Visualisation and Analysis of Real Time Application Behaviour in a Simulated Network (!Temporal Databases K. Maciunas) Evan Bourlotos Supervisors Cheryl Pope, Kevin Maciunas
Overview Motivation The Network Simulator - REAL Real Time Applications (Streaming Media) Integration of Simulator and Emulator Project Tasks Project Goals
Motivation Demand for real time applications is increasing Network simulation is the most efficient means of developing and testing new protocols and network schemes Evaluation of the behaviour of real time applications would benefit from an ability to assess the “quality of reproduction” when subjected to a particular network scheme
The Network Simulator - REAL Developed at Cornell University (WHEN???) Originally intended for studying the dynamic behaviour of flow and congestion control schemes in packet-switched data networks. It provides a way of specifying networks and to simulate their behavior.
The Network Simulator - REAL Scenario is developed which is supplied to the simulator, it is composed of : description of network topology, protocols (IP) packet arrival times (workload ) control parameters (eg bandwidth).
Network Scheme Network schemes look like: Node ANode kNode BNode k-1 Packets are generated at Node A destined for Node k They travel through a number of intermediate nodes before arriving at Node k As a packet arrives at each node it is queued and then forwarded on Additional network traffic is also occuring (cross-traffic/congestion) between other nodes within the scheme.
Real Time Applications (Streaming) Deliver/Require a service within a specified time frame –Multimedia streaming is a Real Time Application Source transmits a sequence of packets to a destination at a constant rate (isochronous) Destination receives the packets, following a brief delay begins playing the packets, while continuously receiving new ones.
Integration of Simulator and Emulator
Project Tasks Modify REAL –new Streaming Media Source –new Streaming Media Sink Develop Analyser –extract information about media file Develop Emulator –apply simulation results to media file Analysis of Results
Project Goals Provide a tool to visualise the effects of network behaviour on a streaming media application Make it Extensible Make it Portable