Basic Visual Aids Poster boards and Hand Props
Poster boards – 5 General Rules 1.Appeal 2.Pictures 3.Professionalism 4.Readability 5.Size
Appeal – The number one rule. RULE # 1 – Your visual aid should never speak for you.
Appeal – RULE #2 – The visual aid should never speak louder than you.
Pictures – Bring it into Focus.
Professionalism Avoid clutter: Spelling and Overkill
Johnny Dep
Readability – 20 ft. Rule 10 ft. 1 inch Text Size
Readability - Contrast It is difficult to read text that is TOO close in color to the background color.
Size The size of your visual aid should be large enough to be seen but not so big that you can’t manipulate it.
Hand Props
You don’t need a visual aid for everything… This speech just doesn’t measure up.
Extended Metaphor vs. Factual
Final Tip Food is a “cheap trick” visual aid and should not be used.