & forced owners to improve safety on machines

Unions As urbanization increased (moving to cities), people discussed & identified similar problems 1700s—unions (clubs with members from same profession) were first formed for several reasons: Get better pay Work shorter hours Better & safer working conditions

Growth of Democracy Labor unions began to grow & gain power; By 1770s, nearly every trade had union & won better conditions 1871—290,000 workers in unions 1914—4,000,000 workers in unions In 1884, Fabian Society formed—promoted good working conditions for workers through education & new laws

Unions 1870s—workers won right to strike (protest & not work) without being blamed for financial losses to company Small unions joined together to form large unions; Eventually included all workers, not just skilled craftsmen

Class Struggles Inequalities of capitalism led to other ideas about economy; Socialism—government controls businesses; no wealthy or poor classes in society Robert Owen—set up “utopian” socialist community based on cooperation

Class Struggles Karl Marx outraged by inequalities of wealth & poor treatment of workers Wrote Communist Manifesto—workers will rise up against owners & wealthy; Set up communism—economic system in which everyone is treated equally, all wealth shared, no need for any government