Who am I ? Name: Vivath CHOU Place of work: Phnom Penh, Cambodia (HI-Fe) Current position: Project Manager and Health Technical Coordinator Academic background:


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Presentation transcript:

Who am I ? Name: Vivath CHOU Place of work: Phnom Penh, Cambodia (HI-Fe) Current position: Project Manager and Health Technical Coordinator Academic background: –Medical doctor and –Master Degree in Public Health Last two positions occupied: –Physical Rehabilitation Project Manager –Health Project Manager The reason for you to attend the seminar: To gain knowledge from other projects related to MNCH and disability as it is one of the objectives of our program strategy MNCH SEMINAR VIENTIANE, May 23-27, 2011

What are your major experiences in relation to Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health ? I hove not major experiences on this issue, only the general experiences in working with health staff and village health volunteer on the main following: –Nutrition project for pregnant women, breastfeeding women and children under 5 through food provision, awareness raising and training to health workers –Early detection for Clubfoot through awareness raising and training to health worker

MNCH SEMINAR VIENTIANE, May 23-27, 2011 To which question do you expect this seminar to answer: 1.What are the components of MNCH will we focus at this workshop? 2.What and how do we do to mainstream disability into MNCH services? And what are the challenges and lesson learnt from doing this? 3.What can we propose as a minimum package of prevention and care that can be delivered at community health centre level in terms of screening for maternal impairment and neo natal impairment? What are the additional aspects we need to consider ie capacity development and screening tools; access to screening; provision of intervention to address impairments identified – any good practice examples?

MNCH SEMINAR VIENTIANE, May 23-27, 2011 To which question do you expect this seminar to answer: 1.What are the major problems on maternal, neonatal impairment and how to manage that? Are there any examples of rehabilitation for maternal impairment eg incontinence – preventative and ‘curative’ from community level. 2.Child development is linked to interrelationships between social/emotional, language/intellectual and movement/sensory development. Do you have any examples of projects that have used a holistic approach for early child development? 3.What are the difficulties met by other countries on referral of persons with disabilities to health services for rehabilitation when this service is not available at the hospital?