W ELCOME AND I NTRODUCTIONS Welcome and many thanks Introductions VITA site staff Volunteers Lets get to know each other activity!
W HAT IS E ARN I T ! K EEP I T ! S AVE I T ! EKS is a coalition, led by the United Way of the Bay Area, comprised of over 200 partners offering free tax preparation services throughout 7 counties in the Bay Area Last year, the coalition prepared over 68,000 taxes for low-income taxpayers This colossal collaboration is only successful because you signed up to volunteer!
W HAT ’ S IN IT FOR YOU AND WHY THIS WORK MATTERS You will gain first hand knowledge of our tax code and learn how to prepare a tax return You will have a direct impact in the community you are volunteering in and with each household you help You are one of thousands of volunteers across the country doing this work You are helping bring back thousands of dollars into our local economy! Here at VITA SITE NAME HERE we hope to prepare XXX returns in 2014 with your help! That’s XXX households!
[ VITA SITE NAME ] - L OGISTICS What we do here Volunteering at VITA SITE NAME HERE How do I sign up for shifts? What if I can’t make my shift? Online signup and communication on EKS website Facilities Restrooms Hours of operation
V OLUNTEER S UPPORT You are an integral part of our VITA site, but you are never on your own! Here are resources that you can depend on: Earn It! Keep It! Save It! Website: o Manage your volunteer schedule o Contact your Site Coordinator o Learn more about taxes and those burning questions you may have o Interact with fellow volunteers Site Coordinator and experienced volunteers
M ATERIALS AT THE T AX S ITE Materials that can be found at each volunteer station: o 4012 – Resource Guide (Spiral Bound) bring with you to the site every week!! o Pub. 17 – Reference Material o Form C – Intake/Interview Sheet o 1040 Instructions o California Volunteer Manual Other resources: For VITA Volunteers: VITA Hotline – (800) TaxWise Hotline – (800) Can find them on the back of 4012 Do not give these numbers to taxpayers! For taxpayers’ use: General IRS Tax Information – (800) Where’s My Refund? – (800) or online at
P OSITIONS AT OUR SITE : o Site Coordinator o Tax Preparer o Screener o Greeter o Quality Reviewer
[V ITA SITE NAME ] CLIENT FLOW o Greeting and intake Interview video o Screening for eligibility o Tax preparation o Quality review o Reviewing the return with the client o Finishing up a return
W HAT RETURNS CAN I PREPARE ? In-Scope Chart in 4012 You can only prepare returns that are in scope for your certification level To save time, screen all returns before getting to the tax preparation stage Use your Site Coordinator as a resource Can refer taxpayers to other sites AARP sites are certified at the advanced level DO NOT TRY TO PREPARE A RETURN THAT YOU ARE NOT CERTIFIED TO PREPARE – YOU ARE NOT DOING THE TAXPAYER ANY FAVORS IF YOU PREPARE A RETURN INCORRECTLY!
S PECIAL P OPULATIONS ITINS- Individual Taxpayer Identification Number What is an ITIN? What can I expect? CAA- referral process Taxpayers with disabilities Accommodations for taxpayers with disabilities
P ROFESSIONALISM AND C ONFIDENTIALITY Dress code and name badges Adherence to Title VI Review Standards of Conduct Form 13615: Volunteer Agreement Certification Volunteer Protection Act of 1997