MDG Data at Sub-national Level: The Experiences of Cambodia Bangkok, Thailand, 14-16 January 2009 MDG Monitoring Workshop Lay Chhan National Institute.


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Presentation transcript:

MDG Data at Sub-national Level: The Experiences of Cambodia Bangkok, Thailand, January 2009 MDG Monitoring Workshop Lay Chhan National Institute of Statistics (NIS) Cambodia

MDG Monitoring Workshop, Jan 2009, BKK, Tahiland 2 Outline Background Objective Key Data Sources for MDG Monitoring Challenges

MDG Monitoring Workshop, Jan 2009, BKK, Tahiland 3 Background Cambodia adapted global MDGs in September 2000 and localized in 2003 with a comprehensive consultation have been made through “National Poverty Forum”, including public sector, private sector, civil society and other international organizations CMDGs sets a clear target base periodic of every five year 2005 and In addition to 48 global indicators, over 100 CMDG indicators are included Sub-national and gender-based coverage have been identifies for MDG monitoring

MDG Monitoring Workshop, Jan 2009, BKK, Tahiland 4 Objective Identify specific target population to allow for policy decision-making and programming Allow government and development partners to identify budget allocation and package programs Encourage local base civil society organizations engagement and development

MDG Monitoring Workshop, Jan 2009, BKK, Tahiland 5 Administrative records Health Information System (HIS) Education Management Information System (EMIS) Commune Database System (CDBS) etc.Census Population Census Key data sources for MDG at sub- national level (1)

MDG Monitoring Workshop, Jan 2009, BKK, Tahiland 6 National sample surveys Cambodia Socio-Economic Survey (CSES) Cambodia Demographic and Health Survey (CDHS) Cambodia Inter-Censal Population Survey (CIPS) Labor Force Survey of Cambodia (LFS) Ad hoc surveys HIV Sentinel Surveillance (HSS) Behavioral Sentinel Surveillance (BSS) STI Sentinel Surveillance (SSS) Key data sources for MDG at sub- national level (2)

Example 1: HIS (MCH, TB, Malaria) Provincial Level Data availability - Immunization register - Birth spacing register - Delivery register - Laboratory register - - Hospitalization register - - TB survey - - etc. MOH/DPHI(HIS) Provincial Health Department Operational District Office Referral Hospital Health Center Health Post District Level National Level Data availability - Immunization register - Birth spacing register - Delivery register - Laboratory register - - Hospitalization register - - TB survey - - etc.

MDG Monitoring Workshop, Jan 2009, BKK, Tahiland 8 Data items collected through the school census Primary Secondary Tertiary/technical and vocational training Administrative units classification included School mapping School cluster Province District Area classification Urban Rural Remote Gender and age group Disadvantage group Disabled students Migrant family/pro-poor family Orphan Example 2: EMIS (Primary and secondary enrollment )

MDG Monitoring Workshop, Jan 2009, BKK, Tahiland 9 Example 3: Commune Database System Commune database system Nationwide coverage, totally 1,621 communes Contains basic socio-economic data collected at village level, for example: Data on birth, infant mortality and death; Family planning, maternal and child health; Water and sanitation; Labor force and employment; and Other related basic information for most MDG indicators Database is managed by Provincial Department of Planning and Statistics

MDG Monitoring Workshop, Jan 2009, BKK, Tahiland 10 CSES was conducted since 1993/94 by National Institute of Statistics, which is a large scale sample survey with a regular basis of every five year CSES (a light scale survey) is conducted annually from 2007 CSES contains a lot of data for most MDG indicators and allows the represent of data by provinces and regions and population sub-groups: Ecological zone/group of provinces (Plain, Tonle Sap lake, Coastal and Mountain and Forest ) Type of area (Phnom Penh, Urban and Rural) Provinces/municipalities Socio-economic groups (gender, ethnicity, income groups, etc.) Example 4: Cambodia Socio- Economic Survey (CSES)

MDG Monitoring Workshop, Jan 2009, BKK, Tahiland 11 Within this system, the National Center for HIV/AIDS, Dermatology and STDs (NCHADS) play a leading role in conducting of three surveys that are repeated on a regular basis (HSS, BSS and SSS) to monitor HIV/AIDS in Cambodia: Data such as HIV prevalence, condom use and access to prevention programs were grouping as follow: Sector (urban/rural) Gender and age group At most risk population groups (MSM, IDU and direct and indirect female sex workers ) At risk population groups (Military, Police and Motor- taxi drivers) Pregnant women attending ANC Example 5: National Surveillance System (HIV/AIDS & STDs)

MDG Monitoring Workshop, Jan 2009, BKK, Tahiland 12 Key challenges Lack of data for most indicators at sub-national level Lack of capability/statistical literacy at local level, even as the sufficient of facilities Limitation of quality control of data at sub- national level (data timeliness and data availability) Lack of donors support/project-base local statistical units

MDG Monitoring Workshop, Jan 2009, BKK, Tahiland 13 Thank you very much for your attention!